The only thing turning me off about this game is the weapon damage mechanic - a Wizard with a 1H or 2H more powerful than a staff/wand just doesn't sit well with me.
The only thing turning me off about this game is the weapon damage mechanic - a Wizard with a 1H or 2H more powerful than a staff/wand just doesn't sit well with me.
The only thing turning me off about this game is the weapon damage mechanic - a Wizard with a 1H or 2H more powerful than a staff/wand just doesn't sit well with me.
Gamestop (at least in Sweden) has a deal where if you trade in two games from a particular list, you get D3 for free. A good deal to me.
Sure! Uploaded from my phone:You got that list?
Mighty tempted to pick this up, but with gta around the corner I'm not sure Ill be able to give it the time it deserves.
This still hasn't been fixed? That is just ridiculous.![]()
The only thing turning me off about this game is the weapon damage mechanic - a Wizard with a 1H or 2H more powerful than a staff/wand just doesn't sit well with me.
Sorry if this has been asked a bunch, but is it confirmed that the game runs at 60 fps?
Yes. Confirmed in many places.Sorry if this has been asked a bunch, but is it confirmed that the game runs at 60 fps?
Is there a way to get this cheaper than the $59 or so that it is on Amazon?
I own this on PC, I'd like to get it eventually on PS4, so there's no way I'm paying close to that for the PS3 version unless there was a trade-up program announced.![]()
Livestream has begun.![]()
Are you getting it on launch Robin? Playing solo or coop? Online or with buddies?
Loot 2.0 is in the console version, yeah.
From what I've read it seems more like it's shipping with loot 2.0 "lite". Not the full package that's coming for PC, but a custom-tailored version for consoles to make up for no AH. Shouldn't be hard to patch into the game at a later point though so here's hoping it makes it.
Yes. Confirmed in many places.
any word on screen tearing (or hopefully a lack of it)?
You shouldn't see any screen tearing. I don't think the game is a locked 60fps, but it's pretty solid and definitely no screen tearing.
Watching the IGN stream, this is how I interpreted the conversation I came in on: "Diablo 3 sux. U should still play it if your new on console, but it's not Diablo 2. Like wtf, lol Blizz screwed up."
Way to talk up the game, guys.
Kill Skeleton King on Normal... get a Rare...
... which is a Monk only weapon when neither of the players were a Monk.
Yup, this is not smart drop/Loot 2.0.
this may have been answered already (i tried google)
is there a difference between 360 / PS3 versions? I have both systems so is there one recommended over the other?
sorry if this is a stupid question...
It's not something to moan/cry about but that's not a significant improvement over the PC version that some people are expecting.It is not, but if people will moan/cry about that, then there is no resilence/endurance/whatever in this world anymore![]()
Kill Skeleton King on Normal... get a Rare...
... which is a Monk only weapon when neither of the players were a Monk.
Yup, this is not smart drop/Loot 2.0.
this may have been answered already (i tried google)
is there a difference between 360 / PS3 versions? I have both systems so is there one recommended over the other?
sorry if this is a stupid question...
Kill Skeleton King on Normal... get a Rare...
... which is a Monk only weapon when neither of the players were a Monk.
Yup, this is not smart drop/Loot 2.0.
It's not 100% but I think the first drop you get from new bosses are geared towards your class. Plus on higher difficulties they are always legendaries.Smart drop is supposed to be 100% guaranteed drop for your class? I thought there is still randomness, just less drops but better stats.
There's no AH on the console version...that's on purpose .. They wanted to push the AH and community aspect.
that's on purpose .. They wanted to push the AH and community aspect.
Q: How does multiplayer work locally?
A: Up to 4 players can play on the same screen, however they cannot leave the same screen. If some players run ahead or in different directions, the camera will zoom out to accommodate everyone on the screen, but only up to a point. Once that point is reached, players who are left behind will either be forced to move (they kind of get dragged along the edge of the screen) or they will be teleported to the group automatically. (Source: )
Q: What is different from the PC version to the console version?
A: A lot has changed. With controller support, Blizzard has added an 'dodge' function (called Evade), the camera has been zoomed in slightly for better views, monster density has been customised for console to make sure you have enemies on the screen, but not so many that you would be completely overwhelmed, ‘Nephalem Power Orbs’ have been added which drop randomly (like health orbs) and give a slight, but temporary boost to your character’s abilities. These are just some of the new features in the console version.
Q: How will town portals work in multiplayer? Just disabled or ports everyone to town or?
A: If someone cast town portal while you're in a multiplayer game on a single console, then everyone in the local coop party goes back to town. If you're playing a multiplayer game online, however, town portal will just send the caster back. (Source: )
Q: Seen in one of the e3 vids "Nightmare(Easy)" What does this mean? is there also different difficulties like Monster Power?
A: Taken from here:
Yes and no.
Difficulty levels and Monster Power operate a little differently on console. There will still be Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno, and completing one mode will unlock the next mode -- just like on PC. Also, within each of these modes players will able to select from different difficulty levels to suit their preferred level of challenge. On console, however, there are only 8 settings: Easy, Medium, Hard, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV, and Master V. At Medium and higher in Inferno, density does increase, but the increase won't be as significant as what you'd typically see on PC (due to performance issues). Similar to MP on PC, higher difficulty settings present more powerful enemies that will have opportunity to reward players with more powerful loot.
For perspective, here's the current scaling (note that this may change before we ship):
Easy = Monster Power 0
Medium = Monster Power 2
Hard = Monster Power 4
Master I = Monster Power 6
Master II = Monster Power 7
Master III = Monster Power 8
Master IV = Monster Power 9
Master V = Monster Power 10
That's for local multiplayer. Not sure how it would work otherwise.quoting a few bits from the faq that changed my decision from possible buy to no buy:
Now this I could see being annoying, depending. It helps that you can manipulate some aspects of your inventory without going into the menus.Also, one player using the menu pausing the game for everyone else would be really frustrating.
Watching the stream and reading more info about the console version has convinced me not to get this for PS3 afterall. I hadn't been keeping up on many of the changes, but I'm definitely not picking it up. Some of the changes sound performance related though, so perhaps they'll be taken care of in the PS4/XB1 versions.
quoting a few bits from the faq that changed my decision from possible buy to no buy:
Diablo III Console FAQ
Also, one player using the menu pausing the game for everyone else would be really frustrating.
Most of those aren't as bad as it may sound. I am watching them playing and the monster density seems fine. And the whole not going off screen for couch co-op makes complete sense, which doesn't apply for online co-op. The off screen thing isn't a performance issue though.
But yeah one player pausing the menu to check their inventory is sort of annoying but that's the whole couch co-op experience. As is first come first serve basis for loot drop.
Kill Skeleton King on Normal... get a Rare...
... which is a Monk only weapon when neither of the players were a Monk.
Yup, this is not smart drop/Loot 2.0.