Oh Europe. It must be nice to live in a magical fantasy land.
You're not your own boss? Feels good man.
Oh Europe. It must be nice to live in a magical fantasy land.
Doesn't work the way you would imagine. The ring steals ~0.4% HP from every enemy entering a certain radius - but only once per enemy. The healing effect isn't bad at high difficulties, but the damage it deals is negligible.
You're not your own boss? Feels good man.
Just woke up, checked my toon, no wings yet, thanks Obama
I'll try that, didn't really played just checked for notifications and inventory.Play the game for a few minutes. I played my main toon, and then by the time I had to stop, I noticed I had the little email message thing in the lower left corner. Clicked that, wings delivered. No need to do anything crazy. Just play the game for a few.
I've become addicted to DH speed runs with full Natalya set and full Danetta set. Vault constantly until I'm at boss. Kill boss. Rinse-repeat.
I really should be stopping for elite mobs, but when I'm in Act 2, and I could just skip over them and be back to Diablo in 45 minutes... I apologize to anyone who wants to farm in my games.
Hmm, this sounds interesting. I like cluster arrow, but I just don't have very coordinated gear right now other than pretty high toughness numbers so I figure mixing it up would be fun. My cluster arrow build has a lot of fire damage, would love to get some high level gear with fire damage buffs.
I've become addicted to DH speed runs with full Natalya set and full Danetta set. Vault constantly until I'm at boss. Kill boss. Rinse-repeat.
I really should be stopping for elite mobs, but when I'm in Act 2, and I could just skip over them and be back to Diablo in 45 minutes... I apologize to anyone who wants to farm in my games.
I've become addicted to DH speed runs with full Natalya set and full Danetta set. Vault constantly until I'm at boss. Kill boss. Rinse-repeat.
I really should be stopping for elite mobs, but when I'm in Act 2, and I could just skip over them and be back to Diablo in 45 minutes... I apologize to anyone who wants to farm in my games.
how does nat set help with speed?
I've become addicted to DH speed runs with full Natalya set and full Danetta set. Vault constantly until I'm at boss. Kill boss. Rinse-repeat.
I really should be stopping for elite mobs, but when I'm in Act 2, and I could just skip over them and be back to Diablo in 45 minutes... I apologize to anyone who wants to farm in my games.
how are so many people getting full sets...I play non stop and nothing drops for me...rng hates me..
how does nat set help with speed?
grats on the sets. how does the RoV set bonus work exactly? does the cooldown get reduced from killing things by any means or do you only get the reduction from kills via RoV if that makes sense..It's more for the rare occasions that I actually fight enemies. There's lots of "Kill this mob in the middle of the boss fight" and having a RoV for both the mob, and then the boss really does speed up boss fights. I usually use Shade, but am trying grenades to switch things up.
I didn't take me very long at all maybe 16 hours max to get both full sets. But you can see, despite that luck, RNG refuses to show me legendary gloves or pants.
Is 100% exp confirmed?
Confess it guys... YOU MISS AUCTION HOUSE!
Is 100% exp confirmed?
I keep seeing people saying 100% xp. What is this about?
those keybinds. z and p are so far apart. how do you play like that?
100% exp bonus for the Asia server this week-end, so people are hoping EU and US will get the same.
Those are probably binded on a MMO type mouse, you know the one with multiple button on the side
Any pictures or videos of how the femal crusada will look like with different armor sets?
So everyone will be running around with the golden wings... Kinda wish it was still a CE exclusive.
grats on the sets. how does the RoV set bonus work exactly? does the cooldown get reduced from killing things by any means or do you only get the reduction from kills via RoV if that makes sense..
I don't think I've seen any compilation for the female crusader. Just imagine these models more stylized:
For reference, my beta femsader with one of those sets.
i have the mmo mouse and when i bind a key to them it will say something like MB1, MB2 on the spells.
his even says mouse3.
those keybinds. z and p are so far apart. how do you play like that?
Any mouse recommendations or controllers for use with D3 on PC? Never considered using it as input. Or is keyboard superior?
100% XP this weekend? Oh my i am going to level up my DH very fast this way!