Trap DH are viable, google for the DH tank build.
A lot of the runes on spike traps and sentry are lame, though.
I think you mean all the runes except Scatter. Everything else is completely worthless in comparison.
Trap DH are viable, google for the DH tank build.
A lot of the runes on spike traps and sentry are lame, though.
I think you mean all the runes except Scatter. Everything else is completely worthless in comparison.
MoH should probably get a buff too. It's useless act II inferno on. I suppose its used prior to end game, more so than MoR for sure, but post 60 is another story. Maybe just a rune buff?MoR is going to get a HUUUUGE buff! lol
That is absolutely my criticism. I said from the very outset that Inferno was too easy and it is now much, much too easy since the 1.0.3 nerfs. The game should be extremely difficult to get through. Blizzard said that Inferno would take 6 months to get through; that is what I wanted. It took me 1.5 months instead, which is unacceptable for a game I paid 60 dollars for.
Why is constantly replaying the game all of a sudden no longer fun after Diablo dies?
MoH should probably get a buff too. It's useless act II inferno on. I suppose its used prior to end game, more so than MoR for sure, but post 60 is another story. Maybe just a rune buff?
Isnt there 300 LOH already? It's just not enough. It cheaper and more cost effective to gear that 300 LOH than it would be for me to gear the 24% damage MoC gives me.MoH has time of need at least. Changing one of the runes to LoH would probably work pretty well.
Why not just use something like Cluster Arrow (Loaded for Bear) or Multishot instead? Hell even Spike Trap can be better in some situations.I like fan of knives on my DH, it's great for when you first approach a mob and sharpshooter has my crit chance at 100%, it does a bunch of damage and will take out a most normals in range (I use the increased radius rune) and put a dent in elites. I also use it for crowd control when I get vortexed into a pack.
I saw someone tearing it up in Act 3 with a Jagged Spike Caltrops + Grenade DH. He used the green Grenades, used a bunch of passives that buffed Grenades/Traps also had a bunch of LOH and wasn't even using a bow (was a melee DH with shield spamming Grenades). He would just stack up on traps, sit on them and start spamming away. I think he also had Sentry with the 15% reduction rune.Before release, I was hoping you could make viable Trap-based builds like Trapsins in D2, but they're pretty terrible and resource-intensive.
Isnt there 300 LOH already? It's just not enough. It cheaper and more cost effective to gear that 300 LOH than it would be for me to gear the 24% damage MoC gives me.
Too much LOH would make the matra OPed for early use though, though I suppose the rune could unlock at near 60.
It's interesting that they specifically called out Wave of Light. Right now it costs 75 spirit (half of what you start with) and does 215% weapon damage + 45% weapon damage (or 312/45, 215/285?). How much damage would it have to do for you to consider using it?
Rushing people through with even more nerfs is going to lead to the exact same problem though. Outside of getting chain-feared or walled in while desecration saps at your health, the curve is so damned smooth already that it just feels bland (same as the loot, end game gear is so fucking boring, stats wise).That doesn't mean something doens't need to be done for the people who are breezing through inferno, but the game would be an even bigger wasteland than it is today had Blizz has just take the stance of "Inferno is that tough ... deal with it"
I dunno what his build is, but you can use all 3 of those: not just use something like Cluster Arrow (Loaded for Bear) or Multishot instead? Hell even Spike Trap can be better in some situations.
I saw someone tearing it up in Act 3 with a Jagged Spike Caltrops + Grenade DH. He used the green Grenades, used a bunch of passives that buffed Grenades/Traps also had a bunch of LOH and wasn't even using a bow (was a melee DH with shield spamming Grenades). He would just stack up on traps, sit on them and start spamming away. I think he also had Sentry with the 15% reduction rune.
260% damage vanilla is only a bit more than two 110% vanilla primary attacks in about the same amount of time, except WoL uses an extremely massive chunk of Spirit. That simply isn't worth a skill slot, there are too many other more valuable skills that you could take instead.
They should just make Vision Quest an innate characteristic of all WDs, since it's kinda dumb to have WDs be mana starved so much relative to other classes.VQ is almost a must for WD builds due to poor regen,
I know it isn't worth it now but how much damage would it take to make you reconsider?
What if it did 1000% damage? I think on my char that could crit from 340-750k which is pretty nuts.
