Exciting! What are the increased droprate/gold-stats for MP10 compared to no MP at all?On the PC version you can start off playing at MP10 on Normal so they might allow you to do that here as well.
Its a crap ton difference. Thing is that there's no point in getting big benefits from magic find/gold find at lower difficulties because gear gets out dated very early. MP10 is really beneficial in Inferno when your character is super geared and can do a shit ton of damage while surviving a lot or if you want 100% Keys/Ring parts which is also a main use of MP10.Exciting! What are the increased droprate/gold-stats for MP10 compared to no MP at all?
Oh! I thought "hard" was the highest you could go until you reach inferno!
Damn son, I'll definitely be going for dat early game MP10!
Its a crap ton difference. Thing is that there's no point in getting big benefits from magic find/gold find at lower difficulties because gear gets out dated very early. MP10 is really beneficial in Inferno when your character is super geared and can do a shit ton of damage while surviving a lot or if you want 100% Keys/Ring parts which is also a main use of MP10.
The bonus item stat basically means you will be getting twice as much loot with considerably more magic find at MP10 compared to MP0.
Its a crap ton difference. Thing is that there's no point in getting big benefits from magic find/gold find at lower difficulties because gear gets out dated very early. MP10 is really beneficial in Inferno when your character is super geared and can do a shit ton of damage while surviving a lot or if you want 100% Keys/Ring parts which is also a main use of MP10.
The bonus item stat basically means you will be getting twice as much loot with considerably more magic find at MP10 compared to MP0.
That pic is crazy. Let's say a monster can take two hits from me at the early games. If I choose MP10 at the start of the game, I'll essentially have to hit the same monster 68 times in order to kill it?
edit: Oh, now it makes sense :lol I was like "wtf?". 200% XP sounds delicious and might just be the reason why I'll choose MP10 from the start.
True. The PS3 pre-order bonuses are insane.Also, the main advantage to playing on higher MP is just more XP. The rate at which you'll level up, not even counting the multiplayer bonuses and the PS3 exclusive items, is insane. Add all that up and you could probably hit 60 before/right at reaching Hell difficulty.
Also, the main advantage to playing on higher MP is just more XP. The rate at which you'll level up, not even counting the multiplayer bonuses and the PS3 exclusive items, is insane. Add all that up and you could probably hit 60 before/right at reaching Hell difficulty.
Yes and no.
Difficulty levels and Monster Power operate a little differently on console. There will still be Normal, Nightmare, Hell, and Inferno, and completing one mode will unlock the next mode -- just like on PC. Also, within each of these modes players will able to select from different difficulty levels to suit their preferred level of challenge. On console, however, there are only 8 settings: Easy, Medium, Hard, Master I, Master II, Master III, Master IV, and Master V. At Medium and higher in Inferno, density does increase, but the increase won't be as significant as what you'd typically see on PC (due to performance issues). Similar to MP on PC, higher difficulty settings present more powerful enemies that will have opportunity to reward players with more powerful loot.
For perspective, here's the current scaling (note that this may change before we ship):
Easy = Monster Power 0
Medium = Monster Power 2
Hard = Monster Power 4
Master I = Monster Power 6
Master II = Monster Power 7
Master III = Monster Power 8
Master IV = Monster Power 9
Master V = Monster Power 10
Hope that helps!
You won't reach 60 before Hell even if you play MP10 exclusively. You will however be paragon leveling before you enter Inferno.
MP10 at lower difficulties is not really required. And you need seriously good gear to be able to survive MP10 in inferno.
The best PS3 pre order items are the Helm and the Shoulders. The Helm for the EXP bonus and the Shoulders for the 12% movement speed which is insane as you don't get that stat on that armor piece. The rest are OK, I mean they are godly for lvl1 but after a while they will get replaced by better stuff.
