It's been a long time since I've seen a non-WW barb :lol
I don't know why you're prioritizing attack speed so much for a 1H build. You should be stacking as much crit as possible so that you one shot stuff. Even with 30% attack speed you'll only be attacking as fast as a single 1H mace which is still really slow. You need to get your crit chance to like 30, preferably 40% without buffs. Higher if possible.
Thanks for your input and help man, awesome with all the images and all, thanks a lot.
This is my baba in D3up with more details:
I have 39% crit chance unbuffed and 380% crit damage.
My philosophy is that since HotA does such insane damage (+400% weapon damage with smash) I can pretty much one shot most of the white mobs, but I feel it is too slow for the elites because Skorn is a slow weapon, and with faster attack, the faster HotA is casted, that's why I have IAS items.
I was getting killed a lot, thats why I changed the ammulet and boots to favor more HP, I had an ammy almost exactly as the one you recommend, I did like 12K more damage with it, but elites killed me anyways because I had low HP.
I will buy the IK stuff, I know that my belt is not good atm and I need more life steal so the IK belt will do wonders.
About the helm, I was thinking of buying a Mempo for more AR, life and IAS (also it looks so badass), but I guess the IK helm would me more benefitial for my build as you say.
I have crafted like 20 gloves with no luck, I want a trifecta ones but they are very expensive. I will keep on crafting.
HotA is such an incredible skill, it does so much damage, all buffed and with berserker almost all my hits are criticals around 1.4 million per hit, its so sick, and the sound is so awesome too. That's why I use this build instead of WW. Also because I feel that a mighty barb shouldn't spin around with WW like a ballet ballerina

Thanks again.