i do not approve of this team name
You need to have Eidolon Ally equipped.![]()
It could be something like the hidden templar chest in VoG.
Think of the children with that name.CROOOOOTTAAAAA IS FKN DEAD!!!!
Still better than Team Husk.i do not approve of this team name
Just need one more for a CE normal mode run starting ASAP. PSN: lunlunqq
I can't believe that Hawkian has stepped down as OT maker. The end of an era.
Bungie: Lol look at all those fools going for that fools gold. We'll have them hooked just in time for the next DLC. Muhahahaha
Number 5 can't be right. There is no way its going to be good. Not even near god tier mythoclast pre Nerf.
Has anyone tried using it on the Boomers in HM, does the solar flare keep them from shooting at the Swordcarrier?
I don't think thats confirmed yet. I will gladly take the position though if someone has to take his place and doesn't mind it being me. Please don't step down though hawkian.
Crux is for that one weapon right? If it fires anything like the legendary version, I see nothing desirable about another assault rifle hose
Congrats to
Cybrwzrd - Hunter
XpLiCiTOnE - Warlock
HidingMyThunder - Hunter
Hibano23 - Titan
EroticSushi - Hunter
rarbusto (myself) - Hunter
For beating Crota on a hail mary chance! Will upload video soon but basically our swordbearer died and Titan shielder had to pick it up during enrage to kill Crota. Took our group a total of 3 1/2 hours over two nights to get it done. Nice work!
I think as a group we got Fang, Word, Hawkmoon, and some raid gear (helmet to complete my hunter set).
Poor Xbox people
Math, you may want to sit down for thisPoor Xbox people
I can't believe that Hawkian has stepped down as OT maker. The end of an era.
It's not PS exclusive.
It's late.Math, you may want to sit down for this
Congrats to
Cybrwzrd - Hunter
XpLiCiTOnE - Warlock
HidingMyThunder - Hunter
Hibano23 - Titan
EroticSushi - Hunter
rarbusto (myself) - Hunter
For beating Crota on a hail mary chance! Will upload video soon but basically our swordbearer died and Titan shielder had to pick it up during enrage to kill Crota. Took our group a total of 3 1/2 hours over two nights to get it done. Nice work!
I think as a group we got Fang, Word, Hawkmoon, and some raid gear (helmet to complete my hunter set).
I will put you on the list as an alt if you don't mind. If in 30 mins we still have found a 6th, I will contact you.
HeavyAnal Truth
You still playing BF4? Might pick it up if I see it on sale sometime.
I don't think anyone wants him to stop being our OT lead.
I understand he wasn't feeling the frustration that was going on here. But he always brings us back down to Earth.
Good kill guys. That last part got my heart racing like crazy thinking we weren't going to make it.Congrats to
Cybrwzrd - Hunter
XpLiCiTOnE - Warlock
HidingMyThunder - Hunter
Hibano23 - Titan
EroticSushi - Hunter
rarbusto (myself) - Hunter
For beating Crota on a hail mary chance! Will upload video soon but basically our swordbearer died and Titan shielder had to pick it up during enrage to kill Crota. Took our group a total of 3 1/2 hours over two nights to get it done. Nice work!
I think as a group we got Fang, Word, Hawkmoon, and some raid gear (helmet to complete my hunter set).
Crux is for that one weapon right? If it fires anything like the legendary version, I see nothing desirable about another assault rifle hose
Someone found itXD
Someone found itXD
Good kill guys. That last part got my heart racing like crazy thinking we weren't going to make it.
Yeah we JUST did. First kill for us.Has anyone on Xbox beat Crota on here yet? In need of a 32 Titan to try and beat him.
Good kill guys. That last part got my heart racing like crazy thinking we weren't going to make it.
I loved getting my third raid helmet.CROOOOOTTAAAAA IS FKN DEAD!!!!
Thanks for the excellent Crota run guys. Got my second Crota kill as swordbearer, a Monte Carlo, and a much needed Hunger of Crota. Sounds like it was a pretty fruitful run for the group!
I am actually saddened Hawk is not making the next OT.
Ohhh that gif. *swoon*
The crota kill gif lol
Good to know I was in one of your final fireteams that broke you :x hope you move on to greener pastures (better games)After playing around 350 hours, I think my team and myself are going to stop playing Destiny. We enjoyed a lot of that hours, but after the first weeks when we began to discover the almost inexistent story, lore, characters, the enormous lack of content and the excessive grind to do everything, a few friends called it off. Then we keep playing five friends, even we purchased the expansion pass, hoping that TDB (And HOW) would bring more or less new content.
Then TDB came out, and we found that only a few parts of the ¿¡three!? story missions and the two strikes (PS4 here) were new, the rest were reused assets. And the new vendor was another grind. Anyway the core gameplay was fun, so we keep playing, even we leveled a few alts, and we did our VoG 30 and CE weekly runs. But now the grind and repetition is beginning to wear, CE 33 is a joke (and at least in my case was my last chance for Bungie for show something decent in terms of design) and the RNG of this game is terrible, only two of the five of the crew have Gjarhorns, and they have received it at least two times. Same with other weapons and exotics in general.
So what now? I don't know if we will try to get the Platinum, or try a bit CE 33, but at least myself (who usually is the person that organizes the raids and gets everyone together) I'm going to stop playing, or at least no so much. Maybe helping some friends with the Nightfall, if they miss someone for a raid, but nothing more (I'm not going to organize more raids, that for sure, nor keeping leveled the alters). No more doing the same bounties again and again, and grinding like a bitch to level some equipment. Also I love to explore in my games, and I'm bored to tears to go the same places again and again for the 20th time. And also I'm very disappointed with Bungie.
About the last part, is specially a salty wound. Never had a Xbox or X360, but played a lot of the Halo games (SP and MP) in a friends house, and it was pretty good. When Destiny was announced I couldn't stop telling my friends how amazing was Bungie and how Destiny was going to rock (even I got a friend to buy a PS4 for this game). Then we got what we got, and even then I keep my faith in Bungie, and I hope that TDB would bring at least entire new missions and Strikes. And we got a lot of refurbished shit (minus the raid). That was the final straw.
TL;dr I was dissapointed with the game, but it was fun to play and enjoy with the friends (and I had hopes with TDB). Then TDB came out, it was very dissapointing, but I keep playing because of my friends, but the grind has wear me, and CE 33 extremely lazy design has opened my eyes, and I'm going to stop playing the game.
I would post the hawk alert but I really need to sleep. Goodnight
rolling eyes so hard right nowThat stupid camera shake made aim ghorn so difficult. Was nervous I missed my dps when our group was seconds away.
I would post the hawk alert but I really need to sleep. Goodnight