man getting my ass kicked in hard on my lvl 20 monk. think i need new weapons... or skills idk. i dont play diablo style arpgs much :X
getting destroyed by those laser turret things...
In practice I'm sure it won't matter, as you'll hit level 70 long before you'd finish collecting a level 60 set.I just noticed there's no crusader green item set at lvl. 60.
Lvl. 70 set is pretty baller though.
Anyone else getting a lot of repeats in their legendary drops? I've gotten seven Blackthorne belts since the patch. On the bright side, I have a pair of Firewalkers for each primary stat and awesome Andariel's Visages for both Wiz and DH.
Still want Necromancer back. Witch Doctor just doesn't cut it.
Seriously this shit
is why the game is awesome now. My previously tough to use build that totally forgoes all the ranged stuff the DH is known for and STILL IS VIABLE (Slaughtering stuff on Torment 2, could probably have fun in Torment 4)
Still want Necromancer back. Witch Doctor just doesn't cut it.
Literally have gotten the same 2 handed mace three times in a row. For my wizard.Anyone else getting a lot of repeats in their legendary drops? I've gotten seven Blackthorne belts since the patch. On the bright side, I have a pair of Firewalkers for each primary stat and awesome Andariel's Visages for both Wiz and DH.
Sadly they nerfed the amulet that gives you skellies![]() said:"The head of this curious weapon consists of a highly unusual and volatile rock formation. Some speculate it came from a meteor—or an entirely different plane of existence, silly as that is. It has defied the understanding of scholars for centuries, but then again, I have never had a look at it!" —Abd al-Hazir
Still want Necromancer back. Witch Doctor just doesn't cut it.
A couple years back I dusted off my beloved D2 and went to play my Skelli-mancer, much like that picture.
I remember waves of Eastern European gamers, inexplicably playing on US East, and giving me shit saying how my build lagged out their PCs and ruined the game.
Good times.What were they playing on... 486's?
Seriously this shit[img][img][img][img][img]
is why the game is awesome now. My previously tough to use build that totally forgoes all the ranged stuff the DH is known for and STILL IS VIABLE (Slaughtering stuff on Torment 2, could probably have fun in Torment 4)[/QUOTE]
I need some links to this build!
I need some links to this build!
It's on the previous page just a handful of posts above that one![]()
A couple years back I dusted off my beloved D2 and went to play my Skelli-mancer, much like that picture.
I remember waves of Eastern European gamers, inexplicably playing on US East, and giving me shit saying how my build lagged out their PCs and ruined the game.
Good times.What were they playing on... 486's?
This exact thing happened to me. The first thing he said was "I told you not to build skeletons".
So of course I just built more skeletons and said "I am a necro mancer"
Won't happen. No controller support because PC version has larger mob density.
The difficulty once you hit inferno spiked hard, and all along the way loot drops were tuned for the auction house. So you could play for hours without having anything useful for yourself drop. I played 250 hours, and aside from the start when you have nothing, nearly all of my gear had to be bought from the auction house to stay competitive. Never found a single legendary either. For a game centered around finding loot, this was terrible design.
The game is much better tuned with new difficulties, class balance, and more frequent loot that has a higher chance at rolling affixes designed for your class. In my first hour post patch, I was able to upgrade every slot with useful gear, often replacing level 40ish items with level 60, simply because prepatch I hadn't found anything good in 20 levels of play. 2.0 was a complete relaunch as far as I'm concerned.
For anyone looking to level up some extra characters while the exp bonus is active.
Fastest way I found is to load your low level up with exp boosting gear, (hellfire ring, ruby in helm, any other exp boosts), and then have a geared 60 run you through Torment 6.
Lowbie creates T6 game at act 1 beginning, (graveyard a1 runs work even better).
60 geared joins lowbie's game and runs a train on all the enemies. (they will be scaled off game creator, so they will be lowbie T6 mobs)
Lowbie sits back and gets blinded by leveling flashes
This..... Is amazing. I just hit 60 yesterday on my DH and switched to this build. My gear sucks horribly at the moment but it's still working pretty well.
I should try a melee build on my DH just out of anger due to never getting a Kridershot. Then again, I never got a sweet high dps dex 1hand legendary either, so meh.
You don't really need to use a 1h weapon for a melee build, just don't use arrow skills (or any skill that needs a bow/crossbow to be used). Also, this way you don't lose the quiver and all its extra stats.
Is there a post somewhere in the thread that explains the melee DH thing? Looks fun.
I need some links to this build!
It's on the previous page just a handful of posts above that one![]()
Holy crap so it's true Australian player finally have their local server running.
Before the Australian server was added, my latency to American region was around 188 - 250ms and now it's 29ms.
For a newly dinged level 60 with 50k sheet dps, is it better to farm normal for upgrades? Or should I do group T1 runs? I'm looking to gear faster than I have been. My luck hasn't been the greatest with legendaries dropping lately
I'm struggling with Loot 2.0 with my DH for now. I think I need some really good/specific drops to improve my damage. I've gotten hundreds and hundreds of rares (and about 15 legendaries) with no upgrade to damage without sacrificing upwards of 20% toughness (and even that's usually like 2% damage increase)
sheet dps is around 90k in game. Toughness floats around 950k. I guess I'm looking for RoS to start me on an upward trend again.
I didn't have much in the way of gear prior to Loot 2.0 so this is what I've gotten since.
Yeah you need some bracers and gloves. Also, get two one hand crossbows. Will be better DPS. Also, are you playing on torment?
Are you using any proxy? Or any VPN such as battle ping or Pingzapper?i'm in america and my ping is a constant 200 ms
I clear T2 fast. That's usually what I play on. T3 is doable but it just takes too long. I haven't found any 1h xbows that have better DPS than windforce. It's the only legendary weapon I've found for the DH.
Been keeping an eye out for better gloves and bracers but I lose so much toughness that it's hard to replace. Bracer is definitely the weakest piece of gear I have.
I'll probably suck it up and lose the toughness for more dps but I want it to be a good increase for the loss of defense.
This is a noob question. If I get some friends to play this, does the game do some type of scaling if their new characters want to play with my established character, or does the game require everyone to be at a similar level?
There is no scaling of that sort; you'll probably want to make a new character to play with them, or use your high level character to quickly level up their new characters so they can join you at your level of content faster.
This is a noob question. If I get some friends to play this, does the game do some type of scaling if their new characters want to play with my established character, or does the game require everyone to be at a similar level?
This is a noob question. If I get some friends to play this, does the game do some type of scaling if their new characters want to play with my established character, or does the game require everyone to be at a similar level?
There is no scaling of that sort; you'll probably want to make a new character to play with them, or use your high level character to quickly level up their new characters so they can join you at your level of content faster.
Ccrook said:
Just posted by D3 twitter
The only way you can access torment is to have beaten the game right?
What are these "infernal machines" and blood shards and all that?