Actually i started to wonder about using Natalya boots and helmet as Wizard 
High INT variants are much much cheaper than DEX ones
High INT variants are much much cheaper than DEX ones
I'll help you, Xarielle#1851
Anyone want to make a quick 200k? I need Azmodan and Diablo killed in Hell so I can get to Inferno on my Alt-Barbie. NA server.
Oh my god, Barb gear is ridiculously expensive now. I'm seeing 5 comparable dex/int items for each str item.
sold two 400k items in two days. feels good
That's what happens when a class is OP; Everyone wants to play it.
This news does not please me, since my Alt Barb is level 59, and I'm going to need Inferno kit soon ><
Now that I'm in act two Inferno, I seem to be having much better luck with ok-ish drops. Sold quite a few for 200-300k, a ring for 6 mil, and have a couple of mil in auctions waiting to finish.
I also got some crap-ass legendary ring (my second legendary ever) that I worked over for a fiery brimstone and made 230k off that.
I started 2 days ago with about a 100k in my coffers, and now I have just shy of 10mil.
Ugh y'know what the AH needs? A way for sellers to tag items with labels like "Barbarian" or "Wizard" to make it easier to search for gear.
Does it actually count as progression through an act if I can't kill a third of the elites? I'm doing ok in Act 2 inferno but I can't cope with most things that have fast or vortex+molten/chains/arcane.
50-60 in this game is the worst.
I thought elite packs cold not spawn upon each other. Not only not illusionists they aren't even the same mob type.
im at work for the day so i cant check... how much are perfect stars going for on AH?
I think I'm finally starting to hit the wall. At about 260 total hours I still like to farm a little, but I defeinitely haven't put in the kind of hours farming I was a few weeks ago. Still enjoying the game a lot but I might actually start playing other stuff again.
Does THIS mean someone bought my gems? No price in the field. =/
yes it does
I thought gems weren't selling. I hope this just beginning of many more gem sales to come.
Someone....bought Perfect Square Gems? For real money?
As an experiment yesterday, I put my gems up for the minimum price allowed. None sold. You got damnnnnn lucky.
Someone....bought Perfect Square Gems? For real money?
As an experiment yesterday, I put my gems up for the minimum price allowed. None sold. You got damnnnnn lucky.
I already can't fathom the stuff people are buying for real money. At some point I'm going to do what everyone else did and cash out my character and go play something else. This is just getting ridiculous.
Where is a good place for one lvl? (I am lvl 59..beat diablo already..been grinding already -.-)
very beginning of act iv hell (don't remember quest name or enemy name, but it's literally the first 20 seconds of act iv) - after taking down the boss with all the shadows coming at you in the first portal that tyrael opens, just leave game and restart quest. 20 minutes tops to get to 60.
Tornado barb is so good.
I don't have any money though...
Four hours during the middle of the day and it's not patch tuesday. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
I think I spent 500k gearing one up, and I was doing A1 Inferno just fine until the server kicked me and wouldn't let me make a new game (what is this maintenance for?)
It's super cheap because you don't need very high DPS. All you need is crit (on the weapons especially), crit chance, LOH on the weapons, and then junk Vita/All Res everything else. There is a video on youtube showing how to gear for it.
It's a bit hard to get used to, but it's hilarious to play.
So what's the strategy to beat Ghom?
bleh I lost track of time while searching the AH.... as I hit submit on a 1.5mil item to buy it I was booted from the AH.... I really hope I didn't spend 1.5mil on nothing lol
in before the stealth nerf of the barb![]()
So what's the strategy to beat Ghom?
I'd flip a table. It would be a massively wasted 20+ hours that I spent leveling him.