How long you thinking to game time? I'm not in a rush![]()
5 minutes or so, but we might not have 6 is my point, whereas the other group just needs a couple.
How long you thinking to game time? I'm not in a rush![]()
Hell yeah lol last night on each of our Normal runs we had 3 dudes running sword from our group that had never ran it before...with minimal instructions. Shit was hilarious. They would die to some funny stuff, no problem...pop oversoul, pick them up and keep rolling for them to still get the kill. No stress. We wouldn't even grab chalice, unless they reallly needed it lolNah on normal it's all about that triple down and killing him with the first sword. Easy 60 second fight. It's so funny how you can send one 32 to the boomer tower on normal with a high impact sniper and he can just one shot the boomers as they come out of the door. I like the total weird stuff you can do on normal cause it is so ridiculously easy.
Looking to start a CE run? I'd be down.5 minutes or so, but we might not have 6 is my point, whereas the other group just needs a couple.
Looking to start a CE run? I'd be down.
a_javierp on PSN, I can be there in 5 mins
Did 3 HM CE last night and didn't get one exotic drop just Fang, word and Helmet. Ship and Sparrow. Still need to do two more deathsingers and 3 x Gargon CP. There is still hope, I think.
Whenever I'm not doing anything in this game, I love sitting by Kadi 55-30 (the postmaster) and just listening to her babble.
"Message for Shaxx, message for Shaxx. Oh dear. He hits."
"Full of rocks? Books. Books for the Titans. Too Heavy."
Message for Xûr - who's Xûr?Whenever I'm not doing anything in this game, I love sitting by Kadi 55-30 (the postmaster) and just listening to her babble.
"Message for Shaxx, message for Shaxx. Oh dear. He hits."
"Full of rocks? Books. Books for the Titans. Too Heavy."
What part of the raid is Song of Ir Yut even useful on? Deathsinger? You should be ignoring all the Knights until she's dead anyway and after that you literally have all the time in the fucking world (or until you get booted).
Hell yeah lol last night on each of our Normal runs we had 3 dudes running sword from our group that had never ran it before...with minimal instructions. Shit was hilarious. They would die to some funny stuff, no problem...pop oversoul, pick them up and keep rolling for them to still get the kill. No stress. We wouldn't even grab chalice, unless they reallly needed it lol
The Horn would sit it out. Straight Dragons Breath. Amazing how easy it's become.
So Combo + R2 does more damage than R2 x 3? That doesn't seem right.
EDIT: I did the math wrong. Fuck this, why am I in a spreadsheet? This is not why I play this game.
If you look up, you can toss a solar grenade or use AP rounds to aggro the wizards out OR just run in and run out to bring the wizards out. 3 go left and 3 go right. Hang out in the towers and kill the wizards. 1 or 2 person can run in and shoot rockets at the shrieker on each side. Now depending on the locations of the bullet sponges adds, everyone go to the opposite side of them. They tend to hand out on the left side from what I notices the most. The deathsinger tends to move around alot, but once she starts singing/ the countdown timer begins, she will stop moving and take more damage. DPS her then trash duties![]()
If you have blinding bubbles, pop them by the entrances to the crystal room. That will help push back some of the adds as well.
No, 2 combos does more damage than R2 x3. If you time it right, you can even get 2 combos + R2 in for 69,307 damage.
1 combo does 27,003 damage. 7,201 + 7,201 + 12,601.
Thanks, we got covered the wizards part, but when we get rid of the shriekers on each side that's when everything goes to hell. We run to the crystal room and mostly everybody gets killed. Didn't know that part of checking which side have less adds. Will definatelly try some of your tips tonight. Thanks again !
Yeah thanks I figured it out. Part of me wants to try for Combo x 2 + R2 to kill Crota in two swords but I'd need to practice that on Normal first. And continue playing Hard.
Thanks, we got covered the wizards part, but when we get rid of the shriekers on each side that's when everything goes to hell. We run to the crystal room and mostly everybody gets killed. Didn't know that part of checking which side have less adds. Will definatelly try some of your tips tonight. Thanks again !
