I'm like 400 hours in on my DH and still havent found a witching hour...
You honestly need a better Amulet more than anything, one with fire damage. Well aside from a Cindercoat.
Bro. BRO. Dem perfect rolls. Jesus christ
I got a BlackFeather from Kadala and was tempted to try it but didn't want to swap sockets. That proc sounded pretty sweet. Would go really well with awareness.
Since I don't have a kridershot, my biggest gripe with demon hunter is that their hatred generators are all really boring to use. And I still need them since I can run out of hatred really fast right now. Pride's Fall helps but there are a lot of sources of unavoidable dmg in rifts that break it.
Yeah but most generators for most classes are boring
Does anyone know if story bosses (not the named purple mobs like manglemaw, just the main story bosses) also had their drops nerfed?
I've decided that for now I am going to focus on making money, acquiring Forgotten Souls, and getting Paragon levels, and whatever I get incidentally as a result of that is just gravy. I tried re-rolling some of my stuff, but I'm fine on T2 and I don't want to keep going broke on souls and money trying to re-roll equipment I'm not especially attached to.
Oh, and can someone tell me how you take screenshots of a particular item's information? Like the Andariel MetalGearOnlineK posted earlier today.
I played in full-screen windowed and use Greenshot.
When I press printscreen, it lets me draw a box on my screen around whatever I want to actually save as an image. Save to desktop, upload to Imgur and Bob's your uncle. I love Greenshot.
I'll use it to grab a quick snap of something from my profile page.
That took like 30 seconds.
I've decided that for now I am going to focus on making money, acquiring Forgotten Souls, and getting Paragon levels, and whatever I get incidentally as a result of that is just gravy. I tried re-rolling some of my stuff, but I'm fine on T2 and I don't want to keep going broke on souls and money trying to re-roll equipment I'm not especially attached to.
I've been messing around a lot with my set-up, and I recently tried Grave Injustice. It's amazing, and it makes smashing through huge groups a breeze by making my moves almost cooldown-free, and Honored Guest Spirit Walk making mana a non-issue. It's been wonderful and I can't believe I haven't been using it this entire time.
I still suck against single opponents, though. I mean, they die eventually but it takes me about five times as long as it does when I'm playing with someone who has good single-target damage.
Oh, and can someone tell me how you take screenshots of a particular item's information? Like the Andariel MetalGearOnlineK posted earlier today.
I played in full-screen windowed and use Greenshot.
When I press printscreen, it lets me draw a box on my screen around whatever I want to actually save as an image. Save to desktop, upload to Imgur and Bob's your uncle. I love Greenshot.
I'm at work so I'll use it to grab a quick snap of something from my profile page.
That took like 30 seconds.
(it can be configured to automatically upload to Imgur as well)[/QUOTE]
Nice, downloading this. I usually just hit print screen and cropped it in Paint before uploading to imgur.
I have 57 CDR and was dicking around with this build last night. Really fun. I'm not sure how much more juice I can squeak out of the build. I'm gonna craft a borne's and crimson set piece to get me to 77% CDR and continue playing around.
At the very least it's a lot of fun. Epiphany around. SSS and serenity when epiphany falls. I have those hexing pants, but I'm not sure if they have good synergy with the build. I have the reduced CDR weapon for SSS and it's effective while epiphany is up too. Especially for elites and bosses. SSS stops my movement though. So my damage output drops during a skill that's supposed to deal ass loads of damage. Since it's +25 while moving and -21 while standing, it ends out being a 40% reduction in damage out put.
75℅ is Max you need as the Epiphany's cool down is the same as how long it lasts. So just constant epiphany.
Guy early saying they need to fix monks DPS, no idea what he means. I'm hitting stuff all over the screen for 4mill crits multiple times every second. That's with pretty average gear to.
Loaded question. Anything can really be viable:
1H + quiver (higher crit chance, fast hatred generation)
2H + quiver (higher CA damage, good crit chance)
1H + 1H (higher crit damage, fast hatred generation)
Everything they've said since launch has indicated that the caches are determined upon drop.So the caches are decided upon opening what the contents are and not at drop?
Can I farm caches with my TR monk and then swap to WD to open hoping for an INT RoG?
Yes. Hexing pants unique item.
+25% damage and resource production while moving, -21% damage and resource production while standing.
It's basically a great barb WW item, but also good for tempest rush. Where I'm having issues is tossing SSS into the build since it stops my movement.
Tempted to reroll a demon hunter after seeing all you guys playing yours, I haven't touched my demon hunter since the early days of vanilla.
I think it could be time to bring it out of retirement. Some questions though, is dual weidling hand xbows just always going to be superior? Because currently it does seem that way, or are there builds / skills that benefit better from bows / 2handed xbows?
Also are there a decent variety of builds to check out? I'm pretty much working under the assumption that fire is superior to all other possibilities, but the same could be said for any other class.Are goofy builds like perma strafe still usable / fun / interesting?
It's definitely loaded. For the typical build, the best will be Nat+Calamity. But not everyone has Nat+Calamity, and it shouldn't be implied that 1h+1h is the best, it is possible that Nat+Calamity is a unique case.
Archfiend quiver is so powerful that it outweighs a random 1h+1h setup imo (see mine http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/ferr-1693/hero/6314719). At that point it's 1h vs 2h to go with a quiver. +5 crit from Archery should be ignored since Sharpshooter could be used instead of Archery. So then it's a matter of high dmg CA vs CA more often from quicker hatred regen. I would think these are equal: if 2h can push out more damage from fewer shots, then it doesn't need to use as much hatred to kill Ghom, thus hatred regen is less important. There could be an argument for better bursts vs longer sustain.