How much is this worth? Some guy in trade chat offered me 1.5 million for it, but I think it's probably worth more. Due to the horrible AH search interface, I can't really price it. Any wizards want to give me an estimate?
Why not just use something like Cluster Arrow (Loaded for Bear) or Multishot instead? Hell even Spike Trap can be better in some situations.
Nah, sell it for 1.5M. Already saw a few with better dmg with an Int roll for only 1M on the AH. AP on crit and MF are the only other really worthwhile stats on it. Max AP is one of those stats that are nice to have, but not necessary to get.
No Int or crit really devalues it.
I could get behind those changes, but they also need to remove the mana cost associated with WD primary skills. Even using basic primary skills like darts, mana regen is still low due to the skills cutting down on the regen rate. Every other class either has free to cast primary skills, wizard, or they generate fury, hatred, spirit etc. Not sure why they felt it necessary to attach mana cost on every WD primary skill and let the other classes use their primary skills for free. Probably because WD is the least tuned and played class.They should just make Vision Quest an innate characteristic of all WDs, since it's kinda dumb to have WDs be mana starved so much relative to other classes.
And change it so that:
1 skill on cooldown = 50% mana regen
2 skills on cooldown = 100% mana regen
3 skills on cooldown = 300% mana regen
4 skills on cooldown = 350% mana regen
Also, let 1 INT = 1 additional mana
That way WDs can actually choose from 3 passives and not have to worry about using VQ anymore.
That is absolutely my criticism. I said from the very outset that Inferno was too easy and it is now much, much too easy since the 1.0.3 nerfs. The game should be extremely difficult to get through. Blizzard said that Inferno would take 6 months to get through; that is what I wanted. It took me 1.5 months instead, which is unacceptable for a game I paid 60 dollars for.
Yes, I'm not talking about exploiting. It took me 1.5 months to do it legitimately. I'm just pointing this out to make it clear that some people very much did want the game to be hard, but it's apparent that most people are not interested in a challenge and are mostly or even exclusively interested in the randomized loot mechanic.
I dunno about removing the mana cost to "primary" skills. I'm not sure if they're even meant to be "primary" skills like spirit/fury/hatred generators. They're just used that way because they cost the least mana and can be spammed.I could get behind those changes, but they also need to remove the mana cost associated with WD primary skills. Even using basic primary skills like darts, mana regen is still low due to the skills cutting down on the regen rate. Every other class either has free to cast primary skills, wizard, or they generate fury, hatred, spirit etc. Not sure why they felt it necessary to attach mana cost on every WD primary skill and let the other classes use their primary skills for free. Probably because WD is the least tuned and played class.
I don't think stronger passives for pets is that necessary, imo. Resistances already add to pet defense, and I think they're going to make it so that vitality also adds to pet HP. Just buff the current pet passives too and we're almost there.I know to some unfamiliar with WDs, a high mana regen rate like this would seem overpowering, and they could spam the highest dps spells, but most WD already do spam the strongest spells. WDs are just locked into VQ and its restrictions as well as needing mana regen on main hand, offhand and helm. You can get away with 2/3, but still it hurts. I wouldnt mind them losing VQ as a passive while increasing innate regen like you mentioned while adding 2 new passives, one that focuses on making stronger pet builds and the other that makes a stronger poison/dot type builds. I know they have the Zombie handler passive already, but pets are still worse than a wet Kleenex in inferno. I dont think pets should be able to solo packs of mobs in Inferno, but they should at least stand up to 2 hits from one white mob past Act1 in Inferno.
Regardless, I did not mean that no one criticizes the game for being easy - although if it took you 1.5 month to clear Inf, it definitely was not "easy", imho. I meant it is not the general consensus on the game, even if some players might feel that way. Manageable with persistency, luck in drops and proper micro? Yes. That is still not a definition of easy.
Weeks? All they have to do is make 300k and they can buy enough gear to beat Act 2.Yeah, I understand your point, but currently, what this patch will do (as far as my projection skills take me) is that those stuck on Act1 will find enough boost to venture into Act2, where without microing properly, they will get devastated by the flyer/lacuni groups. Devastated. For days, for weeks, until they improve their skills greatly.
