If you're interested, typically the newbie raids lately have been on Saturday afternoons so I hope you can join one! And I'm not at all opposed to keeping things PG if your son wants to sign up (I'll just need to let the group know in advanceHello all. I'm at ll 260ish and want to start doing the raid content. Do you guys recommend a clan or destiny lfg? What other alternatives are there? I typically play saturday afternoons (when i can get ny son to log off, he's ll 320ish) and the occasional weeknight at about 930. I wouldn't be opposed to signing up my son for a raid if people are language appropriate for a 3rd grader. We both really like the game, obviously.
The one next Saturday the 11th would be vault of glass, which is the first raid. I think I'm babysitting my nephew that day but I may still be able to make it work. Or I could do Thursday the 9th at night around the time you mentioned if you think you could make that. Watch here for a sign-up form.