The rule of thumb is to slowly circle around the room so that by the time you come full circle the first couple of poison clouds have dissipated. Which class/build are you? That's how I did it with my melee wizard (even though I can't do much in act 3 without being slaughtered in half a second).
Got my first set item, yaaaay! And it's Natalya's Redemption too, yaaaaay! With shit stats, nooooooooo.
Does salvaging lvl 60+ items guarantee a fiery brimstone?
I am a monk with around 600 all resistance, 35k hp, 5,500 armor, 16,000 total dps unbuffed, 1k life per hit and 1k life per second. That's all I can remember right now since there's a maintenance.
Salvaging Lvl 61+ legendaries will guarantee a fiery brimstone I think.