How about something celebrating Tess returns
Tessk Tessk TesskGuess who's back, back again, Tess is back, with some friends.
Longest title ever
Halo 5.Dude why? Don't you want to do all the cool shit? It's there for your taking and you want to abandon it? I mean, you're good so it would be no problem for you.
3 more for a Red Death hunt - DS/Crota x3
2 more
Butchering my KD here getting these sword kills![]()
Hi everyone, I have a few questions about the taken king I hope they can get answered here. I just finished the story mission with Oryx which took me about 3 times. Doing this frustrating mission (and not being able to play the game for more than an hour at a time) made me realize I will never be able to raid.
My question here is that will I still be able to get competent/fun guns and armor to use in strikes and the crucible? And what would be the best way to get these? (As of right now my guardian looks like a peasant compared to most others). I played some crucible matches yesterday (the light ball mode) and I got completely torn by some guy I swear looked like Oryx's nephew or something. I understand that raid gear is a reward for the dedicated and I have no problems not having that, but I also don't appreciate getting mowed down by those guys in multiplayer.
Another more random question that I couldn't find in a google search, is there any benefit from testing guns from the armory?
Thus far I love year two way much much better than vanilla and I can see myself playing it consistently but I think thats a universal opinion.
Thanks everyone
Hope you're doing 6v6 Classic. You can go on some serious streaks with the sword there on certain maps.
1) The Regicide boss and the Oryx fight in King's Fall are different aside from a certain phase.
2) Keep doing stuff in the game and gear will drop normally.
3) Testing guns in the armory raises your Gunsmith reputation, which in turns allows you to get some good guns and certain class exotics.
OT 34 | Destroyer of Dreams
OT 34 | Love & Basketball
I wasn't but i'll try that out now. Only a few more left. What do I do to get all 3 quests on one character just transfer the 3 280+ swords to the one character and grind materials?
I wasn't but i'll try that out now. Only a few more left. What do I do to get all 3 quests on one character just transfer the 3 280+ swords to the one character and grind materials?
Hope you're doing 6v6 Classic. You can go on some serious streaks with the sword there on certain maps.
1) The Regicide boss and the Oryx fight in King's Fall are different aside from a certain phase.
2) Keep doing stuff in the game and gear will drop normally.
3) Testing guns in the armory raises your Gunsmith reputation, which in turns allows you to get some good guns and certain class exotics.
OT 34: A Silver Lining
Thanks for the quick reply, I'll do just that.
Another question, would I be able to do the prior raids solo just enough to get loot like the cheddar white shader? Or is loot like that only rewarded for completing the raid.
Why is this thread not locked yet.
You transfer all, but only lvl one to 280 and max out its nodes. After Shaxx gives you the exotic bounty, kill 50 majors, and 25 crucible kills. Then he gives you a mission. After that mission he tells you to collect materials, that is when you raise your other 2 swords to 280 and max out their nodes. Doing so will put you on the collect materials parts on the 2 swords
Rhetorical questions need question marks?Why does your question not end with a question mark?
Omg people. Why do we always spam the last 200 posts with freak outs. It's coming soon, it just takes time to splice together my videos into TLW gif.
Omg people. Why do we always spam the last 200 posts with freak outs. It's coming soon, it just takes time to splice together my videos into TLW gif.
Ichoo I do the loop around anchor of light with the helium ghost equipped. I have 7 of 10 after a little over an hour.