Velcro Fly
Finally bought this from Amazon Warehouse Deals. Should be arriving at some point next week. Very excited to finally play the game!
About level 40 already and I am wondering, is my MC supposed to be only attacking or am I doing something wrong? He feels kinda weak when compared with the rest of the party.
About level 40 already and I am wondering, is my MC supposed to be only attacking or am I doing something wrong? He feels kinda weak when compared with the rest of the party.
I've just finished the game (normal). I'm kind of disappointed by the ending, especially considering how the.Phantom Society was seemingly just forgotten, even though they were building them up as the main villains until near the ending of the Monolith
My Compedium is already 90% complete, so getting the last 10% shouldn't be too hard... Is there some kind of app that allows the player to summon demons with levels higher than the main character?
So I'm a few hour inand the game has yet to grab me. I find the UI cumbersome to navigate and too bare bones to use effectively. I find combat kinda dull and too easy; seems likely I hardly need my demons, and none of the three boss fights have been at all challenging. And the demon recruiting and growth somehow seems less interesting than normal. Will this change or become more compelling, or should I move on to something else? (Likely DKCR or Guacamelee)about to start second vision quest
Note -- I love modern SMT games like Strange Jounrey and Devil Survivor and Persona 3/4. Older SMT universe games have yet to do it for me (only been able to try persona 1/2)
Note 2 -- I just finished EO4 and am anticipating SMTIV and am worried about dungeon crawl burn out.
What's the point of doing a Zoma fusion? I see the Zoma is 100% loyal and you don't have to care about its personality in battle, but it's so much weaker than the original. I always get my demons to love me so quickly they end up obeying me anyway.
Ypu are doing it wrong.
So it seems. Is there a trick to it later in the game? Do they actually earn XP or something? They look so puny... wait, maybe I need to actually fuse multiple Zoma together to get something good?
BTW, seems it's possible to royally screw yourself in this game if you use the save anywhere app too much. I lagged with my fusions and got my ass handed to me insince my demons weren't strong enough. Everyone but the MC died, I almost ran out of MAG and barely had cash to fix Nemissa.the airport
I only managed to recover by grinding with only MC and Nemissa in the Sea Arch and the Astro Museum for a while until I had enough MAG to actually summon anyone else. I managed to get some nice fusions out from the Astro Museum now.
So i beat the final boss with little worries.
Tetratarn = MVP skill of this game lol...
So it seems. Is there a trick to it later in the game? Do they actually earn XP or something? They look so puny... wait, maybe I need to actually fuse multiple Zoma together to get something good?
BTW, seems it's possible to royally screw yourself in this game if you use the save anywhere app too much. I lagged with my fusions and got my ass handed to me insince my demons weren't strong enough. Everyone but the MC died, I almost ran out of MAG and barely had cash to fix Nemissa.the airport
I only managed to recover by grinding with only MC and Nemissa in the Sea Arch and the Astro Museum for a while until I had enough MAG to actually summon anyone else. I managed to get some nice fusions out from the Astro Museum now.
I was doing really really well in the Extra Dungeon until I reachedand got wiped out. It seems this is the point where I need to fuse Mitamas on my demons.Kyouji
I finally beat the game a couple days ago, and overall, liked the shit out of it. The atmosphere in particular was really cool, specially during the Haunted Mansion, Inside Paintings, Test Lab.
After you finish the game, you can do the Sea Ark top levels, right? Is there something cool to it? Also, what's the new game stuff? Haven't checked it yet.
Just started the game. I'm up to the point where you are going to the warehouses and getting the keycode and insulated clothing to go into the refrigerated warehouse.
I like the game a lot so far. It has that quirky PS1 era feel that made games like this a mystery. It is hard to describe. When playing as Urabe I was like what the hell when I couldn't recruit demons, but at the same time I figured it wouldn't work becauseHe obviously dies.
Demon's level up in this game? It doesn't seem like any of mine have leveled up. How many alternate demons are there in this game? Are they all just through the street pass thing? I have two pixies and the one from the streetpass thing doesn't just have better stat/skills but has a scarf.
The gun computer looks so dumb lol.
I finally beat the game a couple days ago, and overall, liked the shit out of it. The atmosphere in particular was really cool, specially during the Haunted Mansion, Inside Paintings, Test Lab.
After you finish the game, you can do the Sea Ark top levels, right? Is there something cool to it? Also, what's the new game stuff? Haven't checked it yet.
Demons don't level up in this game.
Demons thrive on Magnetite, which is gotten after each battle. Magnetite can either be traded in for currency(at a wicked 1/10 ratio), or used to keep your demons going.
When you have your demons summoned and you walk around with them, they cost Mag to keep active.
This isn't as bad as it sounds. As demons' levels and loyalty increase, the cost decreases, and certain demons cost nothing to keep around.
Sea Ark top level leads to a dungeon that contains very cool bosses from previous megaten games.
@Soriku: why Kartikeya? I didn't have that demon so I have no idea why you recommend it...
So I just completed what I think is the final vision quest.
Where you have the choice if beating one boss or the other. How close is this to the end of the game?
You still have maybe 4-5 hours, depending if you did the Primate Test Lab side-quest or not.
Amami Monolith is your next dungeon, and it will take quite a bit to get through.
started my run. the opening hours were a bit bland, but i'm starting to feel the addiction now.
Really enjoyed this more than Overclocked...
different strokes - i just finished replaying overclocked, which i did in order to clear my head of my not-so-great experience with soul hackers. i had fun & enjoyed aspects of it, but, overall, it's probably my most disappointing smt experience of the dozen+ games i've played (otoh, i friggin' love overclocked)...
Damn 30 minutes lost because a demon charmed my MC and he killed himself lol
Everything felt so fluid and fast and I loved the characters and demons.
I'm having the opposite time with this game - it all feels like a slog. I'm pretty convinced it's just because I have sucked at getting demons, but I'm just finding myself grinding and grinding and running into problems with my Magnetite and not having enough... I think I'm just playing this wrong.
I finished the game a few days ago. This game absolutely blew me away and quickly jumped high on the list of my favourite SMT games. Everything felt so fluid and fast and I loved the characters and demons. Wonderful game.
Boy, the first EX boss() does not eff around. Dat Last Resort.Heeeeeeeeee hoooooooo
I guess I better just ice him as soon as he prepare s it?
Boy, the first EX boss() does not eff around. Dat Last Resort.Heeeeeeeeee hoooooooo
I guess I better just ice him as soon as he prepare s it?
Oh I guess there was supposed to be a trick with fighting Snappy? I just beat the shit out of him with physical attacks until he died