Finally logged into Diablo III around 4AM EST time this morning and played until work (~4 hours). Got my WD to lvl 11, got some good drops, & had a blast! Ned to play more!!!!
It takes a lot of planning and strategy. At least that's how it is for my frenzy baba. If you press one button wrong, you're pretty much dead. Example: you proc your defensive cooldown two seconds earlier than you should, it runs out and the champions kills you. gg
Shiiiiiit Video Card is not supported.
iMac with Windows 7 and Radeon 6700M here.
Beta was working fine.![]()
OT2 title should really stay the same... people didn't even get to start clicking until around the 15,000th reply. Unless we're talking about clicking the refresh button on our browsers.
That's pretty much my set up too. How big of a dip is it?
Origami gogogo. Bring out that inner Asian!!!
At work now. Wish I were home playing.
I have to say, this is the prettiest game Blizzard has released to date. The art direction is flawless. From design to color, its just so god damned good looking. A lot of developers are interested in making games look good by "pushing" gfx, but Blizzard does the same by being smart, IMO.
Canada Post seems to have lost my copy of Diablo III. Was out for delivery yesterday and never arrived. If my thoughts could kill world population would be dropping rapidly...
For anyone who has played and beaten the game on normal, how long did it take? How was the length compared to Diablo II?
I feel like I have been at work for hours, and I still have 7 more hours to go - not going to be a good day...
I did a lengthy Disgaea 3 mechanics post just to kill time last week :x Kind of wish I had notes somewhere so I can try to crunch out some of the new formulas.
...time to get to work to Diablo 3 stuff, I guess!
Canada Post seems to have lost my copy of Diablo III. Was out for delivery yesterday and never arrived. If my thoughts could kill world population would be dropping rapidly...
For anyone who has played and beaten the game on normal, how long did it take? How was the length compared to Diablo II?
I feel like I have been at work for hours, and I still have 7 more hours to go - not going to be a good day...
Holy SHIT I love how I'm adapting my runes and skill depending on the situation... act 1? Need some aoe and cc! Switchin' it upppppp!
QFT, I don't know why people were saying that this game looks bad.
QFT, I don't know why people were saying that this game looks bad.
QFT, I don't know why people were saying that this game looks bad.
Can you re-spec your character at some point in this?
Which I don't get at all, The game absolutely looks like Diablo.the game doesn't look Diablo, are what people are saying.
I honestly prefer Diablo 2´s color scheme and art direction more than 3´s.
It´s too colorful, too cartoony and too much in line with WoW. Diablo 1 and 2 set a distinct art style and color palette that Blizzard simply abandoned in favor of the current one.
Personal taste´s and all.
the game doesn't look Diablo, are what people are saying.
That sucks. Did you check your mailbox? I thought I was in the same boat yesterday because my wife said no deliveries arrived, but it turned out they left it in the mailbox.
DoctorWho said:Yoshi beat it in 12 hours.
WTB life steal gear please. PM or qote
Holy SHIT I love how I'm adapting my runes and skill depending on the situation... act 1? Need some aoe and cc! Switchin' it upppppp!
Holy shit that is magnificent. I never got into that game but a friend is trying to get me to play it.
Which I don't get at all, The game absolutely looks like Diablo.
Technically some folks in Korea beat it first, but Yoshi was the one that blogs noticed first.I just read a tweet by someone in my feed that says the first person in the world to beat the game was Yoshichan. Is that true? If so, awesome!
Troll post?
There are no specs. You can change your skills and runes at any time. It is awesome.No, being serious, as I edited in to my first post I know basically nothing about the skill system. I've been on complete media blackout for this game.