60 or bust. There is no excuse for not having 60 fps in 2017.
We all know it going to be 30 fps.
60 or bust. There is no excuse for not having 60 fps in 2017.
what the fuck
Holler at me.
Would you guys rather have Destiny be slightly prettier @ 60fps or much prettier/graphical effects @ 30fps?
Finished the mat gathering for the Arc sword last Thursday, my final exotic (not counting the faction class items).
Gotta wait until Wednesday. Still the dumbest thing they should have fixed. Like even wait 24 hours would have been ok.
So, who's down to do the exotic sword strike on Wednesday night?
The latter. 30fps has never bothered me when playing Destiny.
So I'm pretty close to 370. Are there any particular weapons/weapon types I should be leveling for WOTM?
Stupid modifier/bonus combinations were fairly frequent when the content was fresh! Best I can suggest is to pack in subclasses that can create a load of orbs such as Nightstalker and Stormcaller.My son needs to run challenge of elders for a quest, so I checked the modifiers this week, and they're trickle, with a bonus for supers. I know Bungie doesn't give a shit about these any more, but c'mon.
I'm torn between Thorn and Telesto on my Nightstalker.
Same. 30fps for this game is great
Telesto is a pretty fun weapon.
Would you guys rather have Destiny be slightly prettier @ 60fps or much prettier/graphical effects @ 30fps?
Why can't I have both? 60 fps and pretty graphics
If I can't have both I would like moar gfx at 30fps.Would you guys rather have Destiny be slightly prettier @ 60fps or much prettier/graphical effects @ 30fps?
Same. Bungie can take those 30 extra frames and make even prettier skyboxes.If I can't have both I would like moar gfx at 30fps.
lolThis approach would not work for Destiny for a number of reasons. Destiny does a lot more (like matchmaking at all times). Destiny's worlds and graphics are a lot more complex. Etc. And, of course, the PS3 was even less powerful than the 360 that Reach ran on. And its power is split up differently (just two main CPUs and six really fast but really tiny SPUs that don't do a lot but do specific small tasks really quickly).
I'd be down if you still need another person. What time?
Holler at me.
If I can't have both I would like moar gfx at 30fps.
Honestly I just want ghost bullets/bloom to be fixed and a balance in PvP. If they can add 60 FPS on that, fine but who cares about FPS when there are many other problems that need to be fixed first. CBMM plz. Elemental primaries. Year 1 style Nightfalls / rewards / etc.
What time works for y'all for tonight?
60fps is a must for D2 imo. Playing Halo, Titanfall or CoD and then coming back to Destiny is not pleasant.
Destiny is still one of the best looking console games around as far as im concerned, so I don't care if it doesn't look much different.
Sometime after 7:30 or 8:00 EST, if that's alright.
technical summary by ragashingo over at DBO of a GDC presentation. no purchase neccesary:
Oooh yes!I want an HDR update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They haven't talked about it at all.Been a while for me, have Bungie talked about if D2 would have more content?
You should do them at some point (and they would be more engaging both in terms of combat due to LL and story if you were to do them when you get the associated quests), but there's no actual requirement in terms of progression to do the raids at all.
OK another noob question. Forgive my noobness Destiny GAF.
I'm currently level 21 doing House of Wolves. I see I have a level 25 Taken King quest too.
I also see a couple of raids that are over my level.
Can I just stick to doing the House of Wolves and Taken King quests or will I eventually have to do the raid before I can move on to whatever the new expansion is?
Like do I have to beat the Taken King raids to get the next quests? Will I be totally under geared if I don't grab raid gear?
You can get by never doing raids, but grinding for maximum light level (400 at the moment) will take longer if you don't do raids.Thanks Destiny GAF!
You guys are soo nice and helpful to a noob like me!![]()
All other shooters are 60. Destiny 2 will probably be 30 because of the pve and they want consistency across both modes.
DestinyGAF, i have a question too.
I was pretty avid player since day 1, but after 120+ hrs i stopped playing it.
I didn;t have time for other games
But i bought recently D th collection and i'm having a blast. I'm addicted to it. Again.
Game is amazing beyond belief. As it always was...
I'm Warlock, lvl 40, Light about 300 and campaign for the Rise of Iron terryfing me.
Like level 42 enemies with 400 light requirements?
Is it for real ? (I'm now in the beginning of Taken king, enjoying doing cruicible, patrols, etc)
Also, how to (fast) upgrade subclass? I spent like 20hrs+ and i haven't maxed out my sunsinger (i'm almost there, just waiting for that two granades, but i will also like to have a maxed out Stormcaller).
Anyway, my PSN id is michalmarek77Maybe i meet some of you, guys/gals, in D somewhere, someday.
DestinyGAF, i have a question too.
I was pretty avid player since day 1, but after 120+ hrs i stopped playing it.
I didn;t have time for other games
But i bought recently D th collection and i'm having a blast. I'm addicted to it. Again.
Game is amazing beyond belief. As it always was...
I'm Warlock, lvl 40, Light about 300 and campaign for the Rise of Iron terryfing me.
Like level 42 enemies with 400 light requirements?
Is it for real ? (I'm now in the beginning of Taken king, enjoying doing cruicible, patrols, etc)
Also, how to (fast) upgrade subclass? I spent like 20hrs+ and i haven't maxed out my sunsinger (i'm almost there, just waiting for that two granades, but i will also like to have a maxed out Stormcaller).
Anyway, my PSN id is michalmarek77Maybe i meet some of you, guys/gals, in D somewhere, someday.
Ignore level, all that matters is light level.
And you can get up to 385LL doing heroic strikes, so you'll be fine.