Im 299 now. Would it be a good idea to wait til im 300 to decrypt my exotic engrams?
Im 299 now. Would it be a good idea to wait til im 300 to decrypt my exotic engrams?
Missing the lewddd1 keyYou a bumper jumper?
I'd like to try that but my controller is missing the L1 key
I think you need a new controller.You a bumper jumper?
I'd like to try that but my controller is missing the L1 key
Looks none too intuitive. Only advantage I see of it is aiming while jumping, I guess for quick headshots or something. But that's way too sweaty for me and I like my deodorant *shrug*
I might give it a try.
Missing the lewddd1 key
I think you need a new controller.
You have 2 thumbs (most likely), you dont need to have melee on the stick to aim and hit?
Saw this on my feed. Lucky sod.
How rare is it for exotic engrams to drop without 3oC?
How rare is it for exotic engrams to drop without 3oC?
well warlocks don't really need to be jumping so you're good.
How rare is it for exotic engrams to drop without 3oC?
Ugh relic iron for the exotic sword quest. I've always struggled to find relic on patrol. This could take a very long time.
Thanks for joining in.Thanks nami!
Yeah that could be. We'll find out in a couple of days.
Hey Zobes, as sarcastic as this may sound, and it's not, I offer myself to be your faithful sweaty apprentice.
I'd like to git gud at Destiny's PvP. I feel that, even with your opinions about the Crucible's current state, you have a certain grasp at it that I would like to have as well.
Step 1: Find agood primary weapon you likeRed Death or Hawksaw
Step 2: Play asyour favorite classa Sunbreaker
Step 3:Stick to the high ground and long sightlines on the mapsQuit if it's a bad map
Step 4:Play better players to learn how to read the competitionHide in the classic playlists with people who still own Vanilla Destiny
Step 1: Find agood primary weapon you likeRed Death or Hawksaw
Step 2: Play asyour favorite classa Sunbreaker
Step 3:Stick to the high ground and long sightlines on the mapsQuit if it's a bad map
Step 4:Play better players to learn how to read the competitionHide in the classic playlists with people who still own Vanilla Destiny
Haha. For real though, I'm trying to learn how to wreck faces outside of raids and PvE content. I need new challenges.
Haha. For real though, I'm trying to learn how to wreck faces outside of raids and PvE content. I need new challenges.
Saw this on my feed. Lucky sod.
I can do this.Can anyone help me finish off Oryx? That's the last bit of loot left for me this week.
I'm assuming one emote will cost $1.99 or $2.99.
I'll just be happy with the free Silver they give everyone and pick up one or two emotes. Apparently if you play regularly till December, you will get more free silver down the road.
YesIm 299 now. Would it be a good idea to wait til im 300 to decrypt my exotic engrams?
This took about 3 years to load. Will somebody please think of the data plans?
If you just want to get better, then you have to just play. Watching somebody else play might give you some tactical nous, but in the end, learning how to shoot effectively is gonna come down to practice.
When you go from Barrens to Hollows there's a tunnel that connects the two, wait for relic iron pod to spawn on the entrance of that tunnels on the Barren side. Loot it, go through tunnel, come back, loot it again, repeat 150 times. Put on some inspirational music in the background, or an audiobook or something.
Practice and preference.
Is anyone working on the new OT? We are quickly moving towards page 400.
Not to sound like a reductionist jerk, but with all the discussion about crucible I see in this thread and the imminent trials and iron banner, I find it hard to believe there's so little to like about crucible outside of getting its bounties done.
No xbox one for me either. You all know how that went.
>data plan
you're probably on a train or bus or something so that's unfortunate. wifi > all cause im broke
Not to sound like a reductionist jerk, but with all the discussion about crucible I see in this thread and the imminent trials and iron banner, I find it hard to believe there's so little to like about crucible outside of getting its bounties done.
No xbox one for me either. You all know how that went.
Im liking 3v3 modes as it is atm. Learning how to snipe will be useful in those modes btw.
Continuing the Luke baiting
Destiny OT34: Where's Hard Mode Luke?
Thanks I'll give it a shot. Did a big circle around a few areas and went from 9 relic to 66 and I have 1 of the quest items lol... Whoever thought this was a good idea deserves something painful.
Driz, Hawkian and Ghaleon are probably all asleep haha.
are people still doing vault/crota? never done them before and i really want red death
Count me in on this too. I missed this content since I only played vanilla and now TTK. I am currently using a Red Spectre, would really like to get a Red Death too.
i still do Crota from time to time since its easy to solo, VoG still my favorite but sadly my team is not always available to do it![]()
I imagine most people are only interested in those modes for the loot. It will be a nice change of pace for the Destiny community to be focused on PvP after being almost PvE exclusive since TTK launched, but with the current state of Crucible I'm completely uninterested in the gameplay itself.
Controlling your character isn't a skill that I can teach you. There are tricks you can use no doubt, but shooting and maneuvering within the multiplayer is your own thing that plays to what you're comfortable doing. For the last year, i played very aggressively and was able to hold my own. In the first few months especially I was unstoppable. Now however I play slower and reserved and am constantly being shut down by people who are playing how I used to be. My aiming has gotten better but I play dumber than I used to.
Playing smart is definitely something you can learn - just not from me.
The Hunt for Red Death an old school Deathsinger/Crota x3 anyone on for it? Ruthless said he would as well