All 3 of my toons are 32 and I only have 2 Raid weapons (maybe 3) left to max out. Already have over 100 Radiant shards and energies..
Does anybody have a good strategy or can share a video for the Deathsinger section in the Crota's End raid, Normal or Hard? Got to that section in hard mode yesterday with a group of friends, but we struggled at the end trying to kill the Deathsinger.
What bums me out the most about the CE HM fight is there is no end goal for load outs. Other than getting a helm that gives healing orbs (there are exotic helms that do the same, so that isn't really unique to the raid), all the gear/weapons are moot. Not a single one of the CE Raid weapons are the most efficient to use in the CE raid. None of their raid specific perks influence the fight, especially the Crota battle, in a significant way. With VoG, weapons like Corrective Measure, Praetorian Foil, and Found Verdict made a huge impact on how easily you could get through the Atheon encounter, especially in VoG HM. The more you played, the better you got, the better weapons you got, and the easier the encounter became. This is a satisfying progression path and it is no where to be found in CE.
I am still having fun leveling VoG weapons up to see how much it changes the feel of that raid. Moreover, when the best weapon on VoG dropped, Vex (Fatebringer now), you felt like a fucking boss going back through the raid that you invested all of that time to master to get that ultimate drop. That is the grand reward, the drops and your acquired skill allowing you to finally make the entire raid your bitch.
For CE HM, Necrochasm is the "ultimate" drop and it is fucking terrible, full stop. You don't even feel like a boss on patrols, let alone CE HM. I haven't used a single CE raid weapon in the entire CE raid,both normal and hard. Fatebringer, Ice Breaker (or LDR-5001), and Horn is all I've needed. Sure if you are lucky enough to get the Hunger of Crota, that is a viable substitute, but most will opt for the Horn if they have it. Black Hammer is probably the most useful CE weapon, but it shines pretty much every where but CE. In strikes it is a god, in CE it is a bugged weapon that sits in your inventory. VoG weapons were so good, they are still worth getting and still awesome even at 300 attack. TDB made all of our VoG armor worthless, but it made our VoG weapons seem even better, despite them being statistically worse based on in game stats. How fucked is that?!
CE is an uninspired raid and CE HM is an absolute failure in my opinion. Last week's update that neglected to mention a single one of its massive short comings/glitches in CE HM, is a perfect example of how oblivious DeeJ/Bungie are to their players and how they play, or how they are intentionally ignoring us. CE HM isn't hard because it is "hard." It is hard because it is exercise of 6 people overcoming lag, boring encounters, glitches in almost every single Crota attempt, meager rewards and blowing through heavy ammo synths (or the alternative of wasting time exploiting Bungie's fuck-awful code for free heavy ammo) that represent one more stick poking us in the cage of the disastrous Destiny economy.
CE HM isn't about player skill, it is about your group not hitting their own enrage timers. It is more of a relief when it is done, not a satisfying victory. Whether it is pissing away glimmer in the form of synths, or passing hours with the feeling of zero progression, CE HM is broken and it in turn breaks us. All for what, the Necrochasm? Haha. HoW needs to knock it out of the fucking park, or this community is going to be, Guardian down, team revives disabled.
Whenever I'm not doing anything in this game, I love sitting by Kadi 55-30 (the postmaster) and just listening to her babble.
"Message for Shaxx, message for Shaxx. Oh dear. He hits."
"Full of rocks? Books. Books for the Titans. Too Heavy."
Great analysis. This is spot on for the broken progression in CE hard. I remember first seeing the Hive Disruptor perk and thinking how that would be a game changer for hard mode. It ends up being nothing of the sort. Majors are still major tanks and there is hardly a noticably difference when using raid weapons or others.
The post Deathsinger cleanup puts this in painful light. The encounter is actually pretty cool at first, but after Deathsinger goes down, it has a terrible lack of accomplishment. The "boss" just went down, but now we have a protracted grind to wear down tons of Majors for several minutes. It drags on and becomes an empty victory as you slowly wipe them down.
