I played in a 4 player game last night with all monks. The amount of cyclones on the screen was hilarious.
So I bought this game a couple days ago. I'm a lvl 20 dh, Amy tips for what I should be concentrating on? Any advice would be great!
I played in a 4 player game last night with all monks. The amount of cyclones on the screen was hilarious.
god i miss the lobbyesque d2 system so bad. i want to roll with 4 WDs![]()
I'm going to say anywhere around 25 - 30mil maybe more with vit. If it would have rolled crit chance it would've been godly but still enjoy the gold.
Sold it for 35mil. It was on the AH for about 5mins!
Jesus Christ I cannot play this game today. All of a sudden I'm dying 15+ times in Act 3. Then I figured I would try to progress in Act 4 for giggles, and Rakanoth has killed me about 10 times in a row, he completely one shots me no matter what. I've tried switching back to Cluster Arrow setup, still no go. What the fuck man.
Which server you on ? If you're in the US we won't be able to play together since i'm in the EU region, which is balls.
just found this, pity it lacks a socket
Damn. I forgot you were in Europe.
I do not die often. I only die when I get careless, or extremely unlucky with affixes (fast/teleport/etc...), but that rarely happens.I am apparently terrible then. My stuff seems to be largely better than yours except for the uber crit damage, but I'm also running Elemental Arrow. I tried the Cluster Bomb build you're running a couple of weeks ago, wasn't really my style at all honestly. I've also only got 37% MF including my Follower versus your 97%, so that's probably making a decent difference as far as the drops you're getting. When you're doing Act 3 runs do you die often? Since I upgraded I'm not dying nearly as much in Act 3, but I'm still dying just enough to be annoying and putting me off a bit from doing it.
thanks! Is crafting items useful? Or am I just wasting weapons and losing money from not vendoring them.For now, have fun, experiment with skills and builds and try to get to level 60 as soon as you can. Don't worry too much about specific gear, just try to upgrade where you can. But when you hit level 45-50 or so buy a Reduced Level Requirement weapon (and maybe armour) from the AH and proceed to smash the shit out of everything for 10-15 very fun levels.
Pay attention to this thread for builds and gear and what not. Eventually you'll figure it out. Don't be scared to ask for advice, to add people to your friends list.
thanks! Is crafting items useful? Or am I just wasting weapons and losing money from not vendoring them.
Jesus Christ I cannot play this game today. All of a sudden I'm dying 15+ times in Act 3. Then I figured I would try to progress in Act 4 for giggles, and Rakanoth has killed me about 10 times in a row, he completely one shots me no matter what. I've tried switching back to Cluster Arrow setup, still no go. What the fuck man.
Did you accidentally right click the wrong gear?
No, just having one of those days. Did a cathartic Act 1 run using my MF/GF gear (over 350% w/5 stacks). Didn't find anything on it, but picking up about 600k gold in an hour is mildly amusing.
Rakanoth is hell for pretty much any DH. I've solo'ed every other boss with the exception of him. I tried a bunch of different builds and couldn't find anything that works. From what I gather you either have to have really high DPS and get lucky and dodge his fast attacks everytime or go with a super high phys resistance tank build to beat him with a DH.
Which goes to show how broken some aspects of the game are. As a monk it was probably the easiest part of act IV.
I've added you guys![]()
Oh shit I just started playing WW Barb.People on reddit are talking about an upcoming nerf to tornado barbs, that would suck if true.
Most of the pieces like those are bid only, starting with around an average range of 5-10 million starting. That's if you want to go that route. I personally would put it at 20 million bid 50 million buyout but that's just me, no harm in going higher. There is no other piece like that on the AH, I am comparing chest pieces with those stats minus magic find but with 3 sockets instead.
Yeah ... I tried lowering MF to around 12-15. I tired lowering the ALL RES to 70. I tried lowering the base life % too and nothing.
I'll either put it up for 10 million with no buyout or do the 20 mill with 50 mill buyout. It's looks like a pretty nice Act III viable MF piece for someone's set.
Oh shit I just started playing WW Barb.
To be honest that Sprint move is OP. There is no reason why every Barb shouldn't be running it.
I put in 90 Intel, Life % (no value), All res 70 and 2 sockets. You get about a page worth of stuff to compare with. The fact that there is no mf piece on there means someone can potentially pay big for it. I would price high just to be safe.Yeah ... I tried lowering MF to around 12-15. I tired lowering the ALL RES to 70. I tried lowering the base life % too and nothing.