So really, just like with Nat+Calamity, it's all equal except for those legendary affixes. But idk.
Switch sss for cyclone?
Sorry I mean the one that makes a vortex thing around you? It get more powerful as you crit.CS would still require me to stop and is WAY less effective than SSS every 6 seconds or so.
Fire is superior and no, 1h+1h is only superior in some cases. You can make your sheet damage skyrocket with 1h+1h but your eDPS won't actually go up.
I had a feeling this was the case, especially with skills like loaded for bear, you'd think that the higher weapon damage of a two handed weapon would benefit loaded for bears 770% weapon damage coefficient much better than a faster weapon. With that much burst fights could end fast enough that your edps would be superior to dual wielding.
So basicallly 1h + 1h will always look better on sheet, but 2 handed + quiver is generally more effective given high wep damage coefficients?
I'm using 1H + 1H with my demon hunter because unlimited vaulting is so fun with Danetta's. Especially since I stun any enemy I touch while doing it.
If I found a Krider\Nat's\Calamity, I'd have to strongly consider dropping the other Danetta for a quiver. The Danetta's will always stay in my INV for when I'm speeding through bounties though. Nothing gets you through maps faster than that. I piss people off when split farming because I finish mine, then I jump into someone else's and pass them on the way to the boss they're after. So fun![]()
I played in full-screen windowed and use Greenshot.
When I press printscreen, it lets me draw a box on my screen around whatever I want to actually save as an image. Save to desktop, upload to Imgur and Bob's your uncle. I love Greenshot.
I'm at work so I'll use it to grab a quick snap of something from my profile page.
That took like 30 seconds.
(it can be configured to automatically upload to Imgur as well)
CS would still require me to stop and is WAY less effective than SSS every 6 seconds or so.
I'm using 1H + 1H with my demon hunter because unlimited vaulting is so fun with Danetta's. Especially since I stun any enemy I touch while doing it.
If I found a Krider\Nat's\Calamity\Manticore, I'd have to strongly consider dropping the other Danetta for a quiver. The Danetta's will always stay in my INV for when I'm speeding through bounties though. Nothing gets you through maps faster than that. I piss people off when split farming because I finish mine, then I jump into someone else's and pass them on the way to the boss they're after. So fun![]()
I've decided that for now I am going to focus on making money, acquiring Forgotten Souls, and getting Paragon levels, and whatever I get incidentally as a result of that is just gravy. I tried re-rolling some of my stuff, but I'm fine on T2 and I don't want to keep going broke on souls and money trying to re-roll equipment I'm not especially attached.
I hit this same point last week sometime. It has made the game a little less grindy in my mind, even though I'm still grinding.
In my quest to get a Cindercoat I ended up getting a Garwulf. I know the Cindercoat is supposed to be better, I think I want to use the Garwulf when I roll 3 sockets on it. As I told my friend I consider it a fungrade. Now to get the sockets, easier said than done.
The firebird set gets a lot of shit on the forums, but its a not THAT bad.
Thinking of moving up to T1. Good idea? Here's my character sheet: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/RDespair-1773/hero/45967013
Do you have hexing pants? How bad are they when you SSS?
Also, I run a similar TR+SSS build. The thing that kills elites for me is my Maximus fire chain. So powerful.
I don't like them with SSS. It's my dilemma. I'm using the 2H staff that reduces SSS cooldown though. That plus the cooldown rune and the additional 57% CDR gives me SSS very very often. It combined with epiphany and my plus to fire gear are how I drop elites quickly.
I'm gonna try different pants tonight and see what results I get.
The firebird set gets a lot of shit on the forums, but its a not THAT bad. I think the three pieces(source, shoulders and chest) I have for my alt fire/cold wiz biz are pretty nice. The extra revive bonus added because the ring is awesome. I also love how it looks
So the caches are decided upon opening what the contents are and not at drop?
Can I farm caches with my TR monk and then swap to WD to open hoping for an INT RoG?
Shacknews just posted a q&a with the devs. I don't understand why sites insist on asking if the pc version will get controller support. The skills work differently in both versions, the pc version has higher mob density and no auto aim. You would think that "journalists" would understand this by now. Especially since Shack posted an article about why controller support will not work on the pc version just a few months ago.
I've always thought of Firebirds as more of a hardcore only set that you would want in the off chance something happened and you really wanted an Oh F**k button. I just lagged and now I don't want my progress to disappear.
That's really the only reason I'd ever want to use it.
Trying to throw a bone to the console players, since they've not announced the PS version yet. Like those poor souls who wander into this thread and ask about the PS4 version and leave.Shacknews just posted a q&a with the devs. I don't understand why sites insist on asking if the pc version will get controller support. The skills work differently in both versions, the pc version has higher mob density and no auto aim. You would think that "journalists" would understand this by now. Especially since Shack posted an article about why controller support will not work on the pc version just a few months ago.
Yes you can. Whats inside the cache and what level it is are determined upon dropping. But if you get it on your monk and switch to WD they will roll int. I farm bounties on my wizard and give the caches to my demon hunter, everything rolls dex.
Gotcha. I was just curious how much it reduces your spirit pool since I don't have them.
Well that was expensive...
No +ele bonus, but these are still pretty good!