This section should have been a showcase for CE raid weapons with Hive Disruptor to blow through the Majors and feel like a badass, yet it becomes another reminder why the whole raid is broken and boring.
Hive Disruptor needs a major buff and the bugs associated with Black Hammer and Word of Crota need to be fixed ASAP.
Great analysis. This is spot on for the broken progression in CE hard. I remember first seeing the Hive Disruptor perk and thinking how that would be a game changer for hard mode. It ends up being nothing of the sort. Majors are still major tanks and there is hardly a noticably difference when using raid weapons or others.
The post Deathsinger cleanup puts this in painful light. The encounter is actually pretty cool at first, but after Deathsinger goes down, it has a terrible lack of accomplishment. The "boss" just went down, but now we have a protracted grind to wear down tons of Majors for several minutes. It drags on and becomes an empty victory as you slowly wipe them down.
This section should have been a showcase for CE raid weapons with Hive Disruptor to blow through the Majors and feel like a badass, yet it becomes another reminder why the whole raid is broken and boring.
Hive Disruptor needs a major buff and the bugs associated with Black Hammer and Word of Crota need to be fixed ASAP.
Since we are talking about running swords and tactics here's my routine as sword runner, I play as a bladedancer.
1st Sword: x4 R2 hits followed by another x4 R2 hits. Tally is at 8 hits...
- I like to be a bit more aggressive in the beginning just in-case I miss a hit later or my timing is off; it's more forgiving. My reasoning is If we are going to wipe I'd rather wipe on the first sword, than the 3rd....
2nd Sword: x3 R2 hits followed by another x3 R2 hits. Tally is at 14...
- This puts Crota 1 hit away from enrage, and 4 hits away from death. Meaning on the last 2 swords after Ogres I can be less aggressive and play it a bit more safely. Noone likes wiping when Crota has but a sliver of health left.
3rd Sword: x2 R2 hits followed by another x2 R2 hits. Tally is at 18... Crota is dead
Now keep in mind that this is all best case scenario. Sometimes the sword disappears, sometimes the sword bearer moves too far to the side and takes too long to down, and I can't get enough hits, sometimes my timing if off and I get less hits that I want.
It's a bit of skill and a bit of luck. All teamwork, communication and timing![]()
yea, the adds are annoying. if you have bubble guys with Saint-14, it makes it much easier in DS room.
Step 1: The Eject
Dedicate one person to flush out the wizards. This person should either be a Sol Warlock, have a sniper that can shoot through walls, or a dragon's breath.
Have the other 5 people run out to where crota spawns. Have the ejector shot the wizard on his left, every else's right. The wizard will come out of the door. You want everyone ready to shoot, because if you don't tag him quick enough he will go down and hide under the corner tower, and it becomes a pain to shoot him.
Step 2: The Shift
When the first Wizard dies, everyone shifts. First, the Ejector attacks the second wizard. As soon as he does, he goes out and joins the rest of the group at Crota's spawn.
Another person who can solo a shrieker goes into the room the first wizard come from and kills the shrieker solo. 2 rockets, some sniper shots, whatever. Once the first shrieker is dead, he needs to join the rest of the team on the other side. Around the time he rejoins the 2nd wizard should be dead or dying.
Step 3: The Push
This is when stuff gets tricky. If you have any titans, have them use blinding bubbles if they have them, or simply flashbang grenades to mess with the adds in the left shrieker room. You want to get in there and kill that second shrieker quickly, because you need to let his post-mortem attack disperse before you move in fully. While you're waiting for this dispersement, kill off a couple of knights that might come out of the room.
Step 4: The Kill
You're not going to be able to kill everything in that side room, so you need to find a balance of killing adds and putting damage into Ir Yut. Note that Ir Yut moves around until the last 30 seconds of the Liturgy. She also takes double damage during this moment in time. It is entirely possible to kill her in 10-15 seconds. If you have a good Sniper, get them on top of the door frames in the Crystal room. Note that Ir Yut stops moving during the last 30 seconds, so free headshots.
