Signet Son
I'm not 100% on this, but I think if you buy the Digitial edition you can start playing the existing game right now.
You can, I guess that's their reason. Doesn't justify it, but oh well.
I'm not 100% on this, but I think if you buy the Digitial edition you can start playing the existing game right now.
Year One players get roughly the same deal as new players -- pay $20 for extra stuff, or skip it and save the money.
I don't think that's necessarily true? New players, money wise, have the advantage. The the Legendary edition is 60$ and $135 is the digital+season pass holders+TKK and $165 with emotes if that's your thing.
And if you have GCU then it's just 7 extra bucks to buy a physical copy with everything vs just the digital TTK.
I don't think that's necessarily true? New players, money wise, have the advantage. The the Legendary edition is 60$ and $135 is the digital+season pass holders+TKK and $165 with emotes if that's your thing.
I wish they would put the Bungie accounts to good use and be able to cross platform character profiles. I would probably double dip because I have a lot more friends playing the Xbox One version now than when the game launched. I went PS4 because it was the platform to get it for. I've met great people on the game but I would like to play with real life friends on the other console.
This isn't a Bungie thing. Bungie has the components necessary on their side of things to make everything universal.
This is a Microsoft thing. Microsoft doesn't like their potatoes to touch Sony's corn on the same plate.
If Microsoft ever gave the go ahead, Bungie would be able to allow players to jump back and forth with no effort the same way they jump back and forth between last gen and current gen.
This isn't a Bungie thing. Bungie has the components necessary on their side of things to make everything universal.
This is a Microsoft thing. Microsoft doesn't like their potatoes to touch Sony's corn on the same plate.
If Microsoft ever gave the go ahead, Bungie would be able to allow players to jump back and forth with no effort the same way they jump back and forth between last gen and current gen.
I wish they would put the Bungie accounts to good use and be able to cross platform character profiles. I would probably double dip because I have a lot more friends playing the Xbox One version now than when the game launched. I went PS4 because it was the platform to get it for. I've met great people on the game but I would like to play with real life friends on the other console.
Or even cross-platform play. That would be great too.
where is there evidence its just an MS thing?
360>x1 works
ps3>ps4 works
cross platform works for neither.
So I currently have a physical copy of vanilla destiny and the two expansions. I'm gonna get Taken King but would love to go all digital as I now prefer having all my games on the HD and not worrying about swapping.
If I want taken king and the bonus goodies which should I get?
Games lose value over time though. People who wait for sales and discounts on old merchandise will always have some monetary advantage. Should Activision to charge $135 for TTK Legendary Edition, even though most of it content is 9-12 months old? TTK LE is effectively a $20 Game of the Year edition bundled with new material.
When I can rent a movie and RedBox for $1.50, I don't usually think "Man the people who went to see this in the theatre are getting screwed!"
Sure, games devalue over time but there aren't 2 versions of Destiny. The present digital copy and Physical are going to be the same versions at release. I think this might turn into a discussion on digital price parity.
The digital version is more expensive then it's physical copy. And not in a Steam Sale/Amazon price way. The MSRP for the digital is higher then the physical. The thing I'm trying to get at that at the very least the digital version should be the same price as the physical version.
Destiny is a constantly evolving franchise that requires a monetary input every so often. This is part of the business model. You pay for first access so to speak.
You might say those of us from the beginning are getting screwed financially, but most of us don't feel that way because we enjoyed playing what we had this whole time. This coming from someone who has dropped 1200+ hours into the game.
It's like, imagine waiting to buy your favorite movie after it's been out on DvD for a year and it's in the $5 bin. Sure you're saving money, but you didn't get the theatrical experience. You probably heard people talk about plot lines and you've pieced together the story in ways. After you watch your $5 version you don't really have anyone to talk about it with or share your opinions with because they've moved on to the next thing.
I don't know if that necessarily applies to video games. The Digital version and the Physical versions were both available at launch unlike most big budgeted films.
It would be weird to have the digital version of a movie be $40 and have the physical be $20 in theaters both at launch. The corporate aspect of it I don't care about because I am the consumer and have to look out for myself. By corporate aspect, I mean like you could say there's a $20 convenience fee etc but that would be nonsense.
In destiny's case the TTK is $40, $60 if you want digital popcorn. Where the physical is also resealable and for $60 you get everything including the popcorn plus tickets for the 2 prequels.
What I'm was trying to say is that if TTK releases at the very least it should be the same price on both platforms on sales. The TTK is $20.
Cross-gen isn't an option because older gen's are at a disadvantage for things like Draw Distance. If you were to play Crucible on a last gen system, you would be a disadvantage since you couldn't see as far, and render distance isn't as far. It wouldn't be fair.
