All of the Tower NPCs are insane. A preview of what we will become if we keep playing this game.
Edited that for you
All of the Tower NPCs are insane. A preview of what we will become if we keep playing this game.
Hard Crota in one sword:
Needs five bubble bros.
I agree. Killing Ogres is easy peasy. The only real threat is getting caught off guard by exploders on your way back, but an experienced team should be able to do it with no problems.
I agree. Killing Ogres is easy peasy. The only real threat is getting caught off guard by exploders on your way back, but an experienced team should be able to do it with no problems.
Just dont rocket yourselfnades and rockets on stairs for a quick clear path back to the crystal room.
I am going to be very curious to what CE HM feels like once HoW drops and we can run it all at 33 or higher. VoG HM, once TDB came out, just made it easier for your team to all be 30, it didn't change the encounter at all, because it was balanced around being equally leveled, not artificially more difficult.
With CE HM, we are all under leveled no matter what. As soon as that isn't the case, will it even be a true HM? Assuming at least one or two of the glitches get fixed, there will barely be any difference between HM and normal. I completely forgot to grab the chalice last time I ran normal CE and it made no difference. I have a feeling HoW is going to make nearly all of TDB content worthless. Bungie seems to have the baffling ability to create less content by adding more to their game.
VoG weapons are almost too good.
I agree. Killing Ogres is easy peasy. The only real threat is getting caught off guard by exploders on your way back, but an experienced team should be able to do it with no problems.
Thanks for this. I've saved this strat for when I can face Crota (probably a couple of weeks!)Since we are talking about running swords and tactics here's my routine as sword runner, I play as a bladedancer.
1st Sword: x4 R2 hits followed by another x4 R2 hits. Tally is at 8 hits...
- I like to be a bit more aggressive in the beginning just in-case I miss a hit later or my timing is off; it's more forgiving. My reasoning is If we are going to wipe I'd rather wipe on the first sword, than the 3rd....
2nd Sword: x3 R2 hits followed by another x3 R2 hits. Tally is at 14...
- This puts Crota 1 hit away from enrage, and 4 hits away from death. Meaning on the last 2 swords after Ogres I can be less aggressive and play it a bit more safely. Noone likes wiping when Crota has but a sliver of health left.
3rd Sword: x2 R2 hits followed by another x2 R2 hits. Tally is at 18... Crota is dead
Now keep in mind that this is all best case scenario. Sometimes the sword disappears, sometimes the sword bearer moves too far to the side and takes too long to down, and I can't get enough hits, sometimes my timing if off and I get less hits that I want. Anything could happen...
It's a bit of skill and a bit of luck. All teamwork, communication and timing![]()
I have one more Crota kill left, but still no helmet lol.
Came in to ask this myself, I have the Ir Yut CP on hard. looking to get WOC so I never have to touch HM again.Anyone doing Crota HM?
Don't think I will be able to grind at all today. Working until 2PM then I have classes until 7:30PM, dinner, gym, sleep. . I need muh grinds.
3 Atheon HM is still needed until I can be happy with this week. And 1 full CE HM.
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
VoG weapons are almost too good.
Came in to ask this myself, I have the Ir Yut CP on hard. looking to get WOC so I never have to touch HM again.
Anyone doing Crota HM or anyone got the gorgons CP that can share?
Sounds good, I should have mentioned I'll be on in about an hour.I am up for that. I got 2 hours to do crota + deathsinger 3 times. PSN right?
Anyone got the gorgons CP that can share also?
Thanks for this. I've saved this strat for when I can face Crota (probably a couple of weeks!)
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
Don't think I will be able to grind at all today. Working until 2PM then I have classes until 7:30PM, dinner, gym, sleep. . I need muh grinds.
3 Atheon HM is still needed until I can be happy with this week. And 1 full CE HM.
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
Since we are talking about running swords and tactics here's my routine as sword runner, I play as a bladedancer.
1st Sword: x4 R2 hits followed by another x4 R2 hits. Tally is at 8 hits...
- I like to be a bit more aggressive in the beginning just in-case I miss a hit later or my timing is off; it's more forgiving. My reasoning is If we are going to wipe I'd rather wipe on the first sword, than the 3rd....
2nd Sword: x3 R2 hits followed by another x3 R2 hits. Tally is at 14...
- This puts Crota 1 hit away from enrage, and 4 hits away from death. Meaning on the last 2 swords after Ogres I can be less aggressive and play it a bit more safely. Noone likes wiping when Crota has but a sliver of health left.
3rd Sword: x2 R2 hits followed by another x2 R2 hits. Tally is at 18... Crota is dead
Now keep in mind that this is all best case scenario. Sometimes the sword disappears, sometimes the sword bearer moves too far to the side and takes too long to down, and I can't get enough hits, sometimes my timing if off and I get less hits that I want. Anything could happen...