Step 5: The Cleanup.
As soon as Ir Yut is dead, get the fuck out of there. Get back to Crota's spawn point, or up in the towers, you've got some cleanup to do before the checkpoint actually triggers and loot is given out. You no longer have a timer, so take your time and kill whatever you can see safely.
Make sure not to use void weapons, I dont think void weapons will dmg the shrieker (?) It normally takes ~2 rockets, depending on the rocket launcher, to kill them from what I notice and run out. You should prob send 1 or 2 people in at max to kill them IMO. Bunny hop alot and watch out for the death blast as well![]()
Got a Vanquisher VIII with third eye and perfect balance in the nightfall yesterday.
I am very happy![]()
Got a Vanquisher VIII with third eye and perfect balance in the nightfall yesterday.
I am very happy![]()
Step 4: The Kill
You're not going to be able to kill everything in that side room, so you need to find a balance of killing adds and putting damage into Ir Yut. Note that Ir Yut moves around until the last 30 seconds of the Liturgy. She also takes double damage during this moment in time. It is entirely possible to kill her in 10-15 seconds. If you have a good Sniper, get them on top of the door frames in the Crystal room. Note that Ir Yut stops moving during the last 30 seconds, so free headshots.
Agreed. It would be cool if Hive Disruptor could do more bonus damage if the enemy is higher than your light level to help make up for the big hit we take as being underleveled. It would definitely make the raid weapons more useful in the raid. Especially if these raid weapons aren't going to be upgradable like VoG weapons, they should really shine during the few months we can actually use them before they are outdated.
Great analysis. This is spot on for the broken progression in CE hard. I remember first seeing the Hive Disruptor perk and thinking how that would be a game changer for hard mode. It ends up being nothing of the sort. Majors are still major tanks and there is hardly a noticably difference when using raid weapons or others.
The post Deathsinger cleanup puts this in painful light. The encounter is actually pretty cool at first, but after Deathsinger goes down, it has a terrible lack of accomplishment. The "boss" just went down, but now we have a protracted grind to wear down tons of Majors for several minutes. It drags on and becomes an empty victory as you slowly wipe them down.
This section should have been a showcase for CE raid weapons with Hive Disruptor to blow through the Majors and feel like a badass, yet it becomes another reminder why the whole raid is broken and boring.
Hive Disruptor needs a major buff and the bugs associated with Black Hammer and Word of Crota need to be fixed ASAP.
Hard Crota in one sword:
Needs five bubble bros.
LOVE Vanquisher. Makes me all nostalgic for Shadow Price.
Hard Crota in one sword:
Needs five bubble bros.
I like the extra ads. It makes it super easy to get some orbs up by Crota's spawn so that we can have a few super swords.
Hard Crota in one sword:
Needs five bubble bros.
Sometimes one of us rockets ourselves and dies.
can't help but laugh that Fatebringer is still a batter weapon against Thralls than Necrochasm which was made to fight Thralls.
I agree. Killing Ogres is easy peasy. The only real threat is getting caught off guard by exploders on your way back, but an experienced team should be able to do it with no problems.It's pretty nifty, but too much prep work. I don't like any strategies that require bubble shields or very specific setups. Right now I am content with killing ogres. It's generally 95% glitch free and an easy kill on Crota. Yes it takes 3 minutes longer, but it's better than wiping for the perfect run.
I thought the hive disruptor bug was only affecting Black Hammer.Thanks. I can't help but think the original Hive Disruptor perk was designed for Level 32 players against Level 32 mobs. Once they realized they had no time/money/resources or interest in making the CE HM mechanically more challenging and opted for the artificial difficulty bump of level 33 mobs, they forgot to balance all the other things around it. Seeing as the hive disruptor perk has broken the other perks on the weapon since day one of TDB, I wouldn't be surprised if no one bothered to buff the perk once level 33 mobs were set.