That's why i do 60-70 second runs in Crypt of Ancients at MP8 recently![]()
Just tried that, got this on my first CotA run on MP8 lol

So close to godlike, wish it had a socket
That's why i do 60-70 second runs in Crypt of Ancients at MP8 recently![]()
Just tried that, got this on my first CotA run on MP8 lol
So close to godlike, wish it had a socketHaving a hard time pricing it, it's damage is on the high end as well as well as the fear % and LoH and it has the max + attacks, but I can't search by the + attack. As far as I could tell it could be worth anywhere from a few million to 100+, I'll probably just toss it up with no buyout or something. Is the attack speed % at all valued on these? I know the + # of attack is.
No socket, no life steal, no crit damage and max fear. Don't think it's the big score you're hoping it is.
Neither do I, I just literally can't tell if I should put it up for 5 million or 25 or whatever. I'll probably just toss it up for some relatively unreasonable buyout for a few days and assuming I don't get lucky off that I'll just put it up on friday with no buyout. No big deal either way, any upgrades for me are 100+ million at this point so it's a moot point for me.
In either case, I'm just more amused that I got that on my very first go at a CotA run, which I didn't even know was a thing.
Neither do I, I just literally can't tell if I should put it up for 5 million or 25 or whatever. I'll probably just toss it up for some relatively unreasonable buyout for a few days and assuming I don't get lucky off that I'll just put it up on friday with no buyout. No big deal either way, any upgrades for me are 100+ million now so it's a moot point for me.
In either case, I'm just more amused that I got that on my very first go at a CotA run, which I didn't even know was a thing.
So my I feel a little stuck in progression with my Monk; most upgrades are expensive not to mention require other changes to do so. The problem is I don't have a lot of gold to make these changes so I was going to do some AH flipping and wanted to know an item that sells often that I could focus on. I thought it would be best to have a common item since people may undervalue and so that it sells quickly as well, any ideas?
You know all those expensive items that you need to upgrade? Yeah, those. What you do is you search for them so you can upgrade but along the way you'll run across all kinds of miss-priced shit so you buy that stuff and sell it for the "correct" market price. BAM you just flipped some auctions. Now you're a billionaire with 100mil in equipment but who cares because flipping 500mil items on the AH is way more exhilarating than actually playing the game.
I am not sure if that was said with tongue in cheek but won't I need to start with a smaller 'bankroll' to do that, I doubt people mis-price stuff worth 10-50m for 100-300k which is what I have, or even 1M. Am I wrong?
You can flip all kinds of stuff. I've bought items worth 2-3 mil for 50-80k on bids before. Flipping on the low end is pretty shitty though. You should be crafting bracers, shoulders, gloves and trying to get upgrades there. Sell any rares you're wearing after you do that. That lets you focus on spending just on key pieces (helm, chest, belt, pants, weapons) and jewelery for the most part.
Going from 1m to 15m on flips is going to be really hard wheras going from like 100m to 200m will require a fraction of the amount of flips.
I don't think there is nearly enough volume on the AH to specifically target stats to flip. If you want an idea of something you could do is flip low to mid-end jewelery. Win it on bids (no one bids on low end shit) and then flip it for mils. I don't think it's worth the effort though.
and yes I was being tongue-in-cheek lol
You can flip all kinds of stuff. I've bought items worth 2-3 mil for 50-80k on bids before. Flipping on the low end is pretty shitty though. You should be crafting bracers, shoulders, gloves and trying to get upgrades there. Sell any rares you're wearing after you do that. That lets you focus on spending just on key pieces (helm, chest, belt, pants, weapons) and jewelery for the most part.
Going from 1m to 15m on flips is going to be really hard wheras going from like 100m to 200m will require a fraction of the amount of flips.
I don't think there is nearly enough volume on the AH to specifically target stats to flip. If you want an idea of something you could do is flip low to mid-end jewelery. Win it on bids (no one bids on low end shit) and then flip it for mils. I don't think it's worth the effort though.
and yes I was being tongue-in-cheek lol
jkanownik - That was similar to what I was thinking of doing, did you focus on a certain item?
Were looking to tone down the fire pool damage on Blazing Guardians in patch 1.0.8. The change should also make their damage a little more consistent, and make it easier for players to anticipate and react.
yes! finally
VoTA no longer going to hold the most terribly baddy in the game?
My monk can tank multiple MP10 lasers, desecrate pools and molten pools without a care in the world, but even on MP5-6 those fire guardians wreck her in seconds.
Maybe I'll actually go back to VotA to get stacks before hitting up MP10 KW now.
Stop teaching and promoting how to flip. You guys suck
I don't see whats inherently bad about doing so its not like any person is being harmed taken advantage of. Simply buying below market and selling at market.
WTF @ those demon hunter changes. Mediocre as hell. And Barbs continue to get changes that look great.
Woohoo! Comparing items finally works (on PTR)
No socket, no life steal, no crit damage and max fear. Don't think it's the big score you're hoping it is.
It looks like a Brimstone to me.
It sold for 100 million lol
Anyone here on US servers able to run Infernal Machines on MP10? I've got six machines and would like some people to help me through. I use a CM wiz /w 111K DPS. I can handle MP7/8 pretty well solo.
I wouldn't be able to do it tonight, but am available all weekend, for the most part.
Well shit, congratulations mate. Never listen to anyone on Gaf...ever!
Me and my buddy(cm wiz) can only carry 2 at a time. I cannot carry 3 players myself. What you guys wanna do.
I'm available around 10 pm est every night
Feel free to add me ( Talaysen#1383 ). If I'm around I'll help. I have some machines lying around too.
I just started replaying the game after a break of 6 months, what are machines and what is their purpose?
Me and my buddy(cm wiz) can only carry 2 at a time. I cannot carry 3 players myself. What you guys wanna do.
I'm available around 10 pm est every night