My SW is pretty beastly too. Running a full set of Didodorians tactical genius and 2 niob slotted +all skills swords.
My SW is pretty beastly too. Running a full set of Didodorians tactical genius and 2 niob slotted +all skills swords.
WOW! What a difference a class makes!
I picked this game up yesterday and started the Barbarian class because I remember really enjoying melee in Torchlight and I was not enjoying myself at all.
I slept on it and started demon night and I am into it deep. Fun doesn't even describe how much I like this game now and I feel so in control with ranged attacks plus I love the mechanic of dodging and weaving my way through a swarm to find the distance advantage so I can waste fools. Feels good!
Barbarians suck for the first 12-15 levels, then they become killing machines and are insanely powerfull and fun (my main's a barb)
Why the hell would you want to trade a non-Dexterity cross bow? Or a better question is why would anyone even want a non-Dexterity bow?
And you can trade with same classes too. Or in most cases stuff like Wizard and WD gear match because they share core stat.
Legendary crossbows drop far rarer if you are playing Strength/Intel class. Also Witch Doctors can use some Xbows as well if they roll Intel.Did you even read what I wrote? I wouldn't want a non DEX crossbow. That's the entire point. But if a legendary crossbow drops, it's going to have INT all over it due to my class instead of DEX.
Legendary crossbows drop far rarer if you are playing Strength/Intel class. Also Witch Doctors can use some Xbows as well if they roll Intel.
To be honest I don't even think non main stats should be rolling on class exclusive gear. Like when is it ever going to be useful for a Mighty Belt to roll Dexterity? Or a Wand rolling Strength? These are just some basic flaws in the itemization of D3. At least the smart drop works very well.
Yeah that's the problem... why the hell is a Quiver rolling Intel? There is no situation or build that would make use of that stat.Well, I just gave away a legendary quiver that had...93 INT on it. It had a higher DEX score, but still.
It's confirmed to be Loot 1.5.So it's confirmed that the console version is already loot 2.0 ? because these loot are better than on pc haha
Are you guys getting all these legendarys playing on a master level on just on normal. I am trying to decide if I should slog though on master level 1 or play through on normal first then up it for farming.
Yep.Act III
Nightmare (hard)
getting ass kicked because 2 people are just standing in town for no GOD DAM REASON.
fuck you >_>
It's seemingly going to be extremely rare that you're going to get an legendary drop that's not for your class though, so I'm not sure if this will wind up being a practical issue. I'm about to hit Act 4 on Hell and have gotten 44 Legendaries, and only ONE was an item not for my class.
I've had nine legendary weapons drop, and only one of them was class specific. It was a Monk Daibo too...with loads of INT.
Reaper of Souls... Believe.The only way I would ever consider coming back to this game is if I see this.
Yoshi knows what I'm talking about <3
The only way I would ever consider coming back to this game is if I see this.
Yoshi knows what I'm talking about <3
Oh that shit happens. The first time I did Ubers, I had 3 machine ready to go on MP6...
NOT A SINGLE ORGAN DROPPED! This is at 60% chance of dropping! When the RNG gods hate you they really hate you!
Best to do Ubers at 80%+ chance or higher.
Hell items rolling i63 quality numbers. Crazy.Just found a level 59 amulet that has:
-269 Dex
-234 Vit
-95% Critical Hit Damage
-9.5% Critical Hit Chance
Still in Hell lol. Takes me from 76k to 91k dps. So ridiculous.
How active is the multiplayer btw?
Lots of people playing?
The only way I would ever consider coming back to this game is if I see this.
Yoshi knows what I'm talking about <3
The hell? I played for like 30 minutes yesterday and today my save is completely gone.
Yeah that's the problem... why the hell is a Quiver rolling Intel? There is no situation or build that would make use of that stat.
a loot goblin dropped 3 legendaries
I would triple dip if the PS4 version comes with the expansion.
Dat Cindercoat holy shit!
That is one of those Legendaries that you basically used to sigh every time it dropped.
You don't have lifesteal/life on hit so you probably can't do high level Inferno yet but once you have a bit more AR and a life steal weapon you will tear up all the way to Master III.
Oh I know. Also, Blessed Hammer is confirmed with the new class in Reaper of SoulsThe only way I would ever consider coming back to this game is if I see this.
Yoshi knows what I'm talking about <3
Well, I just gave away a legendary quiver that had...93 INT on it. It had a higher DEX score, but still.