Man, some of those RoS competition submissions are pretty fucking awesome. My favourite:
Circle of Reaper
This one o_0
Man, some of those RoS competition submissions are pretty fucking awesome. My favourite:
Circle of Reaper
Zerg wings look cool on my barb and Tyrael Wings look very cool on my monk. Got them both. All the Blizzard C.E will be mine!
Can someone provide a cool wizard build if possible?
I don't care for crusaders or new acts. I just want mah wings. :-/
Why does everybody care about wings? What's the big deal?
Not doable right now, but eagerly awaiting the daywhen I can pull off the multielemental master build in all its glory. Just need perfect rolled 4 piece Tal Rasha's (all except source), the community created Mephisto themed Shard of Hate, and Triumvirate. Getting 6 perfect drops at 70 with no trading seems easy...probably 5 years from now
Sarcasm aside, not actually sure what I'd use for the build itself. Probably something like this:!RieY!YcZcaZ
Elemental exposure is practically built for this purpose. Pretty glass cannon esque build. Pull mobs into a black hole to proc arcane, then drop a hydra on them for fire, and spam frozen orbs for frost. Electrocute as needed for ap and the electric proc. Pity we can't do poison dmg to proc that shard ability.
They look cool
They look cool.
Hm yes but i want a good wizard build at the moment for level 60![]()
I don't care for crusaders or new acts. I just want mah wings. :-/
At the gym, working out my mouse hand for RoS!
What do you guys/girls do after max?
Hearthstone packs seem to have gone out.
Okay so I went to pre-purchase RoS, and I clicked the $39.99 for Paypal. But it brought me to some error page after that was done. So, thinking it obviously didnt go through, I went and tried again, same deal. I go into my email and now I have two separate payment authorization emails for the $39.99 RoS...
What should I do? Dispute? Or will this cancel itself out or something (how can I even have two of the same game on my account anyways)
Submit a ticketOkay so I went to pre-purchase RoS, and I clicked the $39.99 for Paypal. But it brought me to some error page after that was done. So, thinking it obviously didnt go through, I went and tried again, same deal. I go into my email and now I have two separate payment authorization emails for the $39.99 RoS...
What should I do? Dispute? Or will this cancel itself out or something (how can I even have two of the same game on my account anyways)
Opened it and no legendaries. GG
Servers for Aussies/NZers confirmed. Means we can finally play hardcore.
I submitted a ticket through the site when I ended up with a double charge and had it taken care of no problem.Submit a ticket
Act 2 certainly *feels* the longest. My most hated Act in any fucking game ever.Pretty sure act 1 is the longest.
Could definitely use some kind of flamboyant feather hat, but that does sound fun.Mmmm Black Feather with The Ravens Wing. Invisible ink everything else... hawt.
*lubs her Hollywood-style demon hunter*
Okay so I went to pre-purchase RoS, and I clicked the $39.99 for Paypal. But it brought me to some error page after that was done. So, thinking it obviously didnt go through, I went and tried again, same deal. I go into my email and now I have two separate payment authorization emails for the $39.99 RoS...
What should I do? Dispute? Or will this cancel itself out or something (how can I even have two of the same game on my account anyways)
No, I will not let the early days of Diablo 3 Inferno Act 2 go. Motherfuckers.
Never played Hearthstone or a game like it but I'm downloading it now. Might as well try it at least once with my free cards.
Never played Hearthstone or a game like it but I'm downloading it now. Might as well try it at least once with my free cards.
oh blizzardpreorder using credit card. get error please reload page. saw post here about double charge so I stopped and didn't submit my order again and went to my bank and see the charge for RoS. good thing I didn't order again
Win three games and you'll get a free mount for WoW as wellif you're into those kinds of things.
So for Crusader purposes is it better to make a Hellfire ring of Vitality or Strength?
Well, vitality is for extra life and strength is for your DPS, obviously. So do you want more life or more DPS? Depends on your build/gear, I guess.
From the sounds of it Crusaders seem hardy enough already so I'll probably go Strength, presumably the XP bonus doesnt stack? (Not sure if I could face farming another set of organs anyhow)
I think Act 1 is the longest.It's certainly the one that slogs the most.
I think Act 1 is the longest.
You know, having played the whole campaign again twice, I think the second half of Act II - once you get past the desert - is pretty good. It's just that the first half is dreadfully slow.