Patience and Time or Thunderlord. Patience and Time or Thunderlord...
I can't decide.
Patience and Time.
Too many things shooting Arc on this nightfall. You will want to keep your distance.
Patience and Time or Thunderlord. Patience and Time or Thunderlord...
I can't decide.
Ah yeah that was going to be my next question. Vanguard marks are pretty easy to obtain and so is ranking them up. Nightfalls, weeklies, bounties, etc... I suppose if you rarely play on that character that'll be tough though.
Still trying to make this Iron Banner Train of Lush and Power and Glory more than just the engine and a caboose. So far it's me and Bitofadrizzle rolling through Guardians!
PSN: DJ_Lushious
This is correct. Vendor version beats P&T in impact and reload, and doesn't take up that coveted exotic spot that Thunderlord rightly deserves.LDR 5001 and Thunderlord. P&T isnt that good.
This is best comboLDR 5001 and Thunderlord. P&T isnt that good.
So my Titan alt is 28. DESPERATELY needs a legendary chest so I plan on taking him through IB instead of my main. I do have some decent weapons he can use (maxed Thorn, Secret Handshake, Corrective Measure, Icebeaker, Ghallarhorn) but is he going to get wrecked?
First one for me since I got the Fatebringer. Can't wait to try it out.
Any 26's here given it a go in the Iron Banner? My Hunter could use the gear but not sure if he's too low of a level.
How much of a level gap before other players show as "??"
#DatAddictionSorry I couldn't join you this morning - I had to leave for work. Of course, after I said that to you, I played a game or 3 more and ended up an hour late to work. ahh. Will play later tonight.
Any 26's here given it a go in the Iron Banner? My Hunter could use the gear but not sure if he's too low of a level.
How much of a level gap before other players show as "??"
Any 26's here given it a go in the Iron Banner? My Hunter could use the gear but not sure if he's too low of a level.
How much of a level gap before other players show as "??"
I was on as a 32, and there was this one guy who was level 26 and doing very well. If we went head to head I'd just thump him, but he just played smart and was always near top of leaderboard.
bungie , drop me a gjallarhorn today please
This just motivated me to live. I'll give it a couple rounds and eject if I'm seeing red lolYou are already dead.
That makes no sense. Bungie not promising what IB is all about. A 26 should not be doing well.
That makes no sense. Bungie not promising what IB is all about. A 26 should not be doing well.
This just motivated me to live. I'll give it a couple rounds and eject if I'm seeing red lol
Xbox One Guardian here.
Gamertag is Truelize
I like long walks on Mars looking for Relic Iron, farming Black Wax Idols underground in the beautiful brown Russian wastelands and just can't get enough of shooting stuff in the face parts.
Add me to play Nightfalls, Weeklies, Raids and Dailies.
That makes no sense. Bungie not promising what IB is all about. A 26 should not be doing well.
Yeah, they should see ???. I think we were all blinded by the level 30 gear back when they said IB was fixed and power matters.
Patience and Time.
Too many things shooting Arc on this nightfall. You will want to keep your distance.
P&T fo dat stealf
I'm using Thunderlordbecause I don't have Patience and Time.
LDR 5001 and Thunderlord. P&T isnt that good.
Thunderlord, PnT (Tank) then back to Thunderlord. You're welcome
Weapon dammy does not make up for a lack of skill/poor team coordination. A couple threads ago I posted a 16-kill streak I got during last IB when I was at level 25.
That makes no sense. Bungie not promising what IB is all about. A 26 should not be doing well.
Weapon damage does not make up for a lack of skill/poor team coordination. A couple threads ago I posted a 16-kill streak I got during last IB when I was at level 25.
Iron Banner is not that much different from Crucible.
A skilled 26 > a crappy 31
Not everyone is 31 or 32 though. Definitely players in the 20s in there.
Only the useless class item.What armor piece can you get from death singers?
Thunderlord.Patience and Time or Thunderlord. Patience and Time or Thunderlord...
I can't decide.
IB 2.0 was supposed to fix that. Even DeeJ posted an image of a red ?? high level guy against a low level.
But can a 26 even do dmg on a "??" player? In PVE it shows as "Immune"
I don't think any team coordination matters against low levels. Your 25 guy should be doing no dmg to anyone 30+. I would like to know if mid-20's can still do dmg to a 32. If they do then IB is still nerfed for the masses.
That was a fake image. That doesn't happen in the real game.
I'm at the 3 wave part of the nightfall if anyone wants to jump in. PSN Daraman
mid-20's can't do shit to anyone in 30. If someone is too high of a level for you, their level shows up as "??". If you're a sub-30, It's about picking your targets.
mid-20's can't do shit to anyone in 30. If someone is too high of a level for you, their level shows up as "??". If you're a sub-30, It's about picking your targets.
That makes sense and was always ridiculous but I'll admit I used to leave and come back on stupid nightfalls like last weeks so I'm not one to point fingers.So does this mean no more switching out for low level alts at the end? That sucks
System and difficulty would help.anybody running the VOG ?
Have you actually seen the "??" or are you basing that off the Weekly Update image?
I will reiterate. In IB, if your guy sees red ??, the high level guy should be IMMUNE just like you would see that in PVE. That was the whole point. It doesn't matter if the low level guy has better skill or not. He shouldn't even bee doing any dmg to a 30+. It shouldn't be like regular Crucible, that was the promise.
Use an arc LDR.
I've played IB when I got to 20, I've seen the "??" of death plenty of times.