Start! Taking about Rewards and why WE play Destiny
New armour to earn, iconic weapons to return in NEW and exciting ways
Fashion show on the Dreadnaught to showcase new armour
Concept art for VoG set
All 3 classes shown in NEW VoG armour - More 'Vexified'
Fatebringer and Mythoclast shown
Warlock has Vex legs (Like robot legs)
390 Raids will drop 400 Light Level armour
Completing each challenge for an armour Ornament
Ornaments earned from CROTA can be used on VOG armour - AOT Ornaments are generic
Fatebringer CONFIRMED ELEMENTAL in a NEW form
2 different versions of Raid primaries - ADEPT VERSION LIKE TRIALS WEAPONS
Adept version of Fatebringer is EXOTIC
Adept versions look different - Exotic, adept Fatebringer
Mythoclast has had no changes in the Sandbox so it would play the same as the 170 Mythoclast
Vision of Confluence same as Fatebringer - Adept / Exotic version
Not all Raid Primaries will be able to change into Adept / Exotic versions. Specials and heavies are already elemental
Crotas end concept art - Looks crazy good
Crotas end NEW raid armour shown with Ornaments
Crotas end armour - When damage taken it 'damages' the set and the Armour regenerates - Looks amazing
Word of Crota shown
Black Hammer discussed - Spindle to STAY and Black hammer is NOT returning
Nechrochasm shown
Nechro is updated! When you get ANY kill the victim will explode like a Cursed Thrall
ARs will be getting a BOOST to become more potent
IR YUT LMG shown
Developers saying the most exciting part of AoT is how diverse the looks are, sets are, everything is an option
Kings fall concept art shown
KINGS FALL armour same as Crota armour - When damaged it regenerates
WARLOCKS probably win the fashion show

RANGE CHANGE on HAND CANNONS - To be discussed
Touch of Malice Ornament shown
Kings fall weapons shown
WoTM concept armour art
WoTM armour Ornaments shown
Armour glows, flickers and looks more Sivafied
New Genesis Chain shown - Red and White
ARs to get a decent range boost and will cause more damage to give them more 'teeth'
Age of Triumph armour set shown
AoT armour to have Y1 look
AoT armour takes chroma
Lord of Wolves Ornament shown - Siva
Dragons breath Ornament shown - Tiger stripes
Suros Ornament shown - Black and Gold / Second one is white and red but opposite - Red where white was in Y1
AoT armour can be acquired from following the AoT speaker questline
AoT is the best way to show YOUR best Guardian from your finest memories of Destiny
Share those on the creations page
NLB Ornament shown
NLB flinch
Kills activate Skorris
Lasts for 1 minute on Kill - Works from Kill to Kill
Trials will be much harder to use it as you NEED kills to use it properly. PVE should still be the same as a constant because of kills - Doesn't say if the 1 mins stacks on Skorris
Sidearms will keep its intrinsic perk to keep ammo on death
when you die, you only come back with one magazine. Hopefully this will make sidearms NEED Special the same as others
Opening up a special ammo crate will FILL your magazine automatically
Developers saying thank you to the community, Josh says it's an honour to engage with everyone about Destiny. Thank you for being engaging and helping him learn about how WE play the game
AoT to deploy at 10AM PACIFIC / 6pm BST
Deej out