is there also a bug with the Sunbreakers melee? is seems to only hit for small damage on a fresh hit.
It's not even a bad quest itself. It's just how low the drop rates are for materials and fucking takes forever for ability kills.
Nice! Glad Luke got his kill. Thanks for helping out folks.![]()
It was almost #TeamFirstTry but 3 people weren't enough for the final dps phase. It was fun!
I cleared to Nightfall on my Warlock.i can help with those
you need to be the 1# player
I may be the only person that likes using the raid weapons I have. My 305 Firefly handcannon will never infuse something else. It's very effective against mid-range and cocoon pairs nicely with Telesto and other favorite specials. Scout Rifle doesn't have full auto, but again I like cocoon and will of light.keeping 1 of each because I can't not. I only actually like the LMG (though I admittedly love it). everyone is complaining about dupes and I'm sitting here like YES because it means I can infuse guns I actually enjoy, which there are quite a few of indeed.
Normal or Herotic?
I need to start farming these guys -_-
Just got RickyRozay his Void Mantle. The curse is broken. Now to get kean his Void Flayer Mantle as well.
One of the sunbreaker perks give you about 200 damage in total over time, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill. It's hilariousI haven't played Sunbreaker enough to know. I have heard something about something funky about their melee.
I had a smile on my face when the final stand Oryx troll wiped you guys.
Payback Bungie.
I have a 295 Suros and a 298 hung jury I want to infuse one of them with a 310 canon from the raid which one ?
holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
One of the sunbreaker perks give you about 200 damage in total over time, it's pretty much a guaranteed kill. It's hilariousif you're a sunbreaker
I prefer my Suros to Hung Jury, but most people will say Hung Jury.Hung jury?
The 1% of the 1% of the 1%holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
Those that have it what shaders are you guys rockin with your void cloak?
keeping 1 of each because I can't not. I only actually like the LMG (though I admittedly love it). everyone is complaining about dupes and I'm sitting here like YES because it means I can infuse guns I actually enjoy, which there are quite a few of indeed.
Todd and I will, either together or independently, probably be running Iron Banner trains all week. I'm taking a brief sabbatical and having a tryst with Metal Gear Online until Tuesday.
Thought this might be a great time to ask Luke.holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
i have plenty of stuff below 300, lol.The problem is when the dupes consistently drop below 302![]()
Todd and I will, either together or independently, probably be running Iron Banner trains all week. I'm taking a brief sabbatical and having a tryst with Metal Gear Online until Tuesday.
i have plenty of stuff below 300, lol.
Thought this might be a great time to ask Luke.
The helm of Krolok is listed as a Hunter strike exclusive drop yet I haven't seen a single person with it, can you confirm that this can actually be obtained at the moment?
Congrats on that super quick Daughters-Oryx kill everyone, especially our first-timer SheHateMe! Easy mode.
Doing the Daily story now if anyone still needs it, just join on me.
there's a perverse kind of pleasure that accompanies besting someone with "XxProScopeXx" in their name.
mayhem rumble is essentially my favorite thing that has ever existed. Also, Gunslinger is damn legit in that mode. Also, Ace of Spades is such a damn fine weapon.
there's a perverse kind of pleasure that accompanies besting someone with "XxProScopeXx" in their name.
Yeah people have said Phogoth but again I haven't seen or heard of anyone on GAF or anywhere else getting it to drop. You would at least expect 1 of them to have dropped by now. Yet zero have been reported which leads me to suspect it isn't actually obtainable at the moment.It drops off the...Phogoth strike, which isn't in vanguard rotation. The omnigul exclusive gear does drop outside of the strike, so you'd probably have to grind out phogoth.
Noteespite my devilish good looks, I am not luke smith.
Note Note:I am neither Freddy Mercury despite what my dulce tones may lead you to believe otherwise.
Congrats on that super quick Daughters-Oryx kill everyone, especially our first-timer SheHateMe! Easy mode.
