Will be glad when "glorious" is fazed out and some other shit word is used. I read that word a million times a day come on people think of something else or be original. Just PM me and Ill give you a word to use.
Stupid question, decided to try out WD, seen loads of builds using Spirit Walk but Im wondering whats the point of the skill? It doesnt seem to do anything useful
Stupid question, decided to try out WD, seen loads of builds using Spirit Walk but Im wondering whats the point of the skill? It doesnt seem to do anything useful
Stupid question, decided to try out WD, seen loads of builds using Spirit Walk but Im wondering whats the point of the skill? It doesnt seem to do anything useful
Can't help but wonder if it is worth dropping $5 for some gold to save up.
What a beautiful thread title.
vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm
Depends, how much do you have? I sold some alt gear and made £10.40 which I used to buy 250m and I'm glad I did.
Heh, I just jumped back into the game after a loooong time off. I have a little over 1m gold.
Then I would buy some gold, you won't be able to craft the top tier gems or use the Mystic with only 1m. If you want to earn some gold farm white items and sell them for around 50k each, I've made about 25m doing this since the patch. Cathedral and Halls of Agony in act1 are good for this as they have so many weapon racks.
I had no idea. I've been ignoring whites. Thanks for that.
I have a webcam installed at Blizzard, seems they upgraded:
Damn it...I really hope the servers hold up for day 1 updates + flood of new people...
Damn it...I really hope the servers hold up for day 1 updates + flood of new people...
Damn it...I really hope the servers hold up for day 1 updates + flood of new people...
My body is so ready.
I can guarantee you that it wont. They will refuse to rent/buy additional authenticator servers, and those were bottlenecks last time as well. I got in around 1:30 at D3 launch, and had lagless experience once I was in. Auth servers suck, and they are dumb at not considering some sort of dynamic resource management for this kind of event.
I mean, we could be optimistic, but even dead Diablo III vanilla-patches had downtimes, one year after launch, the friggin error 37 was back for an afternoon...damn.
First, maps are still not random enough. This was a hallmark of D1 and D2 and every other ARPG I can think of. I'm sure you are all familiar with how most maps are static save for the placement of landmarks/objectives. E.g. when you are finding Kulle's blood it's always in a large desert shaped like a ring with inaccessible terrain in the middle, and his lair is always in the northwest part of the desert. If you name any other outdoor map in the game (and even some indoor ones) chances are it's the same overall layout. And even objectives aren't random a lot of the time, e.g. act 3 signal fires, catapults, trebuchet always being in the middle of the map, etc. Even maps that are somewhat randomly generated (most indoor maps) often have objectives in the same relative positions, e.g. Butcher's room is always northeast, the Breach is always northwest, etc.
Travis Day, game designer, even commented on this almost exactly a year ago http://us.battle.net/d3/en/forum/topic/8518301745#3, claiming they were "actively investigating" how to make more random experiences, and that running parts of act 3 is "less random than what [they] would like the experience to be."
So has the patch done anything to make the experience more random than before? I don't see that it has. That was one of the issues with the game for me.
Random is the main point of Reaper of Souls... The rifts in Adventure Mode (the main thing you will be doing, is completely random)
The layout
The weather
The lighting (some are FREAKING DARK, or maybe foggy and not much visibility)
The monsters (goblins can even roll as a random enemy type, including cows from cow level)
The combination of monsters also (obviously)
The Boss at the end (can be any boss from the game or something completely unique and no where else)
This goes along with layout, but the tileset is completely random. One floor of the dungeon might look Act 1 and the next one will the tilset of a rare spawn dungeon of act 5.
Basically, rifts takes every single thing from the game and throws it together randomly.
The monsters (goblins can even roll as a random enemy type, including cows from cow level)
so are they not going to do anything to acts 1-4? i get adventure mode, but what about just plain going through the story?
What a beautiful thread title.
vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm
Is it worth it to grind all the classes to 60 before the exp bonus goes away, which I'm assuming is hen RoS comes out?
so are they not going to do anything to acts 1-4? i get adventure mode, but what about just plain going through the story?
Ah, the Blessed Hammer. One of the best sounds ever in human history.
It only take ~7 hours solo or much, much less if you have a 60 to rush you, so I'd say go for it if you have extra characters.
They have changed up how most of the boss fights work. But as far as the rest of the acts go they're largely unchanged.
Um, you beat story mode to unlock adventure mode now. This is not Diablo 2 where you play through story 100x anymore.
Is there a recommended zone and/or setting to grind each other? Not too familiar with how the game works now after all the changes. Thanks in advance.
Granadier said:For anyone looking to level up some extra characters while the exp bonus is active.
Fastest way I found is to load your low level up with exp boosting gear, (hellfire ring, ruby in helm, any other exp boosts), and then have a geared 60 run you through Torment 6.
Lowbie creates T6 game at act 1 beginning, (graveyard a1 runs work even better).
60 geared joins lowbie's game and runs a train on all the enemies. (they will be scaled off game creator, so they will be lowbie T6 mobs)
Lowbie sits back and gets blinded by leveling flashes
Here is the new Uber Diablo fight.I really think there was a missed opportunity to update Diablo. As it is he's supposed to be the pinnacle of the game (at least until RoS) and frankly he's as boring as ever. At least your clones can use their new level 61 abilities. There's always room for them to do more though. So, if you count your clones using class abilities that would be four changed bosses.
It's pretty disappointing if the stale act 1-4 maps are unchanged but if it's true that we're going to be playing adventure mode most of the time, then I guess it's acceptable.
Hell yeah and if you're playing hammer crusader, you're doing it wrong. Yeah that's right I said it!
Hell yeah and if you're playing hammer crusader, you're doing it wrong. Yeah that's right I said it!
What a beautiful thread title.
vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm vvvhhmmm
I think they said that Act 5 will have more randomization but it seems like it's hard for them to randomize areas in Act 1-4. I wouldn't expect it of course... they clearly want you to be running Adventure Mode and Rifts.so are they not going to do anything to acts 1-4? i get adventure mode, but what about just plain going through the story?