Neo Member
Everyone is finishing the game and im still stuck with this M14 crash. This is depressing : /.
the hardest part was getting lost, but it did take a little while to acclimate toSo I'll be honest: I don't understand the dislike I've seen toward thesegment.Miller NSN
It's like 10 minutes long (and if you have practice with remote hacking that might be stretching it) unless you're going for the no detection achievement for that section and reloading saves, and it's visually striking and unique.
The MGS series had a steady stream of releases and 6 games in the last 15 years. Deus Ex one was released in 2000 and Human Revolution took 11 years to come out, and another 5 for this game.
Everyone is finishing the game and im still stuck with this M14 crash. This is depressing : /.
I only encountered the Shooting Range crash and it was fixed by simply emptying your inventory. I do wonder... Is your inventory full? Can you drop some of the stuff that you don't need and try? Might be worth a shot.
Of course this is assuming that it is a similiar issue, but for all we know, it could be anything else. Some people also mentioned it had to do with side missions, but I had no issues with those.
Darn. I gave it a shot but it still crashed. T_T Guess I gotta wait for the next patch.
It's ironical that you'd say that because you know what is actually shit post?Maybe if you provided any arguments at all instead of this empty shitpost reply, something interesting could have come out of it.
The first game, even without nostalgia goggles, is so, so much better than this latest overrated, barely-related-to-the-original, poor man's Far Cry with added vents.
If 15 years of advancements in gaming can't even produce a game of the same ambition, scope and overall quality of the original, you can bet your ass it will continue to be relevant for another 15 years.
I actually keep forgetting to use the nonlethal augs because takedowns from cover are so good. I usually lure someone to walk towards me by throwing a box, use a takedown from cover, drag the body away and then repeat. It costs nothing but time.Is there a better decision of the two?
]Break in to the Palisade Bank Vault Rescue Allison
I have saves where I have done both, but I'm not sure which decision would be better in the long run? It seems you get more story details and a better key item.when you break into the bank
I'm still having a ton of fun playing this game. The Tesla augment is borderline broken when you are able to increase its distance and take out 4 targets at once lol.
I'm looking forward to completing this game so I can do my combat oriented run.
Takedowns are so stupidly overpowered, it really needs to be fixedI actually keep forgetting to use the nonlethal augs because takedowns from cover are so good. I usually lure someone to walk towards me by throwing a box, use a takedown from cover, drag the body away and then repeat. It costs nothing but time.
So I'll be honest: I don't understand the dislike I've seen toward thesegment.Miller NSN
It's like 10 minutes long (and if you have practice with remote hacking that might be stretching it) unless you're going for the no detection achievement for that section and reloading saves, and it's visually striking and unique.
Yeah. As a matter of fact, there was a Twitter exchange between Harvey Smith and some person who expressed his dislike of Dishonored's art style and cited DX:MD as a game worth playing. Harvey explained the reasons, but the most amusing thing he told him was ''And I'm very familiar with Deus Ex franchise, thank you very much''![]()
I think you get the warning no matter what, it doesn't actually check what you've completed. It's just a general warning that some things in the game will change going forward.
Okay. Not sure where to start. Let's start from the top!It's ironical that you'd say that because you know what is actually shit post?
What is this grand ambition of the first game that lacks here? What scope are you talking about when MD has one the densest hub ever seen in a game. How is it a poor man's Farcry? It's rated in the mid to low 80s..what's so "overrated" about it? Looking at your own post it just seems to say "DE1 is better because it's better and it's so because I say so".
If you've been following this thread then you'd know that I've said enough to make my point and I don't necessarily need to make then again everytime. But since you insist.... perhaps you should first follow your own suggestion and actually say something rather than make vague pointless remarks? Maybe then I'll engage in a conversation over how you are wrong instead of simply stating the obvious without indulging in a discussion.
If you're not aware of the impact the first Deus Ex had at the time of release, I'd suggest you educate yourself on that. It was mind-blowing at the time and in some ways, still is.What is this grand ambition of the first game that lacks here?
Dense in this context means that the hub is small yet packed with content. I think this is one of the game's issues. A larger scope would mean a larger environment that would probably be less dense! More on that and your other questions later (or actually, earlier). What's overrated about a 80+ Metacritic is that I think it should be much lower. I would think that's obviousWhat scope are you talking about when MD has one the densest hub ever seen in a game. How is it a poor man's Farcry? It's rated in the mid to low 80s..what's so "overrated" about it?