I'll either put it up for 10 million with no buyout or do the 20 mill with 50 mill buyout. It's looks like a pretty nice Act III viable MF piece for someone's set.
Just got my first legendary... I had no idea there were legendary items on my level (45)
Items on these levels don't really sell, do they?
I'm getting a lot of rare item drops, let's hope it continues when I'm level 60
Any chance to sell this thing? I'm guessing not, but I don't really know how the AH works. How do you guys value items?
I'd put something like that on the AH for pretty high and then slowly lower the price if it continues not to sell. Maybe you get a bite. It's a pretty badass chest piece.
I put in 90 Intel, Life % (no value), All res 70 and 2 sockets. You get about a page worth of stuff to compare with. The fact that there is no mf piece on there means someone can potentially pay big for it. I would price high just to be safe.
Me too.
It's OP but who cares? It's fun!
There's no PVP coming soon that I know of so why don't just let people have fun? I've already suffered and finished the game before the first nerf to inferno with my tank barb. It's was a pain and boring.
I just want to have fun farming now and with WW I'm getting that
Man this is completely hilarious.
I have started playing a Barbarian. Now when I play a new character I don't even touch the AH because there is no point, I just steam roll through everything. I usually don't even bother picking up items unless they are upgrades to me. Eventually comes a point in time where I have to vendor my items because they are useless now as I have upgraded them. I also had a bunch of items that my class couldn't use but were rares with decent stats. I thought hey... let's just put these on the AH. So I put all my junk items on the AH at around 2000-3000.
Everything sold... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!!
Now I regret not selling my stuff earlier. There is like a whole market of items to sell to the 1-59 crowd. Anything with +Exp is instant sell.
Looks like the launcher is showing signs of an impending wow-style PTR and since PvP is the only upcoming feature we know of worthy of large scale testing...
So I have been vastly under cutting this junk... I don't think I put anything above 5k.For sure, I always sell lower level +exp gear. I also buy sets of +exp gear for each difficulty on each of my alts, so there is a pretty big market for it. If it has exp, main stat, and vit, sells for 20k or so easily.
Man this is completely hilarious.
I have started playing a Barbarian. Now when I play a new character I don't even touch the AH because there is no point, I just steam roll through everything. I usually don't even bother picking up items unless they are upgrades to me. Eventually comes a point in time where I have to vendor my items because they are useless now as I have upgraded them. I also had a bunch of items that my class couldn't use but were rares with decent stats. I thought hey... let's just put these on the AH. So I put all my junk items on the AH at around 2000-3000.
Everything sold... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!!
Now I regret not selling my stuff earlier. There is like a whole market of items to sell to the 1-59 crowd. Anything with +Exp is instant sell.
Looks like the launcher is showing signs of an impending wow-style PTR and since PvP is the only upcoming feature we know of worthy of large scale testing...
It's very hard to tell since it's also dependent on your life on hit and how monks play e.g. are you using that Sweeping Winds build or whatever. Best way is to just keep testing it yourself after each upgrade.
There are guides online which list the optimal places where elites spawn and have low sizes, look it up. Typically you start by looking for Watch Tower and if it did not spawn you restart the game. Then Festering Woods, Cemetery, Leoric's Manor and all the way to Butcher. You can skip that rescuing prisoners part if you choose the last quest.
I guess seeing Alkaizer do his thing could have tipped them over the edge. I'm already transitioning to Rend anyway, so whatever. WW never really sat too well with me. Always felt kind of weird and you're screwed the moment WotB is down if you're fighting anything with Jailer, sometimes Waller. Succubi are also a frequent show stopper with the build.People on reddit are talking about an upcoming nerf to tornado barbs, that would suck if true.
I'm having so much fun steamrolling everything with my barb now, hopefully they just turn down a notch if they nerf it.
I probably should have reposted my toon. Here is Thelonius. My question is with a monk running one with everything, is all resistance that important? I thought I could just focus on one resistance and have enough to get by (around 400 or so) to get through Act II.
Also what is an adequate level of vitality that I should be shooting for? I feel like my armor rating is the weak link (as well as my gems)in my character. If I need to increase resistance and vitality, how much dexterity/damage should I give up? Admittedly, I do tend to roll with glass cannons.
I guess seeing Alkaizer do his thing could have tipped them over the edge. I'm already transitioning to Rend anyway, so whatever. WW never really sat too well with me. Always felt kind of weird and you're screwed the moment WotB is down if you're fighting anything with Jailer, sometimes Waller. Succubi are also a frequent show stopper with the build.