1.) Start on the "Black Soulstone Quest"
2.) First WP: Road to Alcarnus, head here, over the bridge and there is one guarenteed pack, but typically two. Kill these two and go back to WP or town.
3.) Second WP: Black Canyon Mines, head here and look up first, if there is no pack up from the WP, head down and accross the small bridge. From my experience, there are ALWAYS two packs very close to this WP and are usually easy to kill, fallen and bees.
4.) At this point you have either 3 or 4 stacks, If you have three, spawn at the Khasim Outpost WP and run down, there is usually another mob here.
5.) Once you have 4 stacks, head to the sewers, there is ALWAYS either a pack of flies or snakes down here, ususally very close to the WP.
6.) Now, heres the not so fun part. If this is your first VotA run, you are gonna need to find the Vault, and it can take a bit of time. This will make your first run a little longer then the rest. Spawn at the Desolate Sands WP and start exploring. I find that the vault is usually bottom left from the WP or top right, to the right of the bridge that leads to the next area.
7.) Once you are in the vault, have fun clearing the most densly packed Champions in the game (that I have found anyways). On several occasion I had to take on two packs at once because they pretty much spawned on one another. There is NEVER less than seven packs in this area and I have seen upwards of 12. The trash in here is also very easy mode and there isnt much of it.
Now heres the trick, when you are done with that particular run, leave the game but DO NOT change your quest, now each time you rejoin your game you will be in the vault

. From here, TP out and go from step 2 making sure NOT to use town portals, just the WPs. When you have 5 stacks, use the WP in sewers to get back to town and then use your original TP to get to the vault instantly.