Is a 1050dps 2 hand mace with 450 vit, 1100 LoH, and no socket worth anything? Or just vendor?
That made me giggle, but that is a super dope amulet for 500k.Sniped an amulet with:
+12 max dmg
334 LOH
54% critchance
for 520k
Also picked up a new shield, about 8k dmg increase for 5mil, not too bad I guess. Certainly for where I'm at gearwise atm, gear is too good to be crap but way from uber...
Hammer out the zeros in groups of three (Triumverate, hahaaa. Sorry). Don't count them individually, which is what I assume you're doing. 20m? Type 20 then 000 000. I never fucked up with this method.Sold my Tal Rasha mask for 12m I'm happy
I put back my triumvita for 20m
it sold instantly
go check the money
I hate myself
Hammer out the zeros in groups of three (Triumverate, hahaaa. Sorry). Don't count them individually, which is what I assume you're doing. 20m? Type 20 then 000 000. I never fucked up with this method.
That said, decimal points would be nice to have.
Just uninstalled the game. Will probably reinstall when the patch finally drops (or reinstall in a moment of weakness before then) but I've been so discouraged with the drops I've been getting or not getting the past 150+ hours of playing with full or near full MF. When the only point of playing right now for me is the loot grind and the loot is awful, all enthusiasm for the game falls apart. I feel like a battered spouse who keeps coming back on the promise that "it'll be better next time".
Hit paragon 48 last night.
I just booted it up to re-list some stuff (something actually sold, yay!) and closed it immediately after. I assume a lot of people are at that point by now.I can't see why anyone would screw this up. You have 5 minutes to cancel your auction and all you have to do is go to your Auctions tab to see your selling price spelled out nicely with commas.
Yup. Loot games without loot sort of suck.
I feel like their should be a built in modifier that increases your chance of getting a legendary based on the amount of experience gained since you last got one. It is completely backward that getting a good item is 100% based on luck. The guy above with two IK chest pieces is a perfect example. His chance of getting another great drop? Same as mine and I've never had a drop even remotely like that.
I don't mind it being based on luck, but they should lift the floor on the luck attribute by a good margin. Sounds like that's what will be happening in this next patch. They really need to do something with crafting to make it viable too. Like, make a new tier of crafting materials that can only be acquired by turning in the ones we already have (i.e. 100 tomes of secrets for 1 "tome of legends", 100 tears for 1 "diablo hoof" etc) and have new legendary equipment that can only be acquired through crafting with these new materials.
Some luck is OK. 100% luck is bad. Basically what you describe for crafting has the same effect as what I'm suggesting for random drops. We need to have some sort of modifier based on the amount of experience gained since the last "legendary" or "set piece". I don't see why this isn't being done. If someone has gone 150m experience without a legendary their chance of getting one should be higher than someone who got a legendary 15m experience ago.
Well, them getting rid of sub ilvl 58 items in inferno is going to help a lot. Doubling legendaries will help a ton too. Basing the affixes on the monsters level is going to be incredible. They're addressing a lot of the luck problems, but as we've both said there needs to be another system in place that augments the luck system. Crafting could and should do this, but as it is it's a worse value proposition than monster cables or life insurance.
I didn't really mind the Sub 58 items in Inferno. Made gearing my WD (and other future alts) really easy.
Hammer out the zeros in groups of three (Triumverate, hahaaa. Sorry). Don't count them individually, which is what I assume you're doing. 20m? Type 20 then 000 000. I never fucked up with this method.
That said, decimal points would be nice to have.
Who here actually has an alt that they still (or plan to) play?(and other future alts)
Why? Just use level reduced ilvl61+ stuff. It is cheap and way overpowered for leveling.
Who here actually has an alt that they still (or plan to) play?
Who here actually has an alt that they still (or plan to) play?
Oh god, it makes me want to kill myself at this point. I am very close to having a 60 Monk and DH, for months now. The Monk is one level away. Cannot do it.@Rufus - I'm hoping to get one of each to 60. I find the levelling up part more fun than the hunting for treasure part.
