If the Xbox comes bundled with a vrr TV, I agree.
You can just buy one like I did.
It's a game changer if you don't want any tearing.
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If the Xbox comes bundled with a vrr TV, I agree.
The real fun is coming folks
But let's not forget there's also the 336 GB/s of the so-called "standard memory". What if the game's wrongly tapping into the standard memory system here instead of the "GPU optimal memory" (560 GB/s)? This Ubisoft after all.
I don't notice much difference until someone sticks graphs under the footage, already bought the XB version and I have 25 hours on it. I'd rather continue to have fun with it then trading it in and rebuying it on another platform.
But as I said, it gives me something to keep an eye on for future purchases. Right now it is looking like PS may be better going forward for third party stuff if the current trend continues.
I wonder what the real performance would look like if the XsX view turned as sharply as the PS5 one. I suspect the frame-rate drops much harder.Bloody Microsoft shills!
Despite them claiming the visual makeup is the same, you have to wonder why they haven't been able to perfectly align these two shots. it looks like they've zoomed the Ps5 shot slightly to get it close, because the first footage comparison footage in the next-gen speculation thread looked like the frustum setup was slightly inferior on the XsX, and this sort of confirms it IMHO.OOOFF! DOF is less quality on ps5.
edit : its not about the dark vs light there is clearly more banding, more blobbiness in the ps5 screen. thats a lesser DOF setting.
Tears were shed at the Crysis altar after Alex had to admit that PS5 outperforms the XSX up to 15%. This was not a good day. But, to his credit, he took it in stride. Probably acceptance setting in.
The real fun is coming folks
?What was said was, "Series X definitely needs some work, this version of the game.... The tearing is extremely distracting. It's just not good enough."
Ultimately, Assassin's Creed Valhalla is in a very strange place at the moment - by and large, it works as a 60 frames per second experience on PlayStation 5, but with some intrusive tearing. Perhaps some tweaks to the dynamic resolution scaler are required - dropping lower than 1440p would be preferable to the tearing.
Of course, it goes without saying that we should be patient with game makers who've had to work with development environments and console hardware that are new to them, while dealing with unprecedented challenges brought on by the pandemic. The basic idea that a project as vast as Valhalla - which releases on so many platforms - was possible at all in these conditions is astonishing. But with that said, our hopes remain high that in the coming weeks, polish and performance issues will be addressed.
The real fun is coming folks
Yeah I was thinking the same - maybe it's not an issue of wrongly, it is an issue of they have to tap that slower RAM. Which might even be worse than just having slower RAM only because now you have part of your frame coming at one speed and part of it coming at another.Wrongly? If they need more than 10GB, then it was just bad system design. I guess the devs can make special stripped down version with lower res assets and smaller frame buffers, but then the XBSX will just lose on IQ. Pick your poison.
The level of idiocy of this twitter is something else. The more worrying thing is coming from a person who theorically should have a minimal knowledge of what he talking about but seems the exact opposite.
Yea well, I don't have a VRR TV so yea, while I don't really notice the frame drops or the stutters in the cutscenes as DF describes, the screen tearing is absolutely unacceptable.If the Xbox comes bundled with a vrr TV, I agree.
Astal is handling this well
You are asking for a miracle if you think a patch will give you 12fps moreMicrosoft has really messed up with getting whatever sdk stuff finished in time for developers as most of xbox games need a patch.
The talk of Sony having their stuff ready much earlier seems to be spot on.
Hopefully both versions of the games receive a patch for the tearing and frame drops as both don't need to with the dynamic resolution stuff going on.
Colteastwood is hurting.
Just speculation on my part. I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt.Wrongly? If they need more than 10GB, then it was just bad system design. I guess the devs can make special stripped down version with lower res assets and smaller frame buffers, but then the XBSX will just lose on IQ. Pick your poison.
The level of idiocy of this twitter is something else. The more worrying thing is coming from a person who theorically should have a minimal knowledge of what he talking about but seems the exact opposite. MS PR underestimate too much the benefit to ground up the whole GPU architecture from the beginning as many others.
Colteastwood is hurting.
Astal is handling this well
That is a issue on TV side, no?I don't want VRR being the end all be all fix either. Work on proper vsync, the tech is old and matured.
Reason, VRR lifts black gradient levels, so if you are sensitive to seeing a picture one way, then notice the shift in tones and gradients, it does stand out. Some displays worse than others, but even in the mighty CX, it lifts the blacks there as well.
2060S?So then: 2060S>PS5>Series X
2060S wins next gen war!
They forgot to compare XSS against PS5DE. Does it worth to spend the extra $/€100 or not?
I saw this video and here's my take on it. Even if Colt is right, how many games do I have to experience that were developed with non-current GDKs. It's not optimal either way. The games are coming out now!Oh colt, you poor soul. I'm sure he came to this 50% number because of the warzone fps difference, completely ignoring it's because how BC works. Is colt that bittermuch guy that keeps spewing that same line on here?
That is a issue on TV side, no?
It is immature yet.
Probably only TVs from 2022 and up will do VRR like it is intended because now it is really being tested (before the TVs supported hdmi 2.1 but there is nothing to use it so a new batch of TVs will fix these things).
Colt gotcha covered if you're an Xbox fan....
I don't know. Generation wait and all going on over at team Xbox.Maybe it's in the power brick?
Dude its just blown out because the snow isnt in shadow and the grass against it is higher contrast than the sx shot. Youre reaching so fucking hard for something that isnt there.im not an armchair analyst. I am a software developer who works on 3d applications ( mostly medical now)and hobbies with game development.
but none of that matters when I just clearly pointed it out in the image. you can see more detail in the XsX dof on the same bitmap grass at the same distances. you can even see it ont he tree shadow.
Colteastwood is hurting.
Colt gotcha covered if you're an Xbox fan....
Yeah but I was just reading on MisterXMedia and they make a good point - you get 30 1080p frames in one second so it is basically running at 32,400p.1080p on the next gen console
It is the principle of the matter.