Is regular TTK going to release as a physical version as well?
No more Vanguard Marks and Crucible Marks. Only Legendary Marks that you get from all activities.
Nightfall modifiers will be handcrafted rather than random.
How will that solve anything? You'll still need all the expansions and TTK then. Waiting's not saving you money.
If you have never bought a Destiny product before and want to start now, congrats! You're the ideal customer. You can buy the Legendary edition for $60
No no no no no. God damn it. This *almost* makes me want to throw down 50 bucks for the TTK package.
I can't decide. Damn damn damn.
No no no no no. God damn it. This *almost* makes me want to throw down 50 bucks for the TTK package.
I can't decide. Damn damn damn.
No no no no no. God damn it. This *almost* makes me want to throw down 50 bucks for the TTK package.
I can't decide. Damn damn damn.
Don't give in.
Huh. You're the last person I'd expect to say that lol. I thought you still played the game.
EDIT: I'm way too fast haha
Not since June. you're the last person i expect to come back considering that you were the first to leave.
Damn, you held the fuck out lol.
I'm guessing you're not going to return? Why'd you stop playing? I figured you'd be in Destiny for the long run.
I don't have time to explain.
I love Destiny, but i'm not in love with it anymore.
Based on many reactions in TTK threads, Bungie's really throwing the chum in the water. Possibly getting some old sharks that moved on to sniff the boat again.
Sounds like they're moving in the right direction overall.
Is regular TTK going to release as a physical version as well?
The new stuff sounds interesting, but I got burned badly by Bungie with vanilla Destiny.
Though I haven't played Destiny since December of last year, and I'm able to upgrade using the Legendary method, the upgrade system is garbage. People should be able to buy whatever DLC they want. If Activision were to try something like this with their DLC for Call of Duty, they'd be in a very bad situation.
I'll probably wait a little bit longer to see if they come out with anything more comprehensive. It is annoying to find games coming out like the state of Destiny originally was.
I'll probably wait a little bit longer to see if they come out with anything more comprehensive.
In short, Taken King is how the game should've launched.
I expect all of your stored crafting mats will get automatically converted once 2.0 goes live.So are you saying I can use my 1000+ Plasteel Plating to upgrade Warlock armor?![]()
The 8 story missions are not the main part of the story, but the first part. Game Informer described them as being the first act of a two-act play: the missions set the stage for The Taken War, which is structured around branching quest lines that begin when the regular story missions leave off. Many of those quest lines have additional missions unique to them.
I will take a patch free to fix up what I already paid for. Just put me back in the position I expected to be in when I bought the original launch game..
lol, right. Guess expectations have been built up sky high again. Personally, looking forward to the new puny, bite-sized, overpriced DLC with pretentiously self-aggrandizing pre-release spiel, that delivers close to none of what it's hyped itself up to be.Bungie's new "Mega-Expansion" the Taken King
lol, right. Guess expectations have been built up sky high again. Personally, looking forward to the new puny, bite-sized, overpriced DLC with pretentiously self-aggrandizing pre-release spiel, that delivers close to none of what it's hyped itself up to be.
I'm probably just bitter though.
Come back Zony! We miss, right. Guess expectations have been built up sky high again. Personally, looking forward to the new puny, bite-sized, overpriced DLC with pretentiously self-aggrandizing pre-release spiel, that delivers close to none of what it's hyped itself up to be.
I'm probably just bitter though.
So there was that guy and he was like "bitch left!" so I was like "OMG!" ;DCome back Zony! We miss you.
Yeah you probably are. The 15th of next month will tell if you're right, I'm remaining cautiously, right. Guess expectations have been built up sky high again. Personally, looking forward to the new puny, bite-sized, overpriced DLC with pretentiously self-aggrandizing pre-release spiel, that delivers close to none of what it's hyped itself up to be.
I'm probably just bitter though.
I have a question then. If we moved on, deleted game from hard drive, sold the game, then come back with ttk legendary edition, are we starting from scratch or do our characters still exist on the account?
And then he forgot about triple jump as was like "poutain".So there was that guy and he was like "bitch left!" so I was like "OMG!" ;D