Man, i gotta start following you around more![]()
I wish my luck was like this often. It's not. HA.
Man, i gotta start following you around more![]()
I wish my luck was like this often. It's not. HA.
-You'll really want to start upping your surviveability. 21.5k health is low for Inferno. Target 40k.
-Get Crit Chance + Crit Damage on each ring (anything extra is bonus) Should only be 1M each.
-Braces get a Higher Crit % (5 or 6) and get some Vit with that Dex. Start trying to hit Max Crit % for each item. Its a little more expensive but the crits will do great damage and if you use Night Stalker give you back Disc.
-Ditch SS soon.
-Look at a Inquisitor Cloak Legendary they are about 200k-2M depending on its stats. It has about 90 Dex high All Resist and has Movement Speed on it. 12+12 on boots = a nice 24% movement bonus.
-Amulet should have 100 of Dex and Vit at the least and get some Crit % or Crit Dam.
-Upgrade to your Bow and or Quiver should each be 2M or so but get a better weapon once in Inferno.
-Try and have Vit Dex on every piece even if you have to get medium field for awhile.
If you don't have the money grinddddd. Get 5 stacks and go running around Act III hell. Should get some big piles it shouldn't take too long to obtain the money. Look for any MF/GF items to sell of. A GF/MF 14% ring goes for 25k.
I'm curious if anyone here has had a legendary plan drop?
The cast time for identifying Rare items has been reduced to 1 second
The cast time for identifying Legendary items has been increased to 4 seconds
The location of Legendary items will now be marked by a column of light as well as a ping on the mini-map the first time they drop, and a new sound has been added
Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed (rather than the items level)
Class-specific items will now drop more often
Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Square-quality gems no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Blizzard said:Sprint
Skill Rune Run Like the Wind
Proc coefficient reduced from 0.2 to 0.08
Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed (rather than the item’s level)
Class-specific items will now drop more often
Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Square-quality gems no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Fury cost from 16 to 9
Very excited this game does actually get better and better it seems. Whens this patch coming did they release a date?
When its ready. I assume this PTR patch comes out in a week or two. It will likely get tested for a few weeks so a month?
Skill Rune Run Like the Wind
Proc coefficient reduced from 0.2 to 0.08
Less fury generated = less time to WW around: fury from sprint is 60% less, while WW costs about 45% less. It's also a serious nerf to runed WotB, because you will be using much less fury.Should even it out. Less Fury spent = more time to WW around.
Enchantress Armor nerf too... Well, they are nerfing damage anyway, so maybe it works out.
Similarly, when selling an item, a "Find Similar" button has been added to allow players to quickly search for items currently up for auction that have similar stats
Followers, pets, and summoned creatures will no longer attack enemies that are in an idle state unless the player is within 10 yards of the enemy
Removed the initial tick of damage from fire trenches in Keep Depths and slightly reduced the radius
Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed (rather than the items level)
Less fury generated = less time to WW around: fury from sprint is 60% less, while WW costs about 45% less. It's also a serious nerf to runed WotB, because you will be using much less fury.
Anyone have any link to monster/boss levels in Inferno? Does this mean that bosses should be dropping better loot now (this is at least how I interpreted it)?
Anyone have any link to monster/boss levels in Inferno? Does this mean that bosses should be dropping better loot now (this is at least how I interpreted it)?
Skill Rune – Boar Companion
Boar Companion has been redesigned to be a more durable pet:
Has more durability than the Spider Companion
New attack: Single-target attack that hits for 38% weapon damage
Provides (155 @ 60) Life per second and a 15% bonus to all resistances for the Demon Hunter
Evasive Fire
Skill Rune: Hardened: increases your Armor by 50% for 3 seconds and replaces the backflip
Perfectionist: Now also increases Life, Armor, and Resistances by 10%
Yeah the Monk class changes left more to be desired.WTF they didn't really do shit for Monks but nerf us. Every other class got stuff to compensate for their nerfs. What the hell?
what should I do now? I'm playing a WW barb.
Should I buy weapons with life steal?
Ah the dreaded trail of cinders nerf. We had a good time together, ToC, but all good things must come to an end. Actually, I'll probably still use it for a while just to see how it is, cause it looks like trails are stackable now. It currently is ridiculous lol
I was going to point out the Res chest change but then I ran across this:
Jeweler Designs that drop in the world will now show up as Rare quality (yellow) to make them more visible on the ground
Items below iLevel 58 no longer drop in Inferno difficulty
Thank god...
yeah the stackable part may make it still of use for me as I usually put 3 down on a pack so it should only be a reduction to 900% or so... plus with vault now breaking jailer I don't have much reason to go back to smoke screen as vault is much cheaper.
Probably not but this is still infinitely better then getting ilvl52s in Inferno.Do L58 items provide inferno mats? Seems like it will still be junk that isn't even worth salvaging.
I'd suggest to everyone on GAF with a set item to dump them now for maximum profit. More dropping means more to choose from and prices tanking.
Always keep ahead of the gold curve, if you farm less perfectly for a week or two but end up millions of gold ahead you win!
Where did they say they are boosting set drop rates?
Affixes on items will now roll their level based on the level of the monster killed (rather than the items level) ----> hmmmm this means best drop of the game from the bo$$e$? am i wrong?