What did I say about using a 2h weapon with Disintegrate?

I had a good 2h weapon to give to you anyway, but you never replied.
I wouldn't rely on Diamond Skin for your Disintegrate. Use Astral Presence and the Templar instead until your crit chance is higher and you get an item or two that has Arcane Power on crit. I also hope that you're staying with Chaos Nexus. Of course it doesn't hurt to try out the other runes, but they really just don't cut it in comparison. Chaos Nexus does pretty much what ALL of the rest of them do all by itself aside from the random chance to make an enemy explode (which never happens when you'd want it to anyway).
It is. I have a 60 HC WD and at around level 20 or so I made a HC Monk just to see if the stash was shared. It defnitely is. So every time I'd go back to town to salvage or whatever, I'd make sure to always put all of the crafting materials and any gems picked up along the way into the stash.
Also, about the whole Ruby vs Emerald thing; I actually used nothing but Rubies on my first character simply because I thought it would be the most consistent (and it is since it factors in each attack, not just crits). However, on my Barbarian I had to keep using a shield because my MH weapon was always much higher DPS due to the Ruby (I never had enough materials to make 2x tier 13 quite yet). I read around about Emeralds, and decided to try socketing both weapons with the highest quality I could and my DPS went up quite a bit. Of course it's spikier, but things did end up dying easier. Seems to be at around the 30% crit chance mark is when Emeralds beat Rubies in general.
On my WD though, I have such a horrible crit chance that there's probably never going to be any reason to use Emeralds over Rubies.