Welcome to Hell! Stay a while, and listen...I'm just asking for it, being a newly approved Junior and all, but this will be my first venture into the Diablo universe. My friends all played D2 back in the day, I was a strict console gamer... I hope some of my friends get this next week.
Good luckI'm just asking for it, being a newly approved Junior and all, but this will be my first venture into the Diablo universe. My friends all played D2 back in the day, I was a strict console gamer... I hope some of my friends get this next week.
Months.510% more experience on MP10 Inferno? Crazy... if I spend 3-4 hours grinding every day, how long till I reach paragon 100?
In that other thread, the guy said he had played the game for 200 hours and he's paragon 96 (?). I mean, it should've at least taken him 30 hours to get to inferno farm status so I don't think it's that "slow", right? I'm not complaining btw!Months.
If you played the game for 10 hours a day at least and used the most EXP effecient runs on a class that can basically kill mobs while running at max speed (like Tempest Monk, Vault DH or WW Barb) you can MAYBE do it in 1 month.
Its still one of the best builds in the game. They did nerf it but not too much. Same for WW Barb.I recently tried the diablo 3 trail on the pc and I got a good feel for the game.
Now all I need to know is if the critical mass build wizard is still viable....
Good to know time to plan for the build. I was so hyped for this I had bought the guide from the announcement dropped. XDIts still one of the best builds in the game. They did nerf it but not too much. Same for WW Barb.
Thought I'd share this:
It's an older write-up, but I wanted to refresh my memory on what changed for the loot tables. It's possible that these figures are exaggerated for demo purposes, but if what that write-up says holds true, then it sounds like a halfway point to Loot 2.0. Not quite Loot 2.0, but better than current PC D3 standings. I'll take it.
Are you getting it on launch Robin? Playing solo or coop? Online or with buddies?MP10 from the start, baby! People have been getting legendaries on this version on MP0 in low levels, so let's see what MP10 brings us, eh?
(I'll probably lower it gradually as things get hairy, to a comfortable point)
Jealous!My copy just shipped (-:
Loot 2.0 is in the console version, yeah.Interesting, has there been any mention if Loot 2.0 will arrive on consoles as well?
Would feel kind of shitty if it didn't.
Loot 2.0 is in the console version, yeah.
Hey guys/girls, I'm looking for a good melee class but I can't choose between the monk and the barbarian.. Anyone can tell me which of the 2 is more agressive and faster to play with?
Raide, still on dat monk-hype! :lol I remember!Monk!
Are barrels/jars/whatnot completely worthless nowadays? No point in destroying them?
Eurogamer said:There's a little less loot and it's a lot better quality, as well as being more likely to be useful to the class that you're playing, making it more toothsome overall. (If anything, Blizzard has gone overboard here; I had three Legendary items equipped by level 20, and I found one of them in a pot in the sewers.)
Damn it. Watching the Eurogamer vod, I'm noticing that the evade doesn't grant you invincibility-frames for shit. He tried dodging through an attack and got hit, he also tried evading the ice explosion-affix and got hit as well.
510% more experience on MP10 Inferno? Crazy... if I spend 3-4 hours grinding every day, how long till I reach paragon 100?
Hey guys/girls, I'm looking for a good melee class but I can't choose between the monk and the barbarian.. Anyone can tell me which of the 2 is more agressive and faster to play with?
Interesting... someone with a review copy, please confirm!Seems like you have control immunity because he didnt get frozen. /shrug
In case it hasn't been mentioned, you can pre-order this @ Toys "R" Us for $44.99 + free shipping/store pick-up:
PS3 version: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=21331256
360 version: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=22291056
Fuck, wanted to get this for 360 on Tuesday but my brothers said its coming out for ps4/xbone, if I get the 360 version, will all my levels and shit transfer over? I doubt it would but id like to know for a fact. Don't wanna drop 60 (maybe 45 if I can price match the toys r us price somewhere) if its just gonna come out a couple months later and why work so hard if nothing will transfer.