They're fixing pretty much everything. Good god. The game will now be enjoyable.
Still no mention of end-game sort of stuff or when PvP is coming. That needs to come soon as well.
Good bye challenging difficulty - welcome rotfl stomping mobs without effort.
Good bye challenging difficulty - welcome rotfl stomping mobs without effort.
Yep, it's pretty stupid how weak they are. Hopefully one of the buffed affixes is the possibility for 2 sockets to spawn on a 2-hander. IMO, that is one of the largest imbalances for 1-handers vs. 2-handers.
They're fixing pretty much everything that was horrible. Good god. The game will now be enjoyable. Still a long way to go in truly making the game "great", but at least we're getting progress, even if it's a little late.
Still no mention of end-game sort of stuff or when PvP is coming. That needs to come soon as well.
and holy fuck, blizzard finally figured it out. not to nerf skills that are widely used, but to buff those that aren't, because they are broken. 7 years too late for wow though.
Amazing how this obvious philosophy is invisible to some developers.
This. This x 100. It is the very reason for power-leveling to 60 with secondary and tertiary characters.Also still no loot from bosses in Nightmare and Hell?
because buffing everything is killing difficulty balances... but who cares. no one will complain about inferno being slightly less difficult and better loot being fairly more acessessible.
I'm waiting to see how buffed are the skills and the AH recieving 6 caracteristics search per item
because buffing everything is killing difficulty balances...
Only if they go overboard. If some skills are so weak that no one uses them, what's the point of them even existing at all?
I hope they buff lashing tail kick because I
think I'm the only monk that uses it.![]()
Hey guys, ive never played any of the Diablo games and im getting this one soon. What character do you recommend for a D3 newb?
Hey guys, ive never played any of the Diablo games and im getting this one soon. What character do you recommend for a D3 newb?
The barbarian, or "baba" as it is called by Blizzard's Asiatic customers, is pretty easy to play and is the strongest character in inferno at the moment. If you prefer ranged, Demon Hunter is very powerful and also relatively easy (though you have to know how to avoid damage).
Sure. But I mean in general game design decision. especially when there is no pvp
Oh, and in case anyone didn't know, with online profiles, DiabloProgress now finally works (at least somewhat).
My character:
Ranked decently high for not having even played in at least a month (not out of dislike for the game, but out of extreme addiction to Dota 2! Put in about the same amount of hours in that now that I did in D3.)
OP is a bit out of date now and I will be updating it soon, at the very least in time for OT5. It's taken a bit longer to get there than I would have thought though as the rate of posts has been pretty slow in the past few weeks.
Not at all, good sir!I hope they buff lashing tail kick because I
think I'm the only monk that uses it.![]()
There are still a ton of us out there that can't progress through certain parts on inferno. Not because I "suck at the game", but I just can't afford good gear. The difference between okay level 60 gear and great level 60 gear is HUGE. Sure this patch will make what is easy for some people even easier, but I think opening it up to more people is only a good thing.
We dont think they fit well into the general philosophy of the game, which is more about trying to farm as efficiently as possible.
THAT'S the general philosophy of the game!?
No, my level 60 Monk is quite fond of it, as well....doesn't do a whole lot of damage, but good for clearing enemies away when I'm surrounded and can't get to the much-needed health globes.
Not at all, good sir!
As an under-geared monk progressing through A-I, I can't live without it.
VekTor from Blizz feature page said:For the life of me, I don't get all of these folks who complain when the game is made easier. Newsflash: you're not competing against anyone else who is playing the game. EVER.
There's plenty of things that you can do to make the game harder FOR YOURSELF. They are called challenges. Think the game is too easy? Play it without using rares, or without using magic items.
Don't like the AH? Don't use it, ever. Or buy from the vendors. Play it "live off the land" style, as was popular in D2.
Limit the number of skills you use in a build, or refuse to rune your skills.
Play without using amulets or rings... or the armor slot of your choice. Or no armor.
Do any of the above in Hardcore.
It's trivially easy to make the game as hard as you want right now. There's no good reason to make sure that other people who don't have your level of skill can't make progress. Their progress doesn't hurt you, after all.
Quit trying to raise yourself up by pushing other people down.
Making elites easier? lol I'm gonna steamroll this game post-patch. They are already kind of easy for me.
I have plenty of gaffers already, and most of them haven't connected in 50+ days either.
I quit because the loot is uninteresting crap with too much emphasis on the same main stats (all of it, not only legendaries), there was no encouragement for build variety and no long term goals. Also, my not so crap loot stopped selling regularly, while the good improvement loot spiked in price considerably (looks like almost everybody out there has 100s of millions), so I just cashed out on my most valuable items while keeping a MF set for when I decided to come back. I also quit because my friends were gone and there was no incentive for me to level my alts when my WW barb is already the best class/skill combination for farming shit.
Don't get me wrong, I played like 250 hrs of it, and can say I enjoyed most, but there are very few hooks left keeping me back. In fact, the only thing has been trying to sell my surplus equipment @ the RMAH, and almost all of that is gone. I have enough Blizz bucks for an expansion, and Guild Wars 2 is coming soon, so I don't really see myself playing. Maybe that's why I feel it's not enough for me. *shrugs*
Good bye challenging difficulty - welcome rotfl stomping mobs without effort.
Just read this in the Blizz news thread, I love this approach.
For the life of me, I don't get all of these folks who complain when the game is made easier. Newsflash: you're not competing against anyone else who is playing the game. EVER.
There's plenty of things that you can do to make the game harder FOR YOURSELF. They are called challenges. Think the game is too easy? Play it without using rares, or without using magic items.
Don't like the AH? Don't use it, ever. Or buy from the vendors. Play it "live off the land" style, as was popular in D2.
Limit the number of skills you use in a build, or refuse to rune your skills.
Play without using amulets or rings... or the armor slot of your choice. Or no armor.
Do any of the above in Hardcore.
It's trivially easy to make the game as hard as you want right now. There's no good reason to make sure that other people who don't have your level of skill can't make progress. Their progress doesn't hurt you, after all.
Quit trying to raise yourself up by pushing other people down.
Great patch notes. Blizzard again proves they're capable of taking feedback and changing direction as needed, even if it's counter to their original philosophy. Bravo.
Just read this in the Blizz news thread, I love this approach.
There's plenty of things that you can do to make the game harder FOR YOURSELF. They are called challenges. Think the game is too easy? Play it without using rares, or without using magic items.
too bad it took 3 month...
Blizzard seems slow as hell fixing balance issue. THey have mods with variable and number inputs. They should fix most of the gamers reclaims within days, not month.
But I guess they want to test everything and make a huge patch, not some hotfixes...
Yes. Always have been, always will be.
I know there is a list of people who play, but of course that was from launch I believe. Is there a different location for new/still playing people? Especially with the planned changes, I'd like to team up with some of the other GAF people.Oh, and in case anyone didn't know, with online profiles, DiabloProgress now finally works (at least somewhat).
My character:
Ranked decently high for not having even played in at least a month (not out of dislike for the game, but out of extreme addiction to Dota 2! Put in about the same amount of hours in that now that I did in D3.)
OP is a bit out of date now and I will be updating it soon, at the very least in time for OT5. It's taken a bit longer to get there than I would have thought though as the rate of posts has been pretty slow in the past few weeks.
I'm really curious how this patch will affect the weapons market on the GAH.
Wonder if Brimstone will go up in price with the legendary buff? If so, I've got a nice stockpile ready to go.