If Fyrewulff is floating around here somewhere he could probably talk about the source for the MS being inclusive stuff. He knows a lot more about it than I do. I do know it's been a policy of MS for a while. Off the top of my head I know Portal 2 could be played cross-platform with PS3 and PC players playing together. MS wasn't a fan and didn't allow the option on their machine.
Defiance was working PS3/360 crossplay, until Microsoft said no.
There was supposed to be a 360 and Xbone version of FF14, but MS wanted the 360 and Bone players to be on their own servers, which Square wasn't willing to do since the game wasn't designed to be split up like that.
As a person who has the digital Destiny edition that came with the season pass for the two expansions...when will PSN have the $40 version up? I looked yesterday to see if I could buy it and didn't see a way.
Destiny: The Taken King - Digital
Add-On PS4
Sep 15, 2015
[Available in 32 Days]
Is Microsoft afraid that if Xbox players are able to communicate with Playstation players, the former might discover that the latter are having a good time?
You could endlessly speculate as to why. The easy answer is that it's mostly Microsoft's corporate culture.
It'll be interesting to see if Win10 opens this up a little.
If I buy the Taken King on the PS Store will it update my base game so I don't have to have the original Destiny disc in? Or is it still considered DLC is you own the original base game.
I no longer trust them...
When i got the Vanila game, I've encountered content that could barelly justify even 1/3 of it's price tag, followed by the worst grindy-skinnerbox-timewasting methods one can find in a video game. And then all those problems repeated on their mandatory DLCs that i didn't get, essencially giving to this overpriced game an overpriced subscription that even new players have to pay for.
Even if i re-join the game with this supposedly improved expansion, i expent that in about 2 months there's gona be another mandatory overprised "mini expansion" askin for more money.
I have the disc version, but if I didn't want to mess with discs, what would it take to make my install "digital?"If you need your disc now, you'll need your disc later.
I have the disc version, but if I didn't want to mess with discs, what would it take to make my install "digital?"
I'm confused by your "digital popcorn" and "tickets for the 2 prequels".
Assuming "digital popcorn" is the CE shaders/items/emotes and "tickets for the 2 prequels" are TBD and HOW:
TTK is $40 digitally (no popcorn, no prequel tickets)
TTK Legendary Edition (vanilla, TBD, HOW, TTK) is $60 digitally AND physical (prequel tickets)
TTK Collector's Edition (vanilla, TBD, HOW, TTK, CE emotes/shaders/items) is $80 digital and physical (prequel tickets and popcorn)
TTK CE goodies pack (just the CE emotes/shaders/items) is $20 digitally (JUST the digital popcorn)
Which brings this fully into "digital shouldn't cost as much as physical because reselling, etc.)", which isn't a Destiny-specific issue.
Am I missing something? There's total parity between physical/digital as far as content/price, ASIDE from the physical CE's physical bonus items.
Can you buy the TTK alone just physically for 40$?
I'm looking at it right now on my phone with the Playstation app in the Playstation Store.
Well, I guess the ball is in Gamestop's court now. I would be happy to buy the physical version of Taken King, but I'm not going to bother if it means I have to pick it up at 10AM in the morning and miss out on the first night of play. Midnight launch or bust!
Incorrect, the DLCs were not mandatory and the quality of life improvements that launched aside each DLC were also available to all players for free. DLC exotic gear is also available through random drops from the nightfall even if you didn't buy it.I no longer trust them...
When i got the Vanila game, I've encountered content that could barelly justify even 1/3 of it's price tag, followed by the worst grindy-skinnerbox-timewasting methods one can find in a video game. And then all those problems repeated on their mandatory DLCs that i didn't get, essencially giving to this overpriced game an overpriced subscription that even new players have to pay for.
Even if i re-join the game with this supposedly improved expansion, i expent that in about 2 months there's gona be another mandatory overprised "mini expansion" askin for more money.
Bungie has a great track record so far, especially considering the entire game is online only. I can't remember their servers going down outside of Xbox or PSN downtimes. Launch day last year was solid. They don't get much credit for this for some reason.I think you are in for disappointment if you think the servers are going to be working at midnight on launch night.
I think you are in for disappointment if you think the servers are going to be working at midnight on launch night.
You haven't ever been around for a destiny launch have you?
They are the smoothest launches I've ever seen.
Typically destiny puts the bulk if the content in an update a week before launch. Then on launch day there is a small 15mb patch to open it all up.
Typically destiny puts the bulk if the content in an update a week before launch. Then on launch day there is a small 15mb patch to open it all up.
They don't get much credit for this for some reason.
I believe the last 'patch' was already around 7gb![]()
Sounds like someone wasn't around for launch day...
Sounds like someone wasn't around for launch day...