And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Is that the infamous thumb that almost killed you?
Hahaha, no.
Is that the infamous thumb that almost killed you?
Wow, really? If that's what you expect from Loot 2.0, you are setting yourself up for some major disappointment.Kill Skeleton King on Normal... get a Rare...
... which is a Monk only weapon when neither of the players were a Monk.
Yup, this is not smart drop/Loot 2.0.
I read something in one of the reviews about this game supporting character export to USB. Does this mean that I could transfer my character from 360 to PS4?
If you watch streams on Twitch, apparently people are streaming it.
Wha? I thought Blizz was pretty open about streaming.Unless they had special permission from Blizzard, those streams will probably be nuked soon.
Wha? I thought Blizz was pretty open about streaming.
Unless they had special permission from Blizzard, those streams will probably be nuked soon.
online coop is present, but you're not restricted by it, you can play the entire game offline and offline coop as well.
Is this game worth playing solely as a single player game? I'm seriously considering picking it up.
Is this game worth playing solely as a single player game? I'm seriously considering picking it up. I've read that Normal difficulty is too easy. Is that the only option on a first play through?
you can turn up the difficulty on your first playthrough, believe there's 8 difficulty levels. saw the guy doing it on live stream and he was only level 12. it's definitely worth it if you're into this kind of game, think TRU has it for $45 too.
that's what i figured too, but it's been on for 3+ hours now. usually acti/blizz streaming before release games get nuked really fast. def wouldn't risk my account with it if i had it, but it's fun to watch.
preordered this on my lunch break. played the shit out of diablo and diablo II. my computer sucks so i never got to play this one. 360 version here. seems like this and gtav will keep me busy for a good lone while.
AH isn't in the console versions and most critics/gamers don't put much stock into the story. The itemization is a problem you only run into after getting into Inferno and by that time most journos would've quit the game and given their verdict. The game is very fun and playable when leveling up your character from 1-60. They really nailed the basic feel of the combat which is what allows people to play the game for so long despite mediocre RPG elements.It's really disappointing how generous critics are with this game. It's by no means the worst game I've ever played, but it fails to rise above mediocrity and is even downright bad in some respects (story, itemization, auction house).
It's really disappointing how generous critics are with this game. It's by no means the worst game I've ever played, but it fails to rise above mediocrity and is even downright bad in some respects (story, itemization, auction house).
Played through act 1 today 2-3 player local co-op. Took a while to get rare items but after skeleton king we got a lot of em. No legendaries thoughWorks really nicely on console, especially that the other players can go afk so that the AI takes over/teleports. But the item management is really cumbersome, can you really not see the stats of an item before picking it up? Disaster if not. After a while we skipped picking up most stuff since gold is useless without AH anyway (just used it to upgrade the blacksmith).
A few new things compared to the PC version which made me go 'duh, why is this not on PC already'. Also the camera is usually more zoomed-in which is both good and bad since if another player is lagging behind you don't see what's up ahead.
How do they handle mapping skills with a user-variable cast range like for example Barbarian's leap to a controller? Fixed range? Zero interest in the console version myself since there's no online only mode that ties into B.net so I'm more curious how it many affect future class/skill design in the PC version.
On console, you just face the monster and it picks up the target you're aiming at, then you can leap, dash, cast blizzard on it, whatever to the target.
why does diablo look so colorful and cheerful
they need to dark this shit up for us with a patch. This isnt PC crowd, im used to gritty mature games with adult themes like Black Ops 2
This is a bit worrying, in the Champions of Norrath games the vendors were actually worth looking through and Diablo 2 had the gamble system. Would have been nice if they had tuned this version so vendors aren't useless.
How does saving work in local multiplayer? Does every player need to make their own profile or are every character (including ur friends) saved on the main profile?
Makes me wonder if the Demon Hunter class will not be a frustrating mess with you trying to aim at a certain stronger enemy instead of the weaker one's.
Minimum specs for a good CM build (read: effectiveness won't be as apparent until you're at this point):Now that I am making my wizard build, how hard will it be to gear for a crit mass build? Diablo 3 pros help a brother out.
Nice review!![]()
Has it been confirmed if you can transfer your PS3 character to PS4? I love the idea of playing D3 without shitty RMAH, with a dodge/roll mechanic and controller. Just seems like a better version but i also don't want to invest another 100 hours on the PS3 verison only to have to restart all my progress a third time on the PS4.
There's a new interview about the console versions over at Diablofans
Work on the PS4 version of the game is already underway
There is the possibility that players with the PS3 version of the game, might also be able to play their characters on the PS4
The developers are thinking of interesting ways to use the PlayStation 4 controller and specifically the Trackpad and the Share button. The first, for example, could be used to manage the inventory
Another possible integration is between the PlayStation 4 and the PS Vita. Nothing about it is shared though
The game will continue to be updated on console, in standard Blizzard fashion
Nothing is mentioned on the possibility of DLC or the possible release of Reaper of Souls on console
Nothing so far on the Xbox One version of the game
Good to hear the console versions will get updates. Hopefully the ps3 to ps4 transfer works out.