Expectation :
Reallity :
My point being, some Barbarian sets are really bad looking. Like Pala or templar bad. Seriously, where are all the badass skin from earlier level ? (this is full set 62 beside 63 mace and whatever shield)[/QUOTE]
White dye is the only way, in my opinion.
White dye is the only way, in my opinion.
HenryHSH said:Spend art resources on legendaries and uniques.
Make it so nobody uses them.
Any suggested builds for level 53 Barbs?![]()
White dye is the only way, in my opinion.
white dye ? lol no. I'll look even more like a stupid Kingslayer or white knight.
It's a Barbarian, remember ?
white dye ? lol no. I'll look even more like a stupid Kingslayer or white knight.
It's a Barbarian, remember ?
5% bonus to Holy dmg on Inna's belt set piece is flat 5% dmg increase to total dmg of character ?
The mythical 10% crit chance...
Anyone wanna ball park this? GAH had only 2 of those up, one of them was worth a billion (but it was a near perfect roll of 6 stats) and another one that was up for 80 million.
Get a 400+ dps weapon socketed weapon (reduced level req) then put an ametyst in it, a helm with socket, then put a ruby in it.
Then whack your way to level 60. Skills don't really matter use cleave or sprint tornado, you just need exp to get to 60.
Don't worry, no one really knows what it's worth. There are like combined 4 pieces like it on both the GAH and RMAH and nothing is listed for less than $100/80 million. *shrugs* Going to hold on to it until I get a better idea for it, probably going to equip it on my DH and roll with it for a bit.Dear god. I do not know how much this is worth, but it is worth a lot.
I got an 8.0 cc, 49 cd, 117 dex, and ignores duability loss drop a bit back. I was gonna sell it but then just said fuck it and kept it on my DH, lol.Don't worry, no one really knows what it's worth. There are like combined 4 pieces like it on both the GAH and RMAH and nothing is listed for less than $100/80 million. *shrugs* Going to hold on to it until I get a better idea for it, probably going to equip it on my DH and roll with it for a bit.
Speaking of possible item cloning, I just found this on the AH, exact same stats on every one of these rings, and the auction price makes it pretty likely it's the same person that put them all up. Why anyone would clone these is beyond me though:
The mythical 10% crit chance...
Anyone wanna ball park this? GAH had only 2 of those up, one of them was worth a billion (but it was a near perfect roll of 6 stats) and another one that was up for 80 million.
These gloves are probably worth somewhere in the 10-15 million gold range (depending on how many are up in the AH). While those gloves are pretty great, they're not close to end game level yet (which is where the 100 million + items sell). If those gloves had some some combination of vitality, all resist, attack speed in addition to what's on there already, it'd bump up the price quite a bit. Also that dex is a bit low seeing how gloves could roll up to 300 dex (even though that number is misleading since other affixes will lower that theoretical max)
For a frame of reference, I bought a pair of gloves that were +158 STR, +90 Vitality, Critical Hit Chance 9.5, Critical Hit Damage 41% for 35 million gold. While they were str and not dex, I'd wager that str gloves should actually cost more than dex counterparts due to the fact that dex is the main priority stat on gloves and how popular/strong the double tornado Barb build is.
I just picked up a 9% crit chance, 1600 damage to melee attackers, 7 yards pickup and one other stat glove for 50k.
Am putting together a thorns, extended pickup barb for shits and giggles.
It is a hilarious blast on Nightmare. Not so good for act iv hell, but I haven't tweaked the skills or filled any of my sockets yet. (playing on my wife's intel hd 2500 laptop, so is also laggy as shit)I'd love to hear how that turns out. Thornbarb sounds awesome.
I just put it up for 100 million hopefully someone bites it. *shrugs* I wanted to put it up for 250 million just for the lulz...
I can see it going for over 10 million personally but under 80 million. I agree the Dex roll isn't that high and no res/vit keep it from being end game but there just aren't a lot of gloves like these out there. Maybe one of those rich farmers can see it and unloads his cash reserves on it.
I'd love to hear how that turns out. Thornbarb sounds awesome.
I am still surprised how well this has worked.
Time played: 44 hrs, 42 minutes.
