I don't know how it's possible to play that slow haha. I went everywhere and did everything!How are you people playing the game so fast, it took me 20 hours before I even enteredTF29![]()
I don't know how it's possible to play that slow haha. I went everywhere and did everything!How are you people playing the game so fast, it took me 20 hours before I even enteredTF29![]()
Would anyone else agree that the balance between action "missions" and dialogue/fetch quest stuff seems unbalanced in this game, in favor of the latter?
I won't go into much detail in the non-spoiler thread but I swear I could almost count on one hand how many real classic infiltration missions there were with large, complex, multi-floor hostile compounds that you have to complete multiple tasks in,stealth or guns blazing, the classic Deus Ex formula.
While I enjoyed the stories in the side quests, the vast majority of them follow a variation of the same formula: talk to X person, investigate Y apartment, break into Z basement and avoid maybe 1-3 guys and a security camera, talk to X person again, etc. I'm okay with that when the stories are as good as they are, but man, I feel like 80% of my playthrough was that sort of stuff and I felt really starved of the meatier "action" missions. I haven't done an actual count but I think at least half of the main missions were not much more than "go talk to somebody somewhere".
It's interesting because I actually felt HR had the opposite problem, where the second half of the game in particular was long infiltration mission after mission after mission with no breather in between, feels like they swung too far in the opposite direction this time. It stinks because I actually think the core stealth and combat gameplay is way better this time around, so I almost wish HR and MD had the opposite problems in that regard.
Is there a consensus on Breach? Is it worth playing if you're not willing to spend money on microtransactions?
Also, does the story in Breach connect to the story in the main game at all?
do I need to play HR to play this?
There's a 12 minute recap at the beginning. I would say no. I only played a little bit of HR and I'm enjoying it
Can't wait to play DX3 though. Would be amazing to get 1 on PS4 or a remake to tide us over though.
human revolution is dx3
no ones ever going to remake the original. just replay it as it is.
Finished the game without activating an alarm or going hostile, didn't get the foxiest of the hounds. Thanks, devs.
Apparently failing a hack, even if it doesn't set off an alarm, fails the achievement.
I'm fully expecting to not get the achievement either, having read that 10 hours in.
Is anyone going to try a Factory Zero and/ or no knockout run? Might not be much fun without ever leveling hacking, but I assume it's possible. Feels like they really went overboard on giving you options and instead of stealth in some areas, it's more about finding the right series of vents.
I got it tonight as well. It was surprising seeing how it seems to be causing people problems.Just got Foxiest of the Hounds, I always reloaded if I failed a hack.
Any word on how this game has done sales-wise? Last I heard it launched pretty poorly in Europe
The facial animations are terrible in this game. Also the animated connection between the heads and the bodies looks like something from a previous generation. That scene with Miller in the NSN where he is walking around two projections having a conversation (the final scene in the NSN is just awful. I'm surprised there isn't more comment on this.
I feel like at some point in development they should have sat down and said "let's design an entire level with no vents". Would have been a good exercise to try and figure out some more creative routes. I'm not saying vents should never be used, but they're too often the crutch the game uses for all stealthy routes.
Fuck, i thought the lancer rifle used Sniper Rifle AP Ammo.
No he doesn't.
It has the same end result.
I feel like at some point in development they should have sat down and said "let's design an entire level with no vents". Would have been a good exercise to try and figure out some more creative routes. I'm not saying vents should never be used, but they're too often the crutch the game uses for all stealthy routes.
Yeah. I always love finding the optimal paths and patrol timing through enemy-infested areas, but by the end of this I was just skipping the obvious path because the areas weren't designed to be done that way in this game. I resorted to just looking for the vent by continuing further down the hall instead. They even jacked Dishonored/DARK's teleporting, but failed to capitalize on it by relying too much on vents for "stealth". I did find a few neat way to bypass a large portion of one area with the teleport at least however.
It's especially disappointing because there's at least one point in the Human Revolution Director's Cut commentary where they specifically mention that they felt they over-relied on vents as stealth shortcuts and that was an area they wish they could've done better.
I assume this, but it had some pretty awful reviews.
why did it get panned then? Was everything else a problem?It did, but it was actually a pretty good little third person stealth rpg though. You could find some crazy ways to bypass large parts of the game using the teleporting mechanics too.
I think you get the warning no matter what, it doesn't actually check what you've completed. It's just a general warning that some things in the game will change going forward.So I thought I wrapped up all the side quests in Act 2, but when going to get on there helicopter again I'm being told that I'll be abandoning quests. I don't recall this warning last time so I feel like I must be missing something. However looking on line I've completed SM06 through SM10. They are in my History list. And those are the only side quests in this act.
So what else am I missing? Do Points of Interest count? Is there a list of those somewhere?
I do have some theories, and I wonder if anyone else came to the same conclusions. I'll spoiler tag 'em...
The Adam Jensen we play here is not the original. He's a clone with the memories of the real Jensen. The real Jensen is either locked away in some lab somewhere or dead.
He looked down again at his hands, his arms. Both of them were identical, carbon-black synthetic constructs that terminated at his shoulder joints. Once they had been smooth and polished, but now they were scarred and pitted with surface damage. He tried to remember the time before he'd had them, but for now there was a blank space where any memory of meat and bone might have once existed.
Touching his bare chest, he found healed scars but again, nothing to connect them to. The part of him that was flesh felt almost as artificial as the metal and plastic.
But now Jensen had resurfaced, and there was a chance that she could regain control of the situation. "Not for the first time, I must admit, I wonder if things would have been better if we had simply left him in the sea after Panchea..."
If I go toby myself early on will that cancel out that entire quest later or just that option in the quest itsefl?the bank