Please do something about the stats spread on rares.
Please. :|
P.S Or the disparity between iLevel 61-62-63 and the rest.
P.S Or weapon DPS being the sole indicator of a weapon effectiveness.
Can't wait to see what they're doing with Demon Hunter tomorrow. I literally have used the same build forever. No reason to use anything else because everything else sucks. There's only 2 viable builds for a DH, and tons of useless skills/runes.
If they buff tornado, crit mass Wizards will get even stronger than they are now. I have a feeling they'll leave wicked wind the same, but buff all the other runes.
they already talked about fixing this
Do you have a link to that?
It's kinda curious...don't tornado Barbarians and tornado Wizards operate under the same principle? Why nerf the skill when ultimately it's the passive itself that causes the trouble.
Guess not, lol. That seems to clash with their reasoning for not nerfing tornado barbs.
The thing about arcane torrent that still bothers me is this: They can buff the damage, sure, that's fine, but it still doesn't really solve one thing.They touched on this, as well as things like arcane torrent and seeker missile, but still spent most of the time on hydra, which is boring and we knew would be fixed anyway.
Yes, but the charm weapon already had some built-in balances to that since it's a 2-hander, and it doesn't have AP on crit. That means your only source of AP on crit is your hat, and that's usually not enough to sustain a prolonged tornado spam.If it's procing way more at 0.25 coeff than any other skill in the game then it'd make a legendary like the one that has 30% chance to charm way overpowered. It makes sense to adjust it. Just get more crit% to compensate.
David Brevik, the project, design and programming lead on Diablo and Diablo II, has given us his thoughts on Diablo III, saying that the game's focus on grinding for gold over searching for items "loses a lot of what the game is about".
"I wouldn't have made the same game," he admits. "They did some stuff that I thought was great, that advanced action-RPGs in a lot of ways. I think their story presentation was much better than we'd ever done it; I thought that the [ability to] teleport to other players, to group rapidly [was] really good.
"But I wouldn't have made the same choices that they did for some of the item stuff. The way that they did the skill selection really kind of changed, making it more of a loadout that you would find in a shooter or something.
"I thought that being able to change your build on the fly was almost too flexible. So I felt like that took away from some of the replayability, and the lower level cap [did] also."
"It became more efficient to grind for gold than it did to find items," Brevik tells us. "The point of the game is to find items; if you make the point of the game to grind for gold instead, it really loses a lot of what the game is about.
Oooh, 1.04 looks kinda interesting. Might start farming up some more soon =o.
2 barbs and a monk. I've been using nothing but barb lately. I'm so happy that tornado barb isn't touched, I might even use something other than bash/instigate to build fury if I need it with the other skills being buffed.
Their reasoning forn twister nerf is lol worthy.
"Oh hey we're gonna nerf this skill because theres a legendary (that you wont even afford or get) that will make the CM build better!"
Bliz's heart belong to Barb. You can't compare Barb to Wizard. Wait until you see Witch Doctor though. Wizard's notes will look like gold.
"This Witch Doctor patch 1.0.4 notes will be 99.325% about the Horrify, and Mass Confuse spells. We need this space so you understand the reasoning behind our thought process in the changes we made to them."
It's kinda curious...don't tornado Barbarians and tornado Wizards operate under the same principle? Why nerf the skill when ultimately it's the passive itself that causes the trouble.
WD is already fucked i think it's the class with the least varation and i hope they actuallyhave a chance to make it right..
we still get fucked up by tons of affixes (invulnerable minions, molten, firechains, ranged mobs in general).
Very meh on the whole. Seems like they put in far less effort than they did on the barbs.
they'll only be worth more and more considering the legendary bumps. People with plans are gonna want them.Brimstones are 375k now, should I sell mine now or wait later after the patch?
Not really, with enough life on hit, you can dance around all that stuff all day long. Ranged mobs are annoying, but aren't that hard.
they'll only be worth more and more considering the legendary bumps. People with plans are gonna want them.
shielding, fast, molten blood clan occultists make me wanna rip all my hair out. I don't die to them, but killing them takes forfuckingever.![]()
Wizards dont really need that many buffs, just a tweak in a few areas. They are one of the most polished classes in the game, that isnt saying a lot, but still Wizards have a lot of useful skills/builds. Im sure the majority of the resources are going into Witch Doctors and the rest into Monk help. Play a Witch Doctor for awhile and you will see how much further along every other class is. It seems Witch Doctor is the last preview they plan to write up, so guess we have to wait longer to see what changes they have in mind. It doesnt appear they are listening to the community, so the changes they have planned will probably be slight buffs to pets, buff to haunt, cc spells and zero help with mana concerns. I think if they dont address mana issues with Witch Doctors, Im done till they do fix it.Okay, Barbarian preview was great, but the Wizard previes screams "we are not done with this class, give us TIIIIMEEEEE". They decided to talk about something that has been mentioned before by a single line ("other hydras will get buffed"), and they managed to not mention ANY concrete buffs. "We are strengthening the snare potential of Frost Hydra. Arcane Hydra will be great for aoe. Oh god!"