Thanks guys. Another question, is it really worth crafting the archon pieces any more? I noticed they cost 2 DEs, plus the ammy needs 5 brims. With the improved stats on other pieces I'm wondering if there is any point, i.e. I found some Gladiator gaunts with a 10.5 crit chance.
Most likely will be returning this to redbox this evening, I did get all but one of the achievements (just need the 5mil gold one). Will pick it up when it drops to $30 range and play through some of the other classes.
Anyone seen a Skorn? (PS3 Version) I have yet to see anyone have one and I been farming like mad to try and get myself one. I really need the Damage to Life % to move on past Master 3.
Also I seem to have mighty belts drop like freaking mad. Its annoying at this point how many mighty belts have dropped for me.
I found mine in act 2 on easy inferno. I used it to smash my way through the rest of easy inferno.
I have a question for you guys. I have the Bul Kathos weapon that does extra damage to elites paired with a storm shield. Neither have sockets, unfortunately. I also have Skorn, as I mentioned. Skorn does have a slot. Which is better for key runs on master 1 do you think?
Look at your DPS with the sword and shield, then add whatever % you get for elites on top of it. Compare it to the Skorn. Use whatever has the most damage against elites, and whatever does the most against non elites. It might mean juggling three items, but it's not a big deal if you're soloing since the game pauses.
Rakanoth is kicking my arse on Normal [Master I] as a Wizard. Any tips?
Pretty much once the PC version has an offline mode it will become the superior version by a mile.With the latest PC Diablo 3 news... does this mean the console version is obsolete?!
Wait, fuck, this is my threadNOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo
Hopefully they'll ramp it back up for the PS4 version.It gets denser but nowhere as dense as the PC version for performance reasons per Blizzard's own statement,
If the flavour text on the legendary is something about "smashing them to pieces", then yes. It basically boosts the damage for an already guaranteed killing blow a ridiculous amount.Wow, dinged lvl 28 on my barb ... Was dual wielding two legendaries at 45/55 dps, and was kind of obliterating everything in Normal.
Suddenly equiped my lvl 28 2H legendary ... And I'm hitting at 60k on crit with a simple sway ?!? Is that normal ?
Hopefully they'll ramp it back up for the PS4 version.
If the flavour text on the legendary is something about "smashing them to pieces", then yes. It basically boosts the damage for an already guaranteed killing blow a ridiculous amount.
But... BUT... BUT...!Pretty much once the PC version has an offline mode it will become the superior version by a mile.
Everytime I see more info in D3 it seems pretty clear that the console D3 is the beta for RoS on PC. So RoS on PC will be beta for RoS on consoles.
Damn I wonder when we will get to play the completed D3 game. Been playing the beta for almost 2 years!
True this. But for this moment I'm enjoying the shit out of the console version. Controller + offline + no auction houses is still king for me, along with the UI changes and the dodge-roll. I just prefer it.Pretty much once the PC version has an offline mode it will become the superior version by a mile.
Everytime I see more info in D3 it seems pretty clear that the console D3 is the beta for RoS on PC. So RoS on PC will be beta for RoS on consoles.
Damn I wonder when we will get to play the completed D3 game. Been playing the beta for almost 2 years!
If PC version goes offline, which I assume they will, as they needed always online for the RMAH and then add controller support on top of it, PC will be amazing for sure. Now i'm torn, continue playing console which is currently much more enjoyable, or go back to PC and level that paragon up, or both? Tough decisions...
I could never get over the pc controls in this type of game so console suits me. Way too much clicking.
This game is confirmed for the PS4 right? I want to double dip with the superior Diablo experience, but I don't want to buy a second PS3 controller at this point just for this game haha.
Yup, and for me at least it's way too conducive to triggering repetitive stress injuries at high level play. I absolutely loved playing the game on PC but had to quit simply because of that. If they'd patch in controller support for the PC version I'd be back on that one in a heartbeat once the loot 2.0 patch hits.
Confirmed, but the release is still up in the air.
If they don't patch controller support in the PCP version, the PS4 will be definitive for me. I'd love for them to have mouse/KB support in the console version also, that way the PC and console versions are pretty much at parity. Also, it would be nice having the option to play the game with a controller but manage certain things with the mouse/kb interface - particularly stash management and the ability to type out messages in lieu of having to wear a headset when playing multiplayer.
If PC version goes offline, which I assume they will, as they needed always online for the RMAH and then add controller support on top of it, PC will be amazing for sure. Now i'm torn, continue playing console which is currently much more enjoyable, or go back to PC and level that paragon up, or both? Tough decisions...
So I was looking at best way to farm gold and be happy doing it (less repetition).
Master I - V which correspondes to MP 6 - 10.
But, for inferno, MF/GF differs than MP in Normal/NM/Hell at least in the PC version.
60% vs 150%
Is that the case for the console?
If not, in that vein, wouldn't it be better if just up the MP on Hell instead of Inferno?
It jumps significantly (over double) in Inferno. You can tell what your MF/GF is in game anyway.
Played the demo of this last night. Felt... weird. I was surprised at how much some of the little, subtle things change the experience so much. That diving roll confused the hell out of me. The other thing, and it might be because I was playing a low level barbarian, but it just felt more clumsy and cumbersome. I'm glad that everyone can experience it now, but I do think I prefer the experience on the PC more simply because of the control scheme.
Ugh, I've become one of those people.
Since every legendary can roll to i-lvl 60 now, is the Best in Slot gear on consoles different than it is on pc now? Are there any lower lvl legendarys that are ridiculously good at lvl 60?
It does control a lot better on PC. Other than that, it is fine. Well, that and it looking fucking terrible.
Has anyone had problems with jewel plans? I've learned the Flawless Star Ruby twice but the artisan still can't combine them. Jumps from tier 11 to 13.
I found mine in act 2 on easy inferno. I used it to smash my way through the rest of easy inferno.
I have a question for you guys. I have the Bul Kathos weapon that does extra damage to elites paired with a storm shield. Neither have sockets, unfortunately. I also have Skorn, as I mentioned. Skorn does have a slot. Which is better for key runs on master 1 do you think?
Well let me know if you ever want to trade me for it. I have a large stash of legendary stuff from farming my ass off to get one.
There are a ton of really good Legendaries now.Since every legendary can roll to i-lvl 60 now, is the Best in Slot gear on consoles different than it is on pc now? Are there any lower lvl legendarys that are ridiculously good at lvl 60?
Most people don't use Shields now especially on the console version but Lidless Wall is supposed to be insane now (unless there insane new Paladin shields I expect a lot of Paladins to be using that Legendary in the Expansion).
It seems like the only helms I find are Broken Crown and Leoric's Crown. It seems weird that I haven't seen any others since I have cleared inferno. I also have found lots of the same amulets at different levels (3 or 4 Moonlight wards). Anyone else finding multiple of the same legendary items?
Why do you have to wait so long?Only one legs in all of Act I hell, oh well it was a shitty amulet.
Lvl 54 now, but won't play again before october 21st :/
This has probably been asked to death, but is the recommend playing route something like:
Normal(easy) > Nightmare(easy) > Nightmare(MP* until you hit next level cap) > Hell(easy) > Hell(MP* until cap) > Inferno(easy) > Inferno(MP*)
I got through Normal(easy) and hit like 31? or so with a few legendaries(actually got quite a few post lvl 24) and Nightmare(easy) is pretty fucking easy. Should I just stick it out and speed-level through it?