Bad Juju is going to be great in the Daybreak Strikes.
Nope, no mention of a tower refresh either. I wasn't expecting new weapons or anything, but at least mix up the perks on the existing ones.
Favorite line of the stream so far is deej mentioning how he's going to "put on his light beyond nemesis and just spam nova bombs" in daybreak strikes.
You can't just "buy gear until you get good rolls." That isn't how it works.
NF buff is back. Thank fuck for that, might actually finish my subclasses now.
If they didn't change anything about it, what was the point in removing it?
If they didn't change anything about it, what was the point in removing it?
Am at work, missed stream.
For Daybreak Strikes, is that a new type of Strike that can be run like with the Heroics and Nightfall or is Daybreak a modifier for Nightfall? I rarely get to run NFs as is because I don't have time to search on LFG and I don't have a group of friends to play with consistently so if it's locked behind NFs then![]()
Am at work, missed stream.
For Daybreak Strikes, is that a new type of Strike that can be run like with the Heroics and Nightfall or is Daybreak a modifier for Nightfall? I rarely get to run NFs as is because I don't have time to search on LFG and I don't have a group of friends to play with consistently so if it's locked behind NFs then![]()
If they didn't change anything about it, what was the point in removing it?
How is it not how it works? You buy boxes, get Silver Dust, buy the engrams (Dusty Iron, Crucible or the armor that you just get from Sterling and Christmas boxes), infuse a random blue into it and see if it's good. Rinse and repeat. That is exactly how that works.![]()
NF modifier, but apparently it only shows up for one week per month because we don't like people to have fun.
I can't tell you how damn frustrating it is that it looks as if they still aren't adding matchmaking for these final months as the player base will continue to fall until Destiny 2 releases.
Not for the Raids. For the basic damn activities like Nightfall, Prison of Elders, Challenge of the Elders and Daily Story (especially now that it's a playlist you can go through).
Is it because of their development tools? I mean, the Weekly Heroic didn't have matchmaking originally and they added that. Is it just stubbornness?
The "weekly rituals" would be so much better if I could get up before work and jump into some activities really fast. And just, you know, have fun. Needing to rely on LFG or forums for anything but Raids and Trials is crazy.
Was really hoping they would throw people a bone in these final through months as the player base will be falling fast.
They felt that people who couldn't get a team together to do the nightfall until later in the week were penalized for not doing it on Tuesday.
It's a modifier for Nightfall strikes. They say it's going to show up once a month. They mentioned towards the end of the stream that July through August would have the Daybreak modifier every week.
NF modifier, but apparently it only shows up for one week per month because we don't like people to have fun.
Any good stream summary?
Not too much new info at all.In the Tower
The Speaker will have a 12 step quest for us that will require us to complete varying activites.
Eververse items have now been packed into Treasure of Ages boxes. One box costs 200 silver. The Box includes new ornaments, ships, shaders, gear. The box will also include all armor from other treasure boxes.
Silver Dust Collection has expanded and includes SRL shaders/emblems, dawning gear, new engrams for the different faction armor.
Shaxx carries two weekly bounties now and it appears factions will now carry engrams for their armor.
New ornaments from Treasure of Ages include: No Land Beyond, Suros Regime, Vex Mythoclast, Nechrochasm, Touch of Malice, Dragons Breath, and Lord of Wolves.
Weekly Ritual Panel
Weekly Crucible playlist is reduced to 6v6 modes and will grant one Treasure of Ages per week.
Weekly Story Playlist. All of the Destiny story missions have been sorted into 1 of 10 categories and 2 of those categories will be featured in the weekly playlist. Missions are higher level and have modifiers. You can earn up to 100 legendary marks a week and 1 Treasure of Ages a week.
Siva Heroic Strikes are the same but can give 1 Treasure of Ages a week.
Nightfalls are the same. However once every four weeks there will be a modifier called Daybreak. It increases charge rate of all abilities. There will be a string of 6 weeks with Daybreak in July. Blue flames will also appear on your Guardians head after completing the nightfall.
Challenge of the Elders is the same but higher difficulty and featured on the panel.
Featured Raid will feature 1 of 4 raids each week and will activate all challenges while also giving more loot.
No, you said you can simply go buy gear until you get good rolls. That's false. You have to buy other items, break them down, then hope you get what you're looking for from an engram, then infuse it.
On top of that, you're almost ever (if at all) getting God rolls from the treasure armors anyway.
I don't think you realize how much money it would actually take to do what you're saying. Seriously, no one is doing that.
People seem to be confused as to what Pay 2 Win ACTUALLY means.
I spent $100 dollars of extra cash I had and ended up with two T12 builds for my Warlock when the Sterling boxes were released. I obviously got luckier than some would but it still happened. I didn't do it for the purpose of getting the T12 build, mind you, because I legit just loved the look of the Spektar armor. I'm just saying that you can definitely pay to get perfect loot. The success of that plan may be up to RNG but it still exists.
Many people (in this thread and outside) consider P2W to mean that people who spend money on microtransactions can get gear and boosts that are potentially unobtainable by someone who doesn't spend that money, and gives them a definite advantage. Now people can easily buy packages and mass buy engrams for a specific gear set and keep buying that gear to max tier rolls on it. Meanwhile, a free player can get three chances at getting a single piece of armor from a random armor set per week.
In Destiny, it's not nearly as bad as games like CoD: IW, but it's still there and it's still a shitty practice.
Any pay to win aspect of the game has been rather inconspicuous up to this point. Then again, the only pay to win mechanism is buying boxes for LL3 armor until you get you slightly better rolls on half of your actual loadout, since artifacts and exotics are exempt and high-tier class items are sold through vendors with some regularity.