Doing the Daily story now if anyone still needs it, just join on me.
I felt the same.I beat the undying mind solo...not that hard at all. Onto the next step for my malice!
After getting the quest you have to do stuff then wait for Armsday. This is the step I am on. After that there is more stuff and another Armsday wait.Has anyone reached gunsmith rank 5 for the First Curse quest yet?
To add to this, I think we can distinguish between DPS phases that are timed, and those that are driven by the players. With Oryx we spend a lot of time running around waiting or otherwise setting up to deal damage to him; same with that big knight dude at the mid point. The Templar fight in VoG is in theory similar, but the damage window is triggered by the players, is coordinated, and can be shortened by the relic holder being efficient in charging it up. Because they're player driven cycles, they don't feel like busy work to me.Yeah. Skolas was fucking awesome. The mechanical design was great. But that's also why it was hard-it was full on MMO raid fight mechanics. Juggling the debuff, having to move to dismantle mines, and during the first phase worrying about the damage phase.
I guess what I'm talking about when I say the DPS phase is bad is like..yeah MMO's have that, but they have gradual fights that have you constantly DPSing, but situations are created where you stop DPSing not because the boss is invulnerable, but because something else gets in your way. Like, there's a fight in WoW called The Iron Maidens which combines movement, switching damage from bosses, and a phase where you have to avoid shit blowing up around you, as well as phases where you have to worry about deadly skills. The Oryx fight has this. It's the most mechanically intense fight of the raid because there's alot of things to watch out for, and you can kinda mess up without wiping(When it comes to just the blights.) Every other fight in the raid falls short of it. Warpriest and Golgoroth both suffer from 'Adds then boss then adds again'. Sure they both have unique mechanics(Keeping up the damage buff/Gaze) but it's mechanically lame of sorts, there's not more to it then that. The Totem Boss fight is a great example as well, the objective is to do a sort of relay race while taking care of adds and worrying about a debuff(Like Skolas of sorts). I actually wish you had to manually 'pick up' the buff like the Skolas debuff, not because it's artificial difficulty but it increases the amount of communication.
I guess what I'm saying is I dislike the 'boss is invulnerable until you trigger DPS phase'. Don't have the boss fights be spikes within a path,-the spikes being where you damage the boss-have the bosses be a challenge where multiple things are happening whilst keeping damage on the boss. A hectic boss fight is good. The only thing Skolas suffered from was the immense amount of adds it threw at you, the only flaw really.
holy shit single digit K/Ds.
these ANCHORS so heavy
Don't know if you are the best person to be giving this feedback to Luke but suppose it is worth a shot. Any chance that the Darkblade helm could be changed to work with shaders? Kinda sucks after grinding for it that it doesn't fit with any of the current shader schemes.
it's not hard but the boss room is incredibly tedious when you are the only thing for all the adds to blame at. with no modifiers it's a very simple and even enjoyable strike but I had no desire to do the boss alone. props to you for not minding.I beat the undying mind solo...not that hard at all. Onto the next step for my malice!
I like this raid, but it definitely isn't a good sign that I have the most fun with my groups when doing the platforming. This raid's greatest problem you nailed righto n the head---there is too much sitting around waiting to hurt the bosses.To add to this, I think we can distinguish between DPS phases that are timed, and those you are able driven by the players. With Oryx we spend a lot of time running around waiting or otherwise setting up to deal damage to him; same with that big knight dude at the mid point. The Templar fight in VoG is in theory similar, but the damage window is triggered by the players, is coordinated, and can be shortened by the relic holder being efficient in charging it up. Because they're player driven cycles, they don't feel like busy work to me.
My first impression with the KF bosses was there was too much standing in position waiting to do damage, rather than manipulating the situation ala Templar, which I much prefer.
I hope you followed proper gentleman etiquette and sent him a message afterwards talking smack.there's a perverse kind of pleasure that accompanies besting someone with "XxProScopeXx" in their name.