Wow...the price on those TANKED. They used to be worth a ton.
i think that is part of the reason they are selling on the RMAH for 5-6$ because people still think they are worth a ton and are to lazy to check the gold value lol
Wow...the price on those TANKED. They used to be worth a ton.
I get a legendary helm and an amulet from a set within moments of eachother in act 3, and guess what!!!? They both suck!
I get a legendary helm and an amulet from a set within moments of eachother in act 3, and guess what!!!? They both suck!
andarials visage and tal rasha adjuctationWhich ones?
andarials visage and tal rasha adjuctation
I'd take screen caps and show you but believe me it's not worth it lol. They're both shitty rolls. Andarials has like 170 intelligence and crit chance 3.0 with 72 dex. Tal Rusha amulet has 146 intelligence, 130 vit, something like that. With 6% lightning bonus....That helm isn't junk at all, and depending on the stats, the Tal may not be either O_O
I'd take screen caps and show you but believe me it's not worth it lol. They're both shitty rolls. Andarials has like 170 intelligence and crit chance 3.0 with 72 dex. Tal Rusha amulet has 146 intelligence, 130 vit, something like that. With 6% lightning bonus.
Both going for cheap as hell in the AH.
yeah it did but that's barely a boost. The dex is what kills it because high intelligence helms of the same king go for nothing. If it had 170 dex instead then I could pull something.I sold a pretty shitty Tal for $10 a few weeks ago. Maybe things have changed.
72 dex and that crit chance isn't horrible though. Did it roll 5 or 6% IAS?
Yeah, there's a screenshot of that on this very page. The person who posted it has also mentioned it a while ago.Is anyone else having a problem with the RMAH where in your list of completed trades all items processing have blank amounts? For example, I recently sold a weapon and it says processing but I have no idea how much it actually sold for. It's been happening to me the last few days. When the transaction finishes processing, then the amount shows up. Really annoying...
Is anyone else having a problem with the RMAH where in your list of completed trades all items processing have blank amounts? For example, I recently sold a weapon and it says processing but I have no idea how much it actually sold for. It's been happening to me the last few days. When the transaction finishes processing, then the amount shows up. Really annoying...
It reminds me a lot of the gambling they had with the merchant in D2. They removed gambling from D3, so the player base filled the hole. Ive sold a few pieces to make some quick cash, but most the time Im afraid I will sell a great item, so I wont sell ilvl 63 weapons or high lvl rings/amulets.Anyone else all about selling Unidentified items now? I love debating if I should identify for myself or just sell it on trade before identifying. Can make crazy loot selling this way as well.
Once I get some gold saved I want to buy items this way as well. I know it's risky but it's like a grab bag knowing you may make out on the unknown.
Anyone else all about selling Unidentified items now? I love debating if I should identify for myself or just sell it on trade before identifying. Can make crazy loot selling this way as well.
Once I get some gold saved I want to buy items this way as well. I know it's risky but it's like a grab bag knowing you may make out on the unknown.
Unless you're seriously strapped for cash, I don't think it's worth it to sell at all.
Unless you're seriously strapped for cash, I don't think it's worth it to sell at all.
Let's say you sell 10 unid'd level 63 items for 700k each. That's 7m. What are the chances of one of them being worth 7m or more?
It was more worth it when people were paying 1.5m before the nerf and ilvl drop buff (in A1/A2), but it's still not horrible.
Obviously you're risking not ID'ing the thing that is going to sell for $250 though. It's a mental block for sure.
Yeah, there's a screenshot of that on this very page. The person who posted it has also mentioned it a while ago.
just check your email. you should get an email any time your item sells saying you sold it. in that email your amount sold for will be in it.
that or just wait until it's processed lol.
Switch to 100 posts per page and never look back. Makes the threads that devolve into chat rooms much easier to skim.Oh, crap. In my defense it's not on this page lol!
Oh, crap. In my defense it's not on this page lol! I admit didn't look past the first page for some unknown reason. Doh.
I find the e-mail notifications really random. Sometimes I get them right away, sometimes I don't get them for days, and sometimes I don't get them at all. I am constantly flipping things on the RMAH so this bug is REALLY annoying me. I also feel like processing times have slowed down considerably. I rarely ever get my money in under 48 hours anymore.
Switch to 100 posts per page and never look back. Makes the threads that devolve into chat rooms much easier to skim.
odd the last 3 times i happened to be watching the AH when I sold a real money item I went over to my email and had an email already o.o
Are you selling un-ID'd items through outside trade channels? Or can you put them up on the AH?
You can't put UNID'd items on the RMAH.
Are you selling un-ID'd items through outside trade channels? Or can you put them up on the AH?
Just the trade channels from within the game.
Just join and monitor the rates that items are going for.
I did this run earlier today and it was great. The vault is full of champ packs. Actually got my fourth legendary on that run today.Anybody want to do this Vault of the Assassin run with me?
just got this dropped, prices in ah seem to vary. maybe 50mill?
I did this run earlier today and it was great. The vault is full of champ packs. Actually got my fourth legendary on that run today.
just got this dropped, prices in ah seem to vary. maybe 50mill?
Really too bad it rolled as a Barb only wep.
Let's say you sell 10 unid'd level 63 items for 700k each. That's 7m. What are the chances of one of them being worth 7m or more?
It was more worth it when people were paying 1.5m before the nerf and ilvl drop buff (in A1/A2), but it's still not horrible.
Obviously you're risking not ID'ing the thing that is going to sell for $250 though. It's a mental block for sure.
The stats kinda makes it a barb weapon anyway though
Current metagame for barb is to have high DPS main hand which works out in his favor. Unfortunately barb has a passive called Weapon Master that increase crit% by 10% if using an axe or mace and that's not an axe or mace so it doesn't work out in his favor there. I think that'd sell for a lot weeks ago before everyone started going critdmg crazy but it's still high dps w/ high main base stat so I wouldn't be surprised if someone paid a lot for it.
God damn, just made a big sale for $250 on a 1h. So good. Who are the people buying these things???
Mighty weapons actually work really well for the tornado spec too, weapon master + mighty weapon = 3 fury per hit; it's a much more reliable fury generator. High dps and a good strength roll with a socket... I'd definitely use that.Current metagame for barb is to have high DPS main hand which works out in his favor. Unfortunately barb has a passive called Weapon Master that increase crit% by 10% if using an axe or mace and that's not an axe or mace so it doesn't work out in his favor there. I think that'd sell for a lot weeks ago before everyone started going critdmg crazy but it's still high dps w/ high main base stat so I wouldn't be surprised if someone paid a lot for it.
More moaning about the AH... put all my money into bids, sold something, wanted to increase one of my bids by the amount I had. Can I? Can I fuck. That's an excellent design decision Blizzard. Don't let me just add to my bid, no, force me to put an entirely new bid on (which I don't have the gold for) and then give me my old bid back.
I'd love to speak to the person who came up with that one.
What? They give the old bid back when you are outbid. I literally just did this, got my money back, and then rebid using that money and a little extra.
I never said anything about being outbid. I just wanted to increase my maximum bid...
So lets say I had put a max bid on of 1m gold, and I wanted to increase that to 2m, I have to have 2m gold available, even though I'm only adding 1m to the total. It's retarded.
You get your original bid back afterwards, but that doesn't really help in the mean time.