Deflating Crota's Balls HM Run:
Join in guys
1. Lnkn52
2. DJ Lushious
3. death4romabove22
Hzoltan969. Lvl 32 hunter
Deflating Crota's Balls HM Run:
Join in guys
1. Lnkn52
2. DJ Lushious
3. death4romabove22
Deflating Crota's Balls HM Run:
Join in guys
1. Lnkn52
2. DJ Lushious
3. death4romabove22
Deflating Crota's Balls HM Run:
Join in guys
1. Lnkn52
2. DJ Lushious
3. death4romabove22
Trying to form VoG HM raid
Crota DOWN!
noomi85, rubenov, messiek, captain_smirk, snuggins, mr_nick
Did you guys watch this? (thanks BreakJohn)
I'd be down for a hard mode VOG later.. have never ran it hard fully. I have been up to the Templar in hard mode.
Crota DOWN!
noomi85, rubenov, messiek, captain_smirk, snuggins, mr_nick
lol, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
of course it, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
lol, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
lol, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
Says page is not found.
Nice man! Glad you got that monkey off your back!
Hoping to try and have a go at him myself tomorrow. Been a busy week/took a destiny break so haven't had time to best him yet.
Crota DOWN!
noomi85, rubenov, messiek, captain_smirk, snuggins, mr_nick
Hawkian where art thou?
Let's get this thread to 400 before 4am EST when Xur arrives! For the Hawkian!
Stick with Huey Lewis & The News and go for "I Want a New Drug."i need a new song to play for my fireteam when Crota finally dies. For VoG hard mode, of course, i play Back In Time by Huey Lewis & the News every time. Any suggestions?
Rapidly always meant that sadly. Remember the text change to the Cleansing Light (?) bounty - the one where you kill 3 enemies or more with super. It was always suppose to suggest that, but it's still more confusing than saying in quick succession :lolSMH
For fucking real bungie?
Perk actually says rapidly too btw, not successive. Misleading perk text ftw.
haha, thanks man, feel so much better now lol.
we have a great strat now too, ogres be no issue after this.
All it now takes to top off the shitshow that is The Dark Below is Necrochasm being utter crap.
Rapidly always meant that sadly. Remember the text change to the Cleansing Light (?) bounty - the one where you kill 3 enemies or more with super. It was always suppose to suggest that, but it's still more confusing than saying in quick succession :lol
Haha I can imagine! What strat did you use?
I might have to light the batsignal for some GAF Guardians to help, depending if I can get my crew together.
Hawkian where art thou?
Let's get this thread to 400 before 4am EST when Xur arrives! For the Hawkian!
Where's the solo Crota fight in HM? Destiny community is letting me down.
lol, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
I'll be on. I'm no quitter. I will play hard raid every single day until I figure out a way to beat it.
Did you read Hawkians last post last night?
Ofcourse not. What do you think we're for?Does Bungie playtest this shit? First Black Hammer now this?
lol, Hive Disruptor breaks Phantom Gift perk on Word of Crota.
Quoted for new page.I've got a hm crota cp. Anyone want in? Ps4 j_rocca42
Thought it was 8.
Might be on around then.
Wtf after hive Disruptor broke white nail they didn't stop to think about Phantom Gift for 2 seconds?
Did you read Hawkians last post last night?