Wow what are the odds that I'd get identical amazing legendaries in the same run? Haven't gotten a chance to PC the int boots yet hope they're worth alot.
I think those int ones will sell for so god damn much, congrats on the finds, never seen someone find the same legendary TWICE in the same run.
Then use the green Fist of Thunders and MoE - Backlash. That's a ton of additional dodge and every time you dodge you attack all enemies for 60%+ damage. You will still hit for a shit ton. Also you could've saved a shit ton of gold by just transitioning your Cold monk to a more DPS heavy build, should've just contacted me.
Personally speaking you can get WAY cheaper rare boots with fire res and movement speed than Fire Walkers. The pseudo-trail of cinders is nice but it's not that useful, only for breaking pots/items. 250 Dex, 10%+ movement speed, 50+ fire res and some all res should be your goal. You already have enough vit, don't bother wasting millions just for a vit stat on the boots.
Or you can hit that dude with the 2 Ice climbers, that dex boot would be perfect for you.
I'm not looking for the little trail, just seems they will be better then reg rare boots but seems like it won't haha. This is actually my little bros monk gear, he just can't equip it since he's not level 60 yet, he just bought the stuff for his soon to be 60 monk and I was like, I'll take your gear for now
I would also hit up the gentlemen with the ice climbers if I had gold, sadly I don't
Gotta wait until I hit "big" once again...LAME