Now, though, I just don't know. People are going to be able to spend money on LL3 armor until they get slightly better rolls on half their loadout. Not sure how much slipperier this slope can get before Destiny 2.
The reddit thread ( is being updated, but here's a quick TL;DW that someone posted:
Not too much new info at all.
Plus, you can now use Silver Dust (which you get from microtransactions) to buy armor engrams from every faction including Crucible and Vanguard. More Pay to win, yay!
The reddit thread ( is being updated, but here's a quick TL;DW that someone posted:
The Speaker will have a 12 step quest for us that will require us to complete varying activites.
I wonder if that's PVE only? If it's one of those that goes on both sides, there's no point in even starting it for me.
This right here is the main idea of what I'm trying to say. The precedent being set by them continuing to push the boundaries of what you can do with Silver was already concerning. Again, if you have the money it is currently more efficient to buy boxes and get good armor that way than by actually playing the game. It doesn't matter how much of an impact something like a perfect T12 build can have (for the record, in Trials having a 5-5-2 build on something like a Bladedancer can literally be the difference between a clutch nade or not), it's the fact that there is an impact on gameplay to begin with. I feel like people who read the term "Pay2Win" are narrowing too far into the "Win" part of it and not focusing on the "Pay2" part. As it stands, you can buy an advantage in Destiny. How far that goes in the future only time will tell but the amount of MTs that affect gameplay already in the game is telling.
This right here is the main idea of what I'm trying to say. The precedent being set by them continuing to push the boundaries of what you can do with Silver was already concerning. Again, if you have the money it is currently more efficient to buy boxes and get good armor that way than by actually playing the game. It doesn't matter how much of an impact something like a perfect T12 build can have (for the record, in Trials having a 5-5-2 build on something like a Bladedancer can literally be the difference between a clutch nade or not), it's the fact that there is an impact on gameplay to begin with. I feel like people who read the term "Pay2Win" are narrowing too far into the "Win" part of it and not focusing on the "Pay2" part. As it stands, you can buy an advantage in Destiny. How far that goes in the future only time will tell but the amount of MTs that affect gameplay already in the game is telling.
The poster above you said what I would have responded with to this post so I'll just leave it at that.Advantage how exactly? Because it matters.
The person playing 16 hrs a day has an advantage over the person playing 4 hrs a week.
The person who gets luckier drops has an advantage over the person who has shit luck.
But is that advantage *meaningful*? In Destiny, it is not.
The problem isn't that I'm narrowing the definition. Especially as it's the original definition for the term. The problem is the broadening of it so that people can justify complaining that someone else got something in less time than they did even though it affects no except the player who had the disposible cash for it.
I mean this matters less in Destiny than it does in MOBA's where buying better heroes makes a difference. Here, the difference is seriously microscopic.
Man, I get hyped when the community finds new stuff but these streams aren't doing anything for me.
I hope those "updated" Raids deliver, but I can't help but imagine the changes will be MINIMAL.
They'll be "anti-cheese" updates as usual.
Advantage how exactly? Because it matters.
The person playing 16 hrs a day has an advantage over the person playing 4 hrs a week.
The person who gets luckier drops has an advantage over the person who has shit luck.
But is that advantage *meaningful*? In Destiny, it is not.
The problem isn't that I'm narrowing the definition. Especially as it's the original definition for the term. The problem is the broadening of it so that people can justify complaining that someone else got something in less time than they did even though it affects no except the player who had the disposible cash for it.
I mean this matters less in Destiny than it does in MOBA's where buying better heroes makes a difference. Here, the difference is seriously microscopic.
How come?
The poster above you said what I would have responded with to this post so I'll just leave it at that.
Look at it this way. Let's say Lupo created a new character and reached him to level max level. Then he decided, as a streamer, to put in $100 to buy gear until he got perfectly rolled gear. Let's say at dollar point $75 he got all the perfect sets.
Now, for a pro, for someone who knows how to play the game, each disc. point and each int. point matters. They can make more use of having slightly more points than your average joe. For a pro, that difference is huge.
That is P2W. You try to frame the argument as 'Well if people spend that much money they're probably not that good at the game so therefore not a p2w' but that's fallacious, and that's moving goalposts.
Like I said, p2w is p2w. No matter how small it is.
x1 or ps4?
I'd love to do that, but I'm GMT +3. If there's a good time for everybody, why not.
Breezy has been beating the "p2w" drum since he heard about micro-transactions and before we even knew what they were. He has the biggest case of Chicken Little of anyone whose regularly posted in the OTs.
What advantage does it ACTUALLY give him? An edge in Trials *which is basically cosmetics* as there is no statistical advantage to that gear. Trials is for bragging rights amd completionists and since every above average streamer does carries constantly, even the bragging rights mean little.
I didn't frame the argument as "if you buy them, you suck." I said that the minor difference a mix/maxed roll plays in terms of statistical advantage will only make a difference in the outcome of a Trials match for the top .1% of players and even then only when they play each other.
If you can't understand how that is different then discussing the advantage of a single point of int or disc isn't an angle you should argue.
Anyone who doesn't like the silver situation is obviously free to dislike or hate it. But making sky is falling posts and misrepresenting what the ACTUAL effect on the game will be is disingenious and unnecessary.
Slippery slope is a fallacy. If Bungie goes true pay 2 win, it will because they decided to leap into it. It's not a result of minor moves.
And IF Bungie goes true pay 2 win, then I'll decide whether or not I want to continue playing at that point. I still enjoy the game and Silver + Rank with a Vendor = LL 3 gear does absolutely zero to affect that. If my enjoyment is negatively impacted, then I'll be upset. Not over a weird pseudo-moral stance based on a misunderstanding of game stats and competition.