A common theme in your posts seems to be the concept of high end players being elite primarily by being "lucky". That is partly a component of the game by design, but it's not all there is to it. Good players get that way because they are able to extract the maximum amount of value from the drops they get and use it to advance their character. They didn't get the best gear in the game by accident. Unless they bought it on the RMAH...If we argue that this is it for the game, and we wont ever have any hard content ever in D3, then yeah, things are looking quite grim for those lucky few percent who managed to either glass cannon into 250k+dps territory or have the best dps+tank gear above 1000 all res, 50+k hp and above 40-50k dps.
Sure, that's great. But this is the kinda stuff we warned about in the beta thread, and the kinda stuff that should have been in game from the start.These are just very basic options that are quite open to Blizzard to implement (and I have no intention of leading myself into a reality where they are completely closed off from the possibility of this), and will make the game a realistic challenge for even the best geared*
DHs are supposed to have a lot of DPS. That's part of their character design. Cheng says that he wants players to "break" the game. He wants them to reach breakpoints that result in game-changing playstyles. 300k DPS Demon Hunter is a breakpoint.*Except for DH's with 300k+ dps. Yeah, you broke the game. Congratulations. But if Blizz dares to nerf that...
Unfortunately, yeahYou could make an argument that most of it should have already been in their before, but I'm more than happy to get em. Sadly, dont think its enough to get alot of people who quit back, lacks that certain aspect, seems more like a patch that those who are still playing will enjoy and appreciate, but maybe not enough to draw in those who left a while ago.
Are you listing them in one large sum, or in chunks?On a side note, anyone else having problem selling gold? Havent been playing much at all, but routinely doing a run or two every couple days, and selling the gold. So far, its always been down to the last few hours, but its always sold, 100% of the time. This was actually the first time it never actually sold, not even a portion, which it did in the past. The whole amount got sent back, which I just relisted. Seems like the supply may have finally surpassed the demand.
._. how did you know I was drinking?Haha. Keep drinking that booze, man![]()
First time Diablo player, using a Barbarian, I've made it up to inferno. It seems...doable so far, but I have to do a lot of defensive attacking when elites show up.
Just dropped in here for some advice on which stats to focus on as far as rebuilding my gear optimally for this part of the game. As it is, I'm heavily focused on life regen, strength and vitality (54k HP that refills like 1800 HP a sec).
My Dual hammers are 780 DPS each with min/max +240 damage.
I'm weak as hell against fire and poison effects.
Thanks in advance.
plenty of us have made several hundreds of dollars. The game is fun. The game has its flaws. The flaws are being worked on. Some people will be unhappy with some of the solutions. Such is life.What's the general feeling about the game right now? I can't remember the last time I read a positive thing about it
The beta didn't work for me for some reason (connection problems most likely), so I didn't have a chance to play the game at all. What does the game include right now? There is no PvP right now, correct? Only single player and co-op? will PvP come as DLC or will there be any expansion packs? I love me some Diablo, but it seems this package doesn't include much, and I have a lot of other games I want to buy
Are any of you guys making decent money from the Auction House?
He only gasses where you are. If you run all over the place the whole room fills up. Try and run around the edge in a circle. Hopefully when you get back to where you started the original gas is gone.Ghom is horrifying on inferno, holy crap. Why does the poison clouds not go away ;-;. Did that happen on other difficulties? He never lasted long enough for me to notice.
He only gasses where you are. If you run all over the place the whole room fills up. Try and run around the edge in a circle. Hopefully when you get back to where you started the original gas is gone.
._. how did you know I was drinking?
It took me forever to kill ghom. Eventually he went down. I've only tried diablo twice. Both times got him to the third form and ran into the traps that capture you. I stopped trying because I still want to feel like there is something to do.I see, I will try kiting around in a circle then. Cool stuff. I almost killed him a couple of times anyway so it's not impossible or anything. I just spent like 100k on repairs and called it quits for the night.
Are you listing them in one large sum, or in chunks?
You also might want to try to time your listing so that their last couple hours or so before it expires are during primetime.
Oh I dunno, I was just thinking it would be a good way to cover a larger amount of time.Speaking of that, is their then any real value to selling it in chunks? I mean, in the end, it doesnt even always need to take the full amount, so it just seems more convenient to throw it all up in one big sum.
I think dashing strike is really good. If they made it "ground targetable" for half the screen distance it would be a LOT better (similar to furious charge but not as far since it's no CD).
It's life regen iirc. They could put life on hit on the last rune, maybe. I don't think it'd be competitive late-game but it'd be useful for people struggling to progress.