Actually that's very good item for that level 
damage bonus vs elite AND with poison dart ? socket ? Dat mana regen ? It's really good. Put the best ruby gem in there to make the damage better
Meh, I am already at the point in which I just launch the game to check the AH, then close it down again. Didn't even bother to finish a run today. Something interesting needs to happen for me to want to play again at this point, and I am going to take a guess and say sanctioned gold selling inflating the GAH prices is not it.
Good sirs, could I get a price check on these? What I'm seeing on the AH seems a little ridiculous.
abandoning my inferno DH. rolling a monk. my 2nd character ever played in d3. since ive mainly been following DH related news, builds, etc. is there any advice people can give me for Monk builds/skills/item stats/ etc. cheers in advance.
(Sorry for the re-post but these pants are confusing the hell out of me.)
Input 200 Dex, 40 +res, and Vit as your search criteria. Quick search on NA AH shows it's around the 5M-7M range.
Except if you put in the max amount of Dex it can have (243, right?) the price goes into insano territory. I can't imagine it actually sells for as much as it's listed.
Probably because at that point the gems are worth 20 million each.
It's not worth having 'insano' stats if you won't even make your money back on the gems. Just pop lower level ones in it and make some cash.
Seemingly for the time being I've found a never ending money making loop utilizing the gah and rmah. We'll see if it holds up.
Two star rubies aren't actually that bad.
I just can't imagine somebody paying $100 bucks or 77 million gold for these pants.
Rubies are for str. You'd need emeralds for that.
And I'm not entirely sure they'd be worth that much, either, or at least they're going to be harder to sell that high. Thing is that monks definitely won't buy them. You can find really nice monk pants with the resist of your choice for decently cheap, or at least way way way cheaper than that. My own pats have 60 dex, 200+ vit, 2 open sockets, and 56 lightning resist. So, honestly someone like me would never make the switch, especially since All Res seems to command a premium. That means your only hope is from DHs. You very well could get a DH to buy it, I'm just not sure at that much. I would think a DH would pay a good amount (again, because all resist commands a premium), but maybe only like 20 million.
The other thing is that I think a lot of builds tend to search for large vit on pants. That's one of the spots that's really easy to get a large vit roll, so they make up the main stat on everything else where it's easier to get a large roll on that. Gloves and boots for instance to up to like 300.
Thank you... that kind of analysis was exactly what I needed.
Can anyone help me with Ghom?
Yeah, post your ID. US right?
Hey guys what does Reflect damage count as? It's my main weakness and want to stack some resistance against it. Arcane?
I could be wrong, but I kind of doubt it's elemental. It's probably physical or just corresponds to your armor.
Seems like logically it should correspond to whatever type of damage you did to the enemy. If you hit it with Poison, it should reflect poison. Etc.
Just noticed that gold is now for sale in RMAH and read that 3rd party gold sellers raised their prices due to the minimum price of the RMAH
Think this will make the gold inflation better or worse?
yeah just checked, doesn't seem worth it to me. 10 mil for 33 bucks? PFFt.Last time I checked 1 mill is about 2 bux, but it may have changed again
Are Demon Hunters the only class that can skip resistence gear? I thought Wizards did too but I noticed all the top wiz have 900+ resist. I freaking hate resist.
What am supposed to do against jailer except one tele every x seconds? Did some backtracking then hoping to find 2 more stacks and had those sword slashers with horde and fast > back to the other waypoint.
I could be wrong, but I kind of doubt it's elemental. It's probably physical or just corresponds to your armor.
So then how best to defend against Reflect? All Resistance or just straight up Armor?
Life on hit.So then how best to defend against Reflect? All Resistance or just straight up Armor?
That, and life on hit or life steal.So then how best to defend against Reflect? All Resistance or just straight up Armor?
(Sorry for the re-post but these pants are confusing the hell out of me.)