How much does gold does it cost total to craft flawless, perfect and radiant gems each minus the crafting materials and plans?
Trying to figure out if it's cheaper to buy or just craft em.
What's really funny is how closely geared they both are. They have identical sets of stuff which isn't too surprising I guess.
This guy posts often on the Demon Hunter forums on His Manticore is pretty close to the others.
I'm slowly building up my gear to be similar though one difference is that I'm sticking with my Legacy Nat's. I'm definitely getting there...with 2 purchases this week I jumped from 100K DPS to 124K.
Some certainly, but I'm sure others have put in the time. There's quite a few people here that have made some pretty serious amounts of gold/real money selling items found in the game and if you saved that up and put it towards each of the best in slot items, over time you'd be pretty well decked out.People that have that high of DPS have bought all those godly set items right?
No way someone is that lucky...
Someone in general chat was like HIGH DPS DH looking for farming party. Clicked his guy 307K DPS DH. Had all set and legendary pieces. Dude had only 165 hours on his entire account. He had to of bought that stuff with money...something I wont do...
I seriously doubt they paid the iron price for most of their equipment...
Any advice for my monk?
I got 50k DPS buffed and a Wave of Light build. I'll probably have around 30m in gold when i get back home and I'm not sure what to buy or change. I've been wanting a weapon with LoH + Critical damage and sock, but I can't really find anything for the gold that I gotSame thing with helms, can't find any decent helm with what I got :O
AAAAH crap didn`t realize I double posted. My bad.
Currently a paragon level 33 monk and it's still surprising on how Blizzard rigged the drop rate. I'm not expecting a legendary/set piece every hour of farming but you seriously can't expect a typical person play DOZENS of hours and still not find a set piece. The few legendaries that I found the past 20 paragon levels were bad affixes and even 2 Izzuccob level 55 1h DH legendaries in Act 3 inferno.
It's really a slap in the face that Mike said this, " On the flipside, we are also committed to ensuring you have a great experience with Diablo III without feeling like the auction house is mandatory, which was never our intention. Thank you for all the feedback about that."
Blizzard is losing money because people are NOT playing the game with this loot drop rate in this game. Like I said. I've gone through about 15 paragon levels without a set piece drop. It seems like 1.0.5 will fix some of the problems but it's still baffling that they lost alot of customers.
It's not like act 3 drops god tier loot. There is still 99.99% of loot that is garbage in act 3. Act 3 however is better than Act 2 because of concentration of regular mobs. Contrary to popular belief you get more exp from beating a lot of enemies really quickly than killing a pack. Act 3 has a lot of areas where there's a shit ton of enemies in a small area and thus is the best for exp gain. Even if you don't get anything good you can level up slowly and improve yourself.
1.05 will mix it up with the power levels. I am thinking of running act 1 with MP lvl5. I am getting burnt out on doing the same act 3 spots over and over again.
Currently a paragon level 33 monk and it's still surprising on how Blizzard rigged the drop rate. I'm not expecting a legendary/set piece every hour of farming but you seriously can't expect a typical person play DOZENS of hours and still not find a set piece. The few legendaries that I found the past 20 paragon levels were bad affixes and even 2 Izzuccob level 55 1h DH legendaries in Act 3 inferno.
It's really a slap in the face that Mike said this, " On the flipside, we are also committed to ensuring you have a great experience with Diablo III without feeling like the auction house is mandatory, which was never our intention. Thank you for all the feedback about that."
Blizzard is losing money because people are NOT playing the game with this loot drop rate in this game. Like I said. I've gone through about 15 paragon levels without a set piece drop. It seems like 1.0.5 will fix some of the problems but it's still baffling that they lost alot of customers.
The chance for Legendary and set items to drop has been doubled
2h Rend build migh be the future. Also the layout of the VoA and Archive runs is perfectly fine in act 2. Lots of packs in tight areas. I farmed act 2 a lot (and farmed act 1 a lot prior to it) before being act 3 ready.
Just saw this on new PTR patch:
Doubling the chance that legendaries will drop doesn't mean a ton when the drop rate is already as low as it is. I don't think it'll have that huge of an effect on things.
Switched out whirlwind for rend and changed from the fury bonus rune on battle rage to the larger damage buff rune. It works but it is pretty dull in comparison. Not to mention getting surrounded is bigger threat without the ability to whirlwind out.
Darn. Just bought 2 legendary pieces. Oh well, by time the drop rate makes it to the main game, gold will be worth even less. It amazes me that Vile Wards go for over 50 mil and oh my at the prices for some of the set pieces. eg. Natyla's Sight or chest pieces.
Read my mind.So we doubled it
I think the big thing is that more MF may now have a more noticeable effect on drop rate of legendaries, since it may be multiplicative.
If they're still tweaking, I'm guessing 1.0.5 still a ways off?
Yes.The cast time for identifying Rare items has been reduced to 1 second
Oh come on.The cast time for identifying Legendary items has been increased to 4 seconds
Even with the fact that I get at least my fair share of legendaries, I still see probably 2 - 300 rares before I see a single legendary. It's really not something to whine about.Yes.
Oh come on.
Something I don't think was mentioned in the notes: "Adds % to whatever damage" is getting buffed. Right now, it only adds to your minimum damage, but on PTR, it ads to both minimum and maximum. So if you're gonna be in the market for that kind of gear, might be a good time to pick some up. That kind of stuff is already going up in value on the AH.
Wow talk about irony, bitch about the drop rate and now they doubled it. I wonder if I should just dump all my gear now while the price is still decent and wait a week after the patch comes out for cheap gear
Source to % elemental damage buff?
Me. My triumvirate gives me like 10k more DPS on PTR.
A very rough guess would be ~1.6% more, so maybe 5k dps. Maybe a bit less as the min/max range is more skewed for a wizard due to source.So my Inna's favor belt has: add 8% to holy damage. I am currently at 85,106.60 dps, so how much more dps will I get?
A very rough guess would be ~1.6% more, so maybe 5k dps. Maybe a bit less as the min/max range is more skewed for a wizard due to source.
Also no point in buying a chantodo now unless you absolutely need the IAS to make your build work. A good triumvirate will be better dps.