Crusader has other spells besides Blessed Hammer?
Justice, aka throwing hammers to build up wrath to use Blessed Hammer!
Crusader has other spells besides Blessed Hammer?
Justice, aka throwing hammers to build up wrath to use Blessed Hammer!
Absolutely man, hook me up with a PM!
Alright to get an invite as well?
Just made about 4 million selling gems and shit i've accumulated since 2.01 hit. Not sure if I want to sell more in case I need the mats in the expansion (like how you need common debris now, which is the hardest part next to legendary mats).
Oh yeah, it's just a matter of me not accumulating enough. Some of my recipes call for like 30 pieces for each craft, which adds up really fast so I want to make sure I have enough stock.Common debris is BoA anyway. All the new/70 stuff is.
Crusader main hand should be a hammer instead of a flail.
Cmon Blizzard.
Hm wonder if we will get RoS launch trailer...
I am not on US brother, Ashodin is your leader!Yoshi I sent you a friend request. KINGofCRA5H#1868 on US server.
I wonder if I'll get the preorder bonuses with an amazon preorder. I have the first collectors edition, heart of the swarm collectors edition, and they're adding new wings, so I've gotta complete the set. Also the expansion collectors edition is pretty lacking compared to the base games, and it's the same price.
I am not on US brother, Ashodin is your leader!
Get it right now! Hype!!!!!!111111can't decide if RoS. may wait for a price drop for the DD.
Just made about 4 million selling gems and shit i've accumulated since 2.01 hit. Not sure if I want to sell more in case I need the mats in the expansion (like how you need common debris now, which is the hardest part next to legendary mats).
can't decide if RoS. may wait for a price drop for the DD.
i guess i own RoS now lol.
I'm getting the CE from Amazon, but if the servers go live at 12am on the 25th like they did for Vanilla, then I'll probably end up buying the digital version so I can play when it goes live, then upgrade to the CE once I get it.
guys its not recognizing my loggin and authenticator...
nooooooooooooooo did I get hacked WTF
You have the majority of it downloaded already with patch 2.0. On release day, they just flip the switch so we can access it. There might be a small patch on release day but we already have all the media.
(just in case, double-check your pre-download settings in the launcher)
Typically people put in a ticket, provide some proof of ownership and they get the account back. If you're worried about the turnaround time, the base game is only $20 right now, so you'd be spending $60 instead of $40.
Geebus. And here I was happy with the $2 million I made since patch since I was starting out completely fresh.Made around 250m, + $30 since the patch; only time I've used RMAH since release. Kinda wish I used it a lot more.
Lost millions of gold though from not paying attention to what I was vendoring when the loot patch hit; definitely got rid of really good amulets, rings and other pieces.
Geebus. And here I was happy with the $2 million I made since patch since I was starting out completely fresh.
Man... running for the gem... ten runs solo... only saw Chiltara twice. Obviously didn't drop the item. Gah. Need to take a break and maybe try again later.
I'm only going into RoS with about 85m, hopefully that's okay.
It's possible to burn any amount of money rerolling items if your luck is bad enough. The cost increases without limit.
Just don't reroll the same item too many times and regular gold income is fine.
So If I buy the expansion now can I play as the new class and stuff or do I have to wait til release? I figure it's wait to release but all the stuff is already in with the new patch so...
not sure if that's wise seeing the typical server issues with Blizz games when new expansions hit. Best of luck though. Im just gonna wait on my CE from Amazon and hope servers are stable when I get in.