I'm a little surprised that people find ~13 hours to be "obviously rushed through it."
Also, Yoshi hidden asian confirmed. Welcome to the club, brother.
Yoshichan is Asian - no wonder he finished it so fast Asian's are smarter aren't they?
I'm a little surprised that people find ~13 hours to be "obviously rushed through it."
Also, Yoshi hidden asian confirmed. Welcome to the club, brother.
Yoshichan is Asian - no wonder he finished it so fast Asian's are smarter aren't they?
I'm not Asian.
I'm not Asian.
Didn't realise sweden's in asia.
Look at this as an opportunity to learn how to balance your Blizzard love with the rest of your life.tldr; I am buying DIII and I have been addicted to every other Blizzard RPG. My life is over.
I'm not Asian.
I'm pretty sure he was kidding.
So the game, even though if it lasts only for 12 hours? Is great?
Diablo? Lasts only 12 hours? Bwaha.
Date Time Location Event Details
May 15, 2012 07:44:00 AM Plymouth Meeting PA US Delivered
I can't believe how much better this game is on nightmare...
Yeah It's right next to the People's Republic of Norway
Something I'm curious about in regards to dual wielding with Monk. Should I bother if my other weapon is lower in DPS? Seems like my character sheet will report my damage is higher, but in application I'll attack just as fast and my attacks associated with the other weapon do less damage, so it seems like they alternate rather than stack. Meaning I'll get more consistent high damage sticking to the one weapon?
Like, it's no fucking joke. If you liked normal then you'll love nightmare because it's 5x better.I'm so glad to read this.
Good to know, thanks.You're correct that the game alternates weapon swings (MH -> OH -> MH -> OH) so you'd actually lose damage overall if your off-hand weapon is that much worse than your main hand. Yes, you get 15% IAS for dual wielding but if you have a 20 DPS weapon in the MH and a 10 DPS in the off-hand, you're doing less damage overall.
Like, it's no fucking joke. If you liked normal then you'll love nightmare because it's 5x better.
Like, it's no fucking joke. If you liked normal then you'll love nightmare because it's 5x better.
I want GPS tracking, dammit UPS!
And I think I've settled on a title for OT2. I have some other good ones up my sleeve, but I'll probably save them for later as they work better when the game's been out for a bit.
Good to know, thanks.
D3 image retention and burn in on a 50" plasma incoming....
Still *click* *click* *click*-ing
You and me both... 7 hours to go >.>
My boss and co-worker just bull shitted about basketball for an hour straight, making that go a fuck lot faster lol.
The grind continues.
I just finished setting up my 'PC in the living room' setup last night. My Razer Nostromo is coming today while I'm at work. D3 on a 50" plasma incoming....
So how is it? I played Diablo 1 twice back in the 90s.
Should I jump in?
Been 10 seconds. F5 the thread.
Been 10 seconds. F5 the thread.
etc. etc.
Wish I had some real work to do :|
Too bad they probably know nothing about D3.
So how is it? I played Diablo 1 twice back in the 90s.
Should I jump in?
zlatko said:Surprisingly I brought it up to my boss, and he just doesn't have a PC to play it. So he knows of Diablo. He's a big Halo head though.
It takes a lot of planning and strategy. At least that's how it is for my frenzy baba. If you press one button wrong, you're pretty much dead. Example: you proc your defensive cooldown two seconds earlier than you should, it runs out and the champions kills you. ggIf it takes a little bit of planning and strategy I'll love it.
OT2 title should really stay the same... people didn't even get to start clicking until around the 15,000th reply. Unless we're talking about clicking the refresh button on our browsers.