Vince DiCola
I've been talked into doing the Nightfall with a level 27. Eek
Last call for Gorgon CP (hard). Leaving in about 5.
yeah, PSN Darknyss. join quick!still there?
yeah, PSN Darknyss. join quick!
Three Level 32 Characters Complete!
All characters (one of each class) are now Level 32 with great stats. Titan has every stat between 65-75%. Hunter has 80% Intellect, 87% Discipline and 28% strength. Warlock has 91% Intellect, 25% Discipline and 80% Strength.
The only things I need from the normal raid are the class item for Hunters and the helmet for my Warlock and Hunter (I only have the Titan one). I have all the weapons as of two weeks ago.
Here they are in all their glory! Come on hard mode Crota's End!
Posting for the new thread and I am bored at work =
Was helping a friend on NF, when I killed sepiks ... he disconnected.
I've found something rarer than the Gjallarhorn and Hawkmoon today...
Atheon checkpoint
Every Crota clear on my main after clearing for the first time in December has only ever netted me 2 shards or 2 energy. 4th week in a row now.
Need one more for Nightfall. Almost at the walker. PSN jayforone JOIN NOW!!
awwwww... that sucks manMaybe you can help me when I get home though
oooo! would you mind possible sharing that good sir?
yeah, PSN Darknyss. join quick!
That's it.
I'm buying a Vita.
You need a clone guardian. I'm about to create another titan (who looks exactly the same) just so I can have an extra roll each week because of BS like this.
Need one more for Nightfall. Almost at the walker. PSN jayforone JOIN NOW!!
That Red Hand would be my choice.
Higher impact , Feeding Frenzy and Send It.
Third Eye is cool, but I prefer reloading vs. seeing the radar while ADS. Red Hand will be able to one shot level 32 enemies which makes a world of difference.
yeah, PSN Darknyss. join quick!
OK last one. Need two for Nightfall (or invite to existing). PSN rNilla.
awwwww... that sucks manMaybe you can help me when I get home though
Three Level 32 Characters Complete!
All characters (one of each class) are now Level 32 with great stats. Titan has every stat between 65-75%. Hunter has 80% Intellect, 87% Discipline and 28% strength. Warlock has 91% Intellect, 25% Discipline and 80% Strength.
The only things I need from the normal raid are the class item for Hunters and the helmet for my Warlock and Hunter (I only have the Titan one). I have all the weapons as of two weeks ago.
Here they are in all their glory! Come on hard mode Crota's End!
Posting for the new thread and I am bored at work =
Nightfall spoils:
10 shards
*Number two. But I don't have a Gjally, so don't get salty, heh.
Nightfall spoils:
10 shards
*Number two. But I don't have a Gjally, so don't get salty, heh.
3 Nightfalls when I get off of work. I'm always so hopefully on Tuesdays. I need, no deserve, a gjallerhorn. I've waited patiently for so long.
it'll change your life.
The IB buff lasts 12 hours.. can you buy it again once it expires? How does it work exactly?
You can buy it as many times as you want. Maximum once every 12 hours.The IB buff lasts 12 hours.. can you buy it again once it expires? How does it work exactly?
Good timing :]Mindlog and xplicitone are you online? Everyone else seems to be here
I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who wants 3 of every desirable weapon. Some guy last week got another hawkmoon but immediately sharded it, saying that while he loves the gun, he already has one. Simply being able to keep one on each of my characters, without the need to go to the Tower, is fantastic. It's why I have 3 Suros, 3 Truths, 3 Thunderlords, etc.
I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who wants 3 of every desirable weapon. Some guy last week got another hawkmoon but immediately sharded it, saying that while he loves the gun, he already has one. Simply being able to keep one on each of my characters, without the need to go to the Tower, is fantastic. It's why I have 3 Suros, 3 Truths, 3 Thunderlords, etc.
I have so much salt that it's hard for me to be happy for people when they actually do get exactly what they want :/ It's bad, I know.
In that you will have 200 less dollars and a paper weight.
Deal, I'll help both of you at the same time!
Around 3:30?
and be a terrible teammate because you now suck at shooting
If you drink your school, stay in sleep, dont do milk, and get eight hours of drugs you can get work! I mean a Gjallarhorn!