Just checking, is that right? Funny that it's so long ago my memory is hazyi thought it was 4 or 5 cycles at the start when people were underlevelled? And then dropped to 2 cycles once the sword bearer was at level?
I *think* this was back in the day when one light level meant a 20 percent or 30 percent reduction in DPS?
I have a feeling the first raid group to complete it did so by having a 7th member. They had been outside of the raid levelling up and when they couldn't get Crota killed they brought him in as sword bearer for the extra DPS....
I've kind of missed chatting to people on that window ledge waiting for heavy ammo cooldowns to wear off. *sigh*
I said Outleveled, but you are right, I really should have phrased myself better. Once players got to Lvl 32, they could defeat Crota way easier. And yeah a level 31 was basically required to beat him.
That was only because we were underleveled though.
Surely Bungie doesn't want every team to get through Crota in 2 cycles right? I would assume they want us to have to go through ogres at least once. Maybe they will change the encounter more than I think they will, but for right now, I assume they'll want us to need at least 4 swords to bring him down and they will make it so 390-400 LL does that.