Gold spent on gear: about 3 or 4 million. Not sure exactly.
Buffed stats:
27.5k Damage to melee attacker 11k DPS 65.7k HP 1200 AR 8795 armor
Build: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/barbarian#WSVikX!VUb!ccccca
Face tanked everything in act 3 and 4. Had some DHs help with damage to make Act 4 go faster, but I did Act 3 solo.
My main was a wizard, but this barbarian is a lot easier and relaxing to play. I only died a couple of times, but never more than twice per elite (and that was very rare). When enrage timers hit, it actually helps me kill them with Ignore Pain's reflect.
Since my HP is high, my %Max Life heal spells work wonders. I hardly use health pots.
Troublesome mobs:
-Ranged take longer. If they have something like shielding+nightmare+teleporter...its... pretty frustrating. I skipped a few of these just for sanity sake. If they have desecrate or plague, you can just stand in the pools with ignore pain which helps a little bit (still not much though). Note - most ranged mobs do have a melee attack they use if you get in your face. Leap and charge are great for catching them.
Slow and heavy hitting. Elite packs of these will kill you if you try to tank it. You have to try to kite and wait for your heal CDs. I had one pack that was teleport and I couldn't kite, so I had to skip.
-These guys: http://imgur.com/a/WDBtL (accidentally included some screenshots from act 3 in there, I meant to show the Morlu Incinerators).
Lots to drool over there to be sure!
How much resistance are any of you WW barbs rocking in A3 Inferno? I just leveled a barb to 60 and cleared the first part of A3 without much trouble, but once I went into the keep to find Ghom any molten elites just melt me. I have 932 Fire resist buffed with 1100 LOH.
the amount this person has paid must be astronomical
I have been thinking. Blizzard is doing GREAT. I mean... one down, four to go. Natalya's set is amazing. Now all they need to do is make 4 other sets, one for all OTHER classes.
Yeah, shocker: there are other classes! Insane, right? Right?![]()
I have been thinking. Blizzard is doing GREAT. I mean... one down, four to go. Natalya's set is amazing. Now all they need to do is make 4 other sets, one for all OTHER classes.
Yeah, shocker: there are other classes! Insane, right? Right?![]()
My theory is that they were working on Nat's set for 1.0.4 and it accidentally slipped into an earlier patch.
bashiok said:Yeah that was an unintentional change in 1.0.3, and we've been aware of it. We're not quite sure what we're going to do yet. We're a bit apprehensive because we really don't want to keep fiddling with people's items, even though this makes the set quite good. On the other end, it was an unintended change and so correcting it isn't quite the same as fiddling. In any case, it hasn't been discussed fully and so we don't know yet, and probably won't know exactly what we'll do until next week.
bashiok said:We're not going to change/correct the set bonus of Natalya's. It will remain as-is.
It's one of a few cases recently that made us really sit and look at how we were approaching a game system, have some serious discussions about what they mean for the game, and where we want it to go. Sure it's one set and set bonus, but allowing it to continue existing, and even now beginning some work to embrace the concept, probably wouldn't have happened if the unintended change to Natalya's hadn't occurred, and maybe more importantly if you didn't offer your feedback (constructively and in calm and reasonable tones, of course).
We are working on Legendary item changes for a future patch, as I'm sure you know, which could change the set in any variety of ways. I don't know what those changes could be yet. But regardless those changes will only affect items that drop after that patch. They aren't retroactive. Any Natalya's items that drop before that patch (ie the ones dropping now), and the set bonus, will remain unchanged regardless of future Legendary item updates.
edit: Removed my comment about "no intent to fix it in future Legendary set". I actually don't know that for sure.
Did a quick run today and finally had a jeweler plan drop (flawless star emerald). I thought they were a thing of myth since I had already found two set items and 10 or so legendary items.
It's funny you bring this up. When I first got to inferno, I had like 3 or 4 jewler plans drop. I was wondering if the stealth nerfed the drops rates on them because I've since not seen one and had two set pieces, a ton of standard plans and a bunch of legendaries drop. Crazy how rare those jewler plans are.
How rare are the legendary plans? I've never seen one.