Who here actually has an alt that they still (or plan to) play?
Oh god, it makes me want to kill myself at this point. I am very close to having a 60 Monk and DH, for months now. The Monk is one level away. Cannot do it.
Who here actually has an alt that they still (or plan to) play?
We feel that monks are in a decent place at the moment, and are a solid class in terms of power, but there are some things that we would like to address with the class. Namely: we would like to delve deeper into fulfilling the fantasy of what it means to be a monk.
Currently, monks spend a lot of their time applying an assortment of DPS buffs through the use of utility and survivability buttons. The bulk of monk damage comes from very passive gameplay, like healing yourself to get a damage buff, or applying Sweeping Winds and not looking at it again. We want to give players who enjoy the fantasy of being a blur of fists and feet a more active playstyle, and wed love to play up some other fun mechanics as well.
For example, one possibility were considering is changing one of Dashing Strikes runes to allow players to travel further with the skill so that it can serve as a mobility tool, but at the cost of imposing a cooldown. Another possibility were exploring is making Lashing Tail Kick feel more compelling by moving the knockback component to a rune, or changing a rune to remove the knockback and instead increase the damage more meaningfully. These types of changes are not minor tweaks, however. We want to make sure we take some time to make meaningful changes that improve the overall play experience for these sacred warriors.
Got lucky in the AH tonight
The gem is worth 650k.
is this good ? the dmg is so low
Quote from Vaeflare, Blizzard Community manager:
Quote from Vaeflare, Blizzard Community manager:
While the proc coefficient on Meteor and its runes is indeed being nerfed, this change really should be viewed within the full context of the patch. Patch 1.0.5 not only introduces changes to defensive bonuses and monster damage, but also the Monster Power system, and numerous crowd control improvements. Combined with the Meteor’s lowered AP cost and decreased delay between cast and impact, these changes made it so Meteor was more appealing to everyone, which is fine. But they also made the skill extremely efficient (in fact: too efficient) to get Critical Mass procs and 100% CC uptime. Efficiency is good, but there needs to a balance. The skill is still very strong, so the tuning on its proc coefficients will hardly trivialize Meteor builds, and we anticipate that it will be brought back to roughly where it is currently in patch 1.0.4.
That said, skill synergy isn’t where we want it to be for wizards at the moment, and we’re looking at ways to improve that for the future. The sort of changes we’d like to do are more involved than simple numbers-tuning, though, and they weren’t able to make it in with this patch. But we are absolutely working on them.
Fuckin eh, another 3 days with no legendaries and no sets dropping. I didnt even get one rare that wasnt vendor trash tonight...quickly losing any motivation to play...
Reflect Damage btw is the biggest load of horse shit in this game.
I'm a DH by nature we are glass cannons and deal massive damage...and now this damage gets reflected back to us? How the fuck does that make any sense?
Any comments by Blizz on WDs and where they want to go with them ?
What is sad about that statement is that if you just had an ounce of LOH and a reasonable amount of All Resist, this would be a non-issue. But, Glass cannons cant be bothered, so they just bash their heads against a spiky wall which is reflect damage... hell yeah, but glass cannon builds do 100k+ dps easily, yaay![]()
Just bought this game, never played a Diablo before. Have they fixed most of the problems people had with it or should I wait for more patches? Bear in mind that I'll probably only play it once.
Fuckin eh, another 3 days with no legendaries and no sets dropping. I didnt even get one rare that wasnt vendor trash tonight...quickly losing any motivation to play...
Reflect Damage btw is the biggest load of horse shit in this game.
I'm a DH by nature we are glass cannons and deal massive damage...and now this damage gets reflected back to us? How the fuck does that make any sense?
You will enjoy it either way, the issues after 300 hours of grinding with few legendaries (for many of us) will not affect you one bit. Enjoy the ride.