It's a bit of skill and a bit of luck. All teamwork, communication and timing![]()
Anyone doing Crota HM or anyone got the gorgons CP that can share?
Where have you beenAnyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
I have Gorgon but I need to switch characters once you're done.
Anyone else who needs it can join up for next 10-15min, PSN: Carboncores
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
Don't think I will be able to grind at all today. Working until 2PM then I have classes until 7:30PM, dinner, gym, sleep. . I need muh grinds.
3 Atheon HM is still needed until I can be happy with this week. And 1 full CE HM.
Anyone planning on taking a decent break from Destiny until the next DLC drops?
Got a crota invite. Will have to forfeit it for now. Can I poke you after in game?
Eghh not looking forward to hours of crucible :-\
but I guess I must
Sounds like a plan![]()
Do bounties and patrol missions. You get 250xp for normal patrol missions and 500xp for kill the target patrol missions. It levels your vanguard while leveling your character too![]()
Hoping to finish my last HM Crota tonight (failed my team last night, plus nasty glitches) and then finish my last HM Bridge to see if I'll be 0 for 9 on Abyss Defiant or not. I wouldn't say I'm burning out, but like others I think I'll be doing just kind of like the basics, nightfall, weeklies, Crota raid (at least for a while, would like another HoC, and at least 1 Ir Yut along with Abyss Defiant).
The prolbem is, even with all these games in my backlog, I'm not sure what I actually want to play. I was all excited to play through GTA V again when I picked it up for PS4, but ehh.. not feeling it, same thing with Sunset Overdrive, Far Cry 4 (probably shouldn't have been playing the PS4 and PC version at the same time and getting over 10 hours into each but not actually even unlocking the 2nd half with either).
I do want to play The Order 1886 ... maybe dust off the Wii U and actually play some Smash or maybe try to play a Zelda game since I haven't played one in quite some time.
Hoping to finish my last HM Crota tonight (failed my team last night, plus nasty glitches) and then finish my last HM Bridge to see if I'll be 0 for 9 on Abyss Defiant or not. I wouldn't say I'm burning out, but like others I think I'll be doing just kind of like the basics, nightfall, weeklies, Crota raid (at least for a while, would like another HoC, and at least 1 Ir Yut along with Abyss Defiant).
The prolbem is, even with all these games in my backlog, I'm not sure what I actually want to play. I was all excited to play through GTA V again when I picked it up for PS4, but ehh.. not feeling it, same thing with Sunset Overdrive, Far Cry 4 (probably shouldn't have been playing the PS4 and PC version at the same time and getting over 10 hours into each but not actually even unlocking the 2nd half with either).
I do want to play The Order 1886 ... maybe dust off the Wii U and actually play some Smash or maybe try to play a Zelda game since I haven't played one in quite some time.
hah! Now I know what you guys are doing up there on that ledge while I'm running my ass over to Crota!
Your the best bubble bro a guy could ask for *tear*
Honesty for those of us who have almost everything and have all 32 characters and have fully upgraded most or all of the CE raid weapons then there is not much left to do. And the glitches and the being under level difficulty of CE HM make it not that much fun a lot of the time.
I thought i was your bubble guyIs it because i took your Hawkmoon a week ago ?
Titans without the raid helmet are kinda useless.
Titans without the raid helmet are kinda useless.
i'm confused. Titan Raid helm is probably the most useless helm in CE
He is teasing , it is my illusive drop, like Hawkmoon for you.
i'm confused. Titan Raid helm is probably the most useless helm in CE
Since we are talking about running swords and tactics here's my routine as sword runner, I play as a bladedancer.
1st Sword: x4 R2 hits followed by another x4 R2 hits. Tally is at 8 hits...
- I like to be a bit more aggressive in the beginning just in-case I miss a hit later or my timing is off; it's more forgiving. My reasoning is if we are going to wipe I'd rather wipe on the first sword, than the 3rd....
2nd Sword: x3 R2 hits followed by another x3 R2 hits. Tally is at 14...
- This puts Crota at 1 hit away from enrage, and 4 hits away from death. Meaning on the last 2 swords after Ogres I can be less aggressive and play it a bit more safely. Noone likes wiping when Crota has but a sliver of health left.
3rd Sword: x2 R2 hits followed by another x2 R2 hits. Tally is at 18... Crota is dead
Now keep in mind that this is all best case scenario. Sometimes the sword disappears, sometimes the sword bearer moves too far to the side and takes too long to down, and I can't get enough hits, sometimes my timing is off and I get less hits that I want. Anything could happen...
It's a bit of skill and a bit of luck. All teamwork, communication and timing![]()
Sure np, iRawr joined up in meantime lol.
EDIT: 331 Red Death YESSSS!!!