How dandy! If you followed the thread, I wouldn't have to post the link below where I've outlined many of my gripes with the game, a mere 6 pages agoIf you've been following this thread then you'd know that I've said enough to make my point and I don't necessarily need to make then again everytime
Maybe then I'll engage in a conversation over how you are wrong instead of simply stating the obvious without indulging in a discussion.
One big thing about the takedowns is that the target has no chance of noticing you in the process.Takedowns are so stupidly overpowered, it really needs to be fixed
Okay, dumb question, but which button allows you to throw grenades? I'm on PC, just in case you wanna know
Remember, kids.Thanks. Man, I feel stupid now. Why didn't I think of that >_<
I have to choose between. It's tough. Any advice? Which one has the better payoff?Allison and the bank
Allison has some cool story stuff. The bank is more fun if you haven't already broken into the bank and looted it. (I had already scrubbed the bank clean from top to bottom on my playthrough so I went with Allison.) Doing the bank has another good story payoff near the end of the game.
I've already scrubbed the bank clean too, except for the corporate vaults.
I have to choose between. It's tough. Any advice? Which one has the better payoff?Allison and the bank
If you're remotely familiar with the events, characters, and history of the original Deus Ex,the corporate vaults have a nice payoff - at least if you've gotten the appropriate vault keys from the open world. There are 3 optional ones in total for the TYM, Tarvos, and Picus vaults.
You can also get into those outside of that quest, though.
Even the?TYM? That's the quest one, right
Even the?TYM? That's the quest one, right
Even the?TYM? That's the quest one, right
Quest isand it's only obtainable through the main mission. The other vaults have keycards you have to find on your own, and those vaults are accessible from pretty early on, if you take the time to find it.Versalife
The quest one is VersaLife. I assume the smart thing to do if you want to do the Allison quest is first go get the VersaLife key from the car trunk, then go do the Church of the MachineGod stuff. Then you can still do all four vaults. IIRC, the choice doesn't get removed at the point of picking up the trunk stuff.
The quest one is VersaLife. I assume the smart thing to do if you want to do the Allison quest is first go get the VersaLife key from the car trunk, then go do the Church of the MachineGod stuff. Then you can still do all four vaults.
Oh, right. Forgot about that. You're right.Not true unfortunately. There is a way to access both but it requires breaking the collision using Icarus Dash, and it's obviously not handled by the game scripting. (Reddit has that, if you want the interesting but tedious method)
Spoiler reasons:The key in the trunk is blank. You have to go into the CEO's office to get it coded, at which point you're sealed from the other path thanks to a call from Stanek.
why did it get panned then? Was everything else a problem?
It was definitely janky. It was kind of a love letter to old school stealth games though, and I loved it for it. Reminds me of how Alpha Protocol got panned, but it was amazing.
Is there a better decision of the two?
]Break in to the Palisade Bank Vault Rescue Allison
I have saves where I have done both, but I'm not sure which decision would be better in the long run? It seems you get more story details and a better key item.when you break into the bank
I'm still having a ton of fun playing this game. The Tesla augment is borderline broken when you are able to increase its distance and take out 4 targets at once lol.
I'm looking forward to completing this game so I can do my combat oriented run.
Big warning for anyone thinking of going for the platinum trophy: Spend an hour or two in breach mode, and see how you like it. Because you need to do 20+ hours of breach missions for the trophy, over dozens of "servers". After getting up to network_2a, which i assume is tier 2, and still not getting the trophy for tier 1 I am just giving up. You have to clear every single server on every tier for each of the 3 trophies, and that is JRPG levels of grinding.
Breach mode is just god awful, not fun at all, and feels way too much like a f2p game that constantly shovels the idea that you should maybe buy some stuff in the cash shop to make the game easier. Its completely the opposite of fun for me at this point, while that and the nightmare run are the only things left for the platinum for me I am not going to bother.
Ironically the one thing they put in the game to maybe extend the longevity is the one thing that will make me trade in the game and definitely give it a thumbs down to anyone who asks if they should play DX-MD at full price.
why did it get panned then? Was everything else a problem?
buy